Configuring an FTP Server with User Isolation on Windows ...

what is the root directory for anonymous ftp users

what is the root directory for anonymous ftp users - win

the 'big picture' of hacking NT?

After avoiding the windows machines for too long I've started working on what appears to be one of the easier OSCP windows lab machines. Getting user-shell was trivially easy via an asp payload delivered via unrestricted FTP service. w00t. I know at this point I can surely google or searchsploit for a payload that will probably get me root but I want to understand how security works in the NT family of windows more deeply before I go full script kiddie and blindly run whatever the internets tell me will work. Posting here to check in with people smarter than I am re: NT to see if I'm on the right track.
here is a node from my cherrytree notebook describing what I understand thus far as to the basics of how security tokens work for the NT family along with some notes about the target:
• ACCESS TOKEN * an access token is an object encapsulating the security identity of a process or thread. A token is used to make security decisions and to store tamper-proof information about some system entity.
* [types] * [primary tokens] * can only be associated to processes and they represent a process' security subject. the creation of primary tokens and their association to process are both privileged operations requiring two different privileges in the name of ‘privilege separation’ * [impersonation token] * impersonation is a security concept implemented in WindowsNT that allows a server application to temporarily ‘be’ the client in terms of access to secure objects. impersonation has four possible levels: * anonymous * identification * impersonation * delegation
• [tokens on TARGET] * SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege * replace a process level token
* SeChangeNotifyPrivilege * bypass traverse checking. enabled by default for all users. ex-> you have access rights to a resource located in a sub directory that has a parent directory you don't have access to
* SeIncreaseQuotePrivilege * allows the bearer to adjust the memory quotas for a process
* SeShutdownPrivilege * allows the bearer to force shutdown from the system
* SeUndockPrivilege * allows bearer to remove computer from docking station

The target is an XP machine so some of the newer security stuff isn't there. As you can see from the access tokens I presently have - I can't do much besides poke around at present.
It seems as though things work a bit differently in NT-landia than they do in 'nix-ville re: what to look for to elevate my level of access to administrator level. does anyone have any particularly good resources on the 'why' how NT security works, what the common things to look for are, and why those work? For example, in the 'putting it all together' section of the OSCP manual, there's a demonstration of how to elevate priv on an NT-family machine using the 'wmic' command to get a service list and to look for services with unquoted service-paths. While I can look for that because the book told me to - I definitely would *not* have thought to look for that if the manual hadn't mentioned it. What other kinds of things that are NT specific are things to look for?
Also - I'm pretty sure UAC didn't get introduced until a version of windows post winXP so setting that aside - is there anything else in terms of broad NT security concepts that I should know about beyond these tokens?
submitted by snerd80085 to oscp [link] [comments]

11-04 23:47 - 'DON'T USE THIS' (self.linux) by /u/CreeperTyE removed from /r/linux within 6-16min

This is for cyberpatriots, pls don't use this.
# CyberPatriot Ubuntu (Trusty Tahr) Script v0.3.5
# Root is required to run this script, but chmod should not be used on script or run as root.
# User running script must be in group 'sudo'.
# Not everything is covered in this script. Please make sure to review checklist and the Securing Debian Manual.
# This script is only meant to be used for whichever team Keita Susuki is on.
# CHANGES: sed is now more often used to find and replace instead of append to config files
function main {
kernel_info=$(uname -a)
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Script version: v0.3.5"
echo "Current User: $display_info"
echo "Team: Binary Bros"
echo "Current Time: $time"
echo "Kernel info: $kernel_info"
echo "Now, what can I do for you today?"
echo "---------------------------------------------------------"
echo -en '\n'
read -p "Press ENTER to continue."
echo -en '\n'
read -r forensic_questions
if [[ $forensic_questions == "y" || $forensic_questions == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Good. Now let's start working."
elif [[ $forensic_questions == "n" || $forensic_questions == "N" ]]; then
echo "Finish the forensics questions and come back."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Before using apt, we need to check to see if sources.list hasn't been tampered with."
echo "Redirecting you to /etc/apt/sources.list in 5 seconds..."
sleep 5
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
echo "Securing /run/shm."
echo "r-- is dangerous, only on servers if there is no reason for /run/shm."
echo "Read only /run/shm can cause many programs to break. Be cautious."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Options:"
echo "Mount /run/shm r-- (read-only) [r]"
echo "Mount /run/shm rw- (read-write) [w]"
echo "Skip this method. [x]"
read -r shared_memory
if [[ $shared_memory == "r" || $shared_memory == "R" ]]; then
echo "none /run/shm tmpfs defaults,ro 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
echo "Done. Restart box after script has run its course."
elif [[ $shared_memory == "w" || $shared_memory == "w" ]]; then
echo "none /run/shm tmpfs rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
echo "Done. Restart box after script has run its course."
elif [[ $shared_memory == "x" || $shared_memory == "X" ]]; then
echo "Understood. Check UnsafeDefaults page on Ubuntu's website."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Next, we will check hosts file. Make sure nothing looks amiss (default config)."
echo "Redirecting you to hosts file in 5 seconds..."
sleep 5
sudo gedit /etc/hosts
echo -en '\n'
echo "See if nameserver is unfamiliar, if it is, change to google public ("
echo "Redirecting you in 3 seconds..."
sudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf
echo -en '\n'
echo "I will now install packages necessary for the security of the system."
echo -en '\n'
sudo apt-get -y -qq install rkhunter clamav clamtk gufw ufw libpam-cracklib vim nmap sysv-rc-conf bum unattended-upgrades logcheck lynis members auditd chkrootkit fail2ban
echo -en '\n'
echo "Configuring automatic upgrades.."
sudo dpkg-reconfigure --priority=low unattended-upgrades
echo "Would you like to manually use gufw or have the script automatically use ufw and close off ports?"
echo -en '\n'
echo "Options:"
echo "g: gufw"
echo "a: auto ufw"
echo "ga: ufw then manual gufw"
read -r firewall_config
if [[ $firewall_config == "g" || $firewall_config == "G" ]]; then
echo "Opening gufw in 5 seconds..."
sleep 5
sudo gufw
elif [[ $firewall_config == "a" || $firewall_config == "A" ]]; then
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw deny 23
sudo ufw deny 2049
sudo ufw deny 515
sudo ufw deny 111
sudo ufw deny 9051
sudo ufw deny 31337
sudo ufw status
echo "Automatic configuration of firewall completed. I recommend that you look over this again."
sleep 10
elif [[ $firewall_config == "ga" || $firewall_config == "GA" ]]; then
sudo ufw enable
sudo ufw deny 23
sudo ufw deny 2049
sudo ufw deny 515
sudo ufw deny 111
sudo ufw deny 9051
sudo ufw deny 31337
sudo gufw
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Running nmap on to display open ports..." # nmap isn't considered a "hacking tool"
echo "Would you also like to save output to nmap_output.txt [y/n]?"
echo -en '\n'
read -r nmap_input
if [[ $nmap_input == "y" || $nmap_input == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Sending output to nmap_output.txt.."
touch nmap_output.txt
echo "Running nmap on localhost again so you can see the output."
nmap -sV > nmap_output.txt
sleep 10
echo -en '\n'
elif [[ $nmap_input == "n" || $nmap_input == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood. Running nmap on localhost.."
nmap -sV
sleep 10
echo -en '\n'
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Now please disable unneeded processes keeping ports open."
sleep 5
sudo sysv-rc-conf # preferred tool for this
echo -en '\n'
echo "Please make sure there is nothing besides exit 0 and some comments."
sleep 5
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
echo -en '\n'
echo "Checking for sshd_config file"
if [ -f "$sshd" ]; then
echo "sshd is present on this system."
echo "Is sshd a critical service on this machine? [y/n]"
echo "note: selecting N will remove sshd from this system. Proceed with caution."
read -r sshd_critical
if [[ $sshd_critical == "y" || $sshd_critical == "Y" ]]; then
elif [[ $sshd_critical == "n" || $sshd_critical == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Would you like to restart sshd? [y/n]"
read -r sshd_restart_uinput
if [[ $sshd_restart_uinput == "Y" || $sshd_restart_uinput == "y" ]]; then # may take points and then give back
echo "Restarting sshd..."
sudo service sshd restart
elif [[ $sshd_restart_uinput == "n" || $sshd_restart_uinput == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood. Remember that changes will not happen until sshd is restarted."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Disabling guest user and turning off autologin. Editing /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"
echo "Checklist reference: GENERAL/8 Alpha, Bravo"
echo "Remember to restart lightdm or restart box later on."
echo "I will direct you there in 5 seconds."
sleep 5
sudo vim /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
echo -en '\n'
printf "Now, would you like for me to add some better settings for /etc/sysctl.conf? [y\n]"
read -r secure_sysctl
if [[ $secure_sysctl == "y" || $secure_sysctl == "Y" ]]; then
elif [[ $secure_sysctl == "n" || $secure_sysctl == "N" ]]; then
echo -en '\n'
echo "Understood, I recommend you do this manually however."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Error: bad input"
echo -en '\n'
echo "Lock the root account? [y/n]"
read -r disable_root
echo -en '\n'
if [[ $disable_root == "y" || $disable_root == "Y" ]]; then
sudo passwd -l root
echo "Root account locked."
elif [[ $disable_root == "n" || $disable_root == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, manually lock please."
echo "Bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Limit access to su to all users but the ones in group wheel? [y/n]"
echo -en '\n'
read -r lim_su
if [[ $lim_su == "y" || $lim_su == "Y" ]]; then
sudo chown [link]1 /bin/su sudo
chmod 04750 /bin/su
echo "Done."
elif [[ $lim_su == "n" || $lim_su == "N" ]]; then
echo "Remember to manually limit access to su! All it takes is a single uncomment..."
echo "Bad input."
if [[ -f "$apache_s" ]]; then
echo "Is apache2 supposed to be installed on this system? [y/n]"
echo "If you choose N then you will subsequently uninstall apache2. Be careful."
read -r apache2_que
if [[ $apache2_que == "y" || $apache2_que == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on to securing apache2."
elif [[ $apache2_que == "n" || $apache2_que == "N" ]]; then
echo "Uninstalling apache2..."
sudo service apache2 stop
sudo apt-get purge apache2
echo "Bad input."
echo "Apache2 is not installed, moving on."
if [[ -f "$vsftpd_s" ]]; then
echo "vsftpd configuration file detected."
echo "Is vsftpd a critical service on this machine? [y/n]"
echo "If you choose N then you will subsequently uninstall vsftpd. Be careful."
read -r vsftpd_choice
if [[ $vsftpd_choice == "y" || $vsftpd_choice == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on to securing vsftpd."
elif [[ $vsftpd_choice == "n" || $vsftpd_choice == "N" ]]; then
sudo service vsftpd stop
sudo apt-get purge vsftpd
echo "Bad input."
echo "vsftpd is not installed on this machine, moving on."
echo "Check apparmor? [y/n]"
read -r apparmor_check
if [[ $apparmor_check == "y" || $apparmor_check == "Y" ]]; then
elif [[ $apparmor_check == "n" || $apparmor_check == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Deny su to non admins? [y/n]"
echo -en '\n'
read -r deny_su
if [[ $deny_su == "y" || $deny_su == "Y" ]]; then
sudo dpkg-statoverride --update --add root sudo 4750 /bin/su
echo "Done."
elif [[ $deny_su == "n" || $deny_su == "N" ]]; then
sudo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Secure home directory? [y/n]"
echo "NOTE: potentially dangerous."
echo -en '\n'
read -r home_secure
if [[ $home_secure == "y" || $home_secure == "Y" ]]; then
echo "What is your username?"
echo "I need it so I can chmod 0700 your home directory."
read -r username_uinput
sudo chmod 0700 /home/"$username_uinput"
echo "Thanks!."
elif [[ $home_secure == "n" || $home_secure == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Prevent IP spoofing? [y/n]"
echo "(/etc/host.conf)"
read -r ip_spoof
echo -en '\n'
if [[ $ip_spoof == "y" || $ip_spoof == "Y" ]]; then
echo "order bind,hosts" | sudo tee -a /etc/host.conf
echo "nospoof on" | sudo tee -a /etc/host.conf
echo "IP spoofing disabled."
elif [[ $ip_spoof == "n" || $ip_spoof == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, skipping disabling ip spoofing."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Would you like to edit /etc/pam.d? [y/n]"
read -r pam_secure
if [[ $pam_secure == "y" || $pam_secure == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Use subroutine pam_secure? [y/n]"
read -r choose_pam_secure
if [[ $choose_pam_secure == "y" || $choose_pam_secure == "Y" ]]; then
elif [[ $choose_pam_secure == "n" || $choose_pam_secure == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Redirecting you to /etc/pam.d/common-password. Use checklist."
echo "Checklist reference: GENERAL/10 ALPHA"
echo -en '\n'
sleep 5
sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-password
echo -en '\n'
echo "Redirecting you to /etc/pam.d/common-auth. Use checklist."
echo "Checklist reference: GENERAL/10 BRAVO"
sleep 5
sudo vim /etc/pam.d/common-auth
echo -en '\n'
echo "Redirecting you to /etc/login.defs. Use checklist."
echo "Checklist reference: GENERAL/10 CHARLIE"
sleep 5
sudo vim /etc/login.defs
elif [[ $pam_secure == "n" || $pam_secure == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, will skip securing pam.d. Make sure to use the checklist and do so manually."
echo "Sorry, bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Would you like to delete media files? [y/n]"
echo "Warning: Feature untested due to obvious reasons."
echo -en '\n'
read -r media_input
if [[ $media_input == "y" || $media_input == "Y" ]]; then
sudo find / -name '*.mp3' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.mov' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.mp4' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.avi' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.mpg' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.mpeg' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.flac' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.m4a' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.flv' -type f -delete
sudo find / -name '*.ogg' -type f -delete
sudo find /home -name '*.gif' -type f -delete
sudo find /home -name '*.png' -type f -delete
sudo find /home -name '*.jpg' -type f -delete
sudo find /home -name '*.jpeg' -type f -delete
elif [[ $media_input == "n" || $media_input == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, manually search and destroy media files."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Would you like to install updates? [y/n]"
read -r update_input
if [[ $update_input == "y" || $update_input == "Y" ]]; then
sudo apt-get -qq -y update
sudo apt-get -qq -y upgrade
sudo apt-get -qq -y dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get -qq -y autoremove
elif [[ $update_input == "n" || $update_input == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo -en '\n'
echo "Error: bad input."
echo -en '\n'
sudo freshclam
echo "Run chkrootkit and rkhunter? [y/n]"
read -r rootkit_chk
if [[ $rootkit_chk == "y" || $rootkit_chk == "Y" ]]; then
touch rkhunter_output.txt
echo "Rkhunter output file created as rkhunter_output.txt."
touch chkrootkit_output.txt
echo "chkrootkit output file created as chkrootkit_output.txt."
sudo chkrootkit | tee chkrootkit_output.txt
sudo rkhunter -c | tee rkhunter_output.txt
elif [[ $rootkit_chk == "n" || $rootkit_chk == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
sudo clamscan -r /
echo -en '\n'
sleep 5
touch lynis_output.txt
echo "Lynis output file created as lynis_output.txt."
sudo lynis -c | tee lynis_output.txt
echo "Enable apparmor? [y/n]"
read -r apparmor_enabling
if [[ $apparmor_enabling == "y" || $apparmor_enabling == "Y" ]]; then
sudo perl -pi -e 's,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="(.*)"$,GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$1 apparmor=1 security=apparmor",' /etc/default/grub
sudo update-grub
elif [[ $apparmor_enabling == "n" || $apparmor_enabling == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, you should enable it however."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "The script has run it's course."
echo "Remember to manually check config files and finish any changes."
echo -en '\n'
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo "Current User: $display_info"
echo "Current Time: $time"
echo "Kernel info: $kernel_info"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------"
echo -en '\n'
read -p "Press ENTER to reboot the system."
sudo reboot
function apache2_secure {
sudo apt-get -y install libapache2-modsecurity
sudo apt-get -y install libapache2-modevasive
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ServerSignature .*/ServerSignature Off/g' /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ServerTokens .*/ServerTokens Off/g' /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/security.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?Options .*/Options None/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?AllowOverride .*/AllowOverride None/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?Require*/Require all granted/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?LimitRequestBody*/LimitRequestBody 204800/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
echo "" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
echo "Order deny, allow" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
echo "Deny from all" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
echo "Check if mod_security module is running..."
echo "
" | sudo tee -a /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?Timeout*/Timeout 15/g' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?LimitXMLRequestBody*/LimitXMLRequestBody 204800/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
sudo apachectl -M | grep --color security
echo "Is mod_security on? It should say security2_module somewhere."
read -r security_a2_on
if [[ $security_a2_on == "y" || $security_a2_on == "Y" ]]; then
echo "Good. I will move on."
elif [[ $security_a2_on == "n" || $security_a2_on == "N" ]]; then
sudo mv /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf-recommended /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?SecRuleEngine .*/SecRuleEngine On/g' /etc/modsecurity/modsecurity.conf
sudo service apache2 restart
echo "Error: bad input."
return 1
function pam_secure {
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PASS_MAX_DAYS .*/PASS_MAX_DAYS 90/g' /etc/login.defs
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PASS_MIN_DAYS .*/PASS_MIN_DAYS 7/g' /etc/login.defs
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PASS_WARN_AGE .*/PASS_WARN_AGE 7/g' /etc/login.defs
echo "Setup failed login attempts in /etc/pam.d/common-auth and add some config changes? [y/n]"
read -r fail_pamd_ca
if [[ $fail_pamd_ca == "y" || $fail_pamd_ca == "Y" ]]; then
echo "auth optional deny=5 unlock_time=900 onerr=fail audit even_deny_root_account silent" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/common-auth
sudo sed -i 's/^#? .*/password [success=1 default=ignore] obscure use_authtok try_first_pass sha512
remember=10 minlen=8 difok=5/g' /etc/pam.d/common-password
elif [[ $fail_pamd_ca == "n" || $fail_pamd_ca == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Create brutally paranoid configuration for /etc/pam.d/other? [y/n]"
read -r other_paranoid
if [[ $other_paranoid == "y" || $other_paranoid == "Y" ]]; then
echo "auth required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "auth required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "account required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "account required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "password required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "password required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "session required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
echo "session required" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/other
elif [[ $other_paranoid == "n" || $other_paranoid == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
return 1
function vsftpd_secure {
sudo sed -i 's/^anonymous_enable=.*/anonymous_enable=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
echo "Anonymous FTP login disabled."
sudo sed -i 's/^chroot_local_user=.*/chroot_local_user=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
echo "Local users restricted to their home directories."
echo "Create SSL/TLS certificate and private key for vsftpd server? [y/n]"
read -r ssl_vsftpd
if [[ $ssl_vsftpd == "y" || $ssl_vsftpd == "Y" ]]; then
sudo openssl req -x509 -days 365 -newkey [link]2 -nodes -keyout /etc/vsftpd.pem -out /etc/vsftpd.pem
echo "Created."
echo "Making config changes..."
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ssl_enable=.*/ssl_enable=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf #enable tls/ssl
echo "SSL enabled."
sudo sed -i 's/^#?allow_anon_ssl=.*/allow_anon_ssl=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?force_local_data_ssl=.*/force_local_data_ssl=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?force_local_logins_ssl=.*/force_local_logins_ssl=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ssl_tlsv1=.*/ssl_tlsv1=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ssl_sslv2=.*/ssl_sslv2=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ssl_sslv3=.*/ssl_sslv3=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?require_ssl_reuse=.*/require_ssl_reuse=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?ssl_ciphers=.*/ssl_ciphers=HIGH/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?rsa_cert_file=.*/rsa_cert_file=/etc/vsftpd.pem/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?rsa_private_key_file=.*/rsa_private_key_file=/etc/vsftpd.pem/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?pasv_max_port=.*/pasv_max_port=65535/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?pasv_min_port=.*/pasv_min_port=64000/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?local_max_rate=.*/local_max_rate=30000/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?idle_session_timeout=.*/idle_session_timeout=120/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?max_per_ip=.*/max_per_ip=15/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?xferlog_enable=.*/xferlog_enable=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?xferlog_std_format=.*/xferlog_std_format=NO/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?xferlog_file=.*/xferlog_file=/valog/vsftpd.log/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
echo "Log file set at /valog/vsftpd.log"
sudo sed -i 's/^#?log_ftp_protocol=.*/log_ftp_protocol=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/^#?debug_ssl=.*/debug_ssl=YES/g' /etc/vsftpd.conf
echo "Configuration changes complete. Check /etc/vsftpd.conf later to see if they have all been done."
echo -en '\n'
echo "[link]3 "
echo -en '\n'
echo "Adding firewall exceptions.."
sudo ufw allow 20
sudo ufw allow 21
sudo ufw allow 64000:65535/tcp
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 64000:65535 -j ACCEPT
elif [[ $ssl_vsftpd == "n" || $ssl_vsftpd == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood. However, this is recommended."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Restart vsftpd? [y/n]"
read -r vsftpd_restart
if [[ $vsftpd_restart == "y" || $vsftpd_restart == "Y" ]]; then
sudo service vsftpd restart
elif [[ $vsftpd_restart == "n" || $vsftpd_restart == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
return 1
function apparmor_fix {
if [ -f /ussbin/apparmor_status ]; then
echo "Apparmor already installed."
echo "Apparmor not installed, installing."
sudo apt-get install -y -qq apparmor apparmor-profiles apparmor-utils
echo "Apparmor will be enabled at the end of the script."
return 1
function sshd_secure_config {
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
return 1
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PermitEmptyPasswords .*/PermitEmptyPasswords no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?Port .*/Port 2223/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?X11Forwarding .*/X11Forwarding no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo ufw allow 2223
sudo sed -i 's/^#?Protocol .*/Protocol 2/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PrintLastLog .*/PrintLastLog no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?IgnoreRhosts .*/IgnoreRhosts yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?RhostsAuthentication .*/RhostsAuthentication no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?RSAAuthentication .*/RSAAuthentication yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?HostbasedAuthentication .*/HostbasedAuthentication no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?LoginGraceTime .*/LoginGraceTime 60/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?MaxStartups .*/MaxStartups 4/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "Automatic configuration complete."
sudo sed -i 's/^#?LogLevel .*/LogLevel VERBOSE/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "ClientAliveInterval 300" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "ClientAliveCountMax 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo sed -i 's/^#?StrictModes .*/StrictModes yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "Use iptables to try to prevent bruteforcing? [y/n]"
read -r iptable_ssh
if [[ $iptable_ssh == "y" || $iptable_ssh == "Y" ]]; then
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2223 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name ssh --rsource
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2223 -m state --state NEW -m recent ! --rcheck --seconds 60 --hitcount 4 --name ssh --rsource -j ACCEPT
echo "Done."
elif [[ $iptable_ssh == "n" || $iptable_ssh == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
echo "Use public/private keys for authentication instead of passwords? [y/n]"
read -r auth_private
if [[ $auth_private == "y" || $auth_private == "Y" ]]; then
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa
sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
restorecon -Rv ~/.ssh
sudo sed -i 's/^#?PasswordAuthentication .*/PasswordAuthentication no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
elif [[ $auth_private == "n" || $auth_private == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, moving on."
echo "Error: bad input."
return 1
function sysctl_secure_config {
echo "kernel.sysrq = 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_source_route = 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.accept_redirects = 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.log_martians = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo -en '\n'
echo "Disable IPv6? [y/n]"
echo -en '\n'
read -r ipv6_disable
if [[ $ipv6_disable == "y" || $ipv6_disable == "Y" ]]; then
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "IPv6 disabled."
elif [[ $ipv6_disable == "n" || $ipv6_disable == "N" ]]; then
echo "Understood, skipping disabling IPv6."
echo "Error: bad input."
return 1
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
echo "Please run this script as root. I promise I won't dd /dev/urandom into /dev/sda..."
Go1dfish undelete link
unreddit undelete link
Author: CreeperTyE
1: root:admin 2: rsa:2048 3: **/*e*u*e-ftp*s*rvi*e-v*ftp*-linux*ht*l
Unknown links are censored to prevent spreading illicit content.
submitted by removalbot to removalbot [link] [comments]

Part 2: Tools & Info for Sysadmins - Mega List of Tips, Tools, Books, Blogs & More

(continued from part 1)
Unlocker is a tool to help delete those irritating locked files that give you an error message like "cannot delete file" or "access is denied." It helps with killing processes, unloading DLLs, deleting index.dat files, as well as unlocking, deleting, renaming, and moving locked files—typically without requiring a reboot.
IIS Crypto's newest version adds advanced settings; registry backup; new, simpler templates; support for Windows Server 2019 and more. This tool lets you enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows and reorder SSL/TLS cipher suites from IIS, change advanced settings, implement best practices with a single click, create custom templates and test your website. Available in both command line and GUI versions.
RocketDock is an application launcher with a clean interface that lets you drag/drop shortcuts for easy access and minimize windows to the dock. Features running application indicators, multi-monitor support, alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons, auto-hide and popup on mouse over, positioning and layering options. Fully customizable, portable, and compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher and Y'z Dock skins. Works even on slower computers and is Unicode compliant. Suggested by lieutenantcigarette: "If you like the dock on MacOS but prefer to use Windows, RocketDock has you covered. A superb and highly customisable dock that you can add your favourites to for easy and elegant access."
Baby FTP Server offers only the basics, but with the power to serve as a foundation for a more-complex server. Features include multi-threading, a real-time server log, support for PASV and non-PASV mode, ability to set permissions for download/upload/rename/delete/create directory. Only allows anonymous connections. Our thanks to FatherPrax for suggesting this one.
Strace is a Linux diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tool with a traditional command-line interface. Uses the ptrace kernel feature to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the kernel, including system calls, signal deliveries and changes of process state.
exa is a small, fast replacement for ls with more features and better defaults. It uses colors to distinguish file types and metadata, and it recognizes symlinks, extended attributes and Git. All in one single binary. phils_lab describes it as "'ls' on steroids, written in Rust."
rsync is a faster file transfer program for Unix to bring remote files into sync. It sends just the differences in the files across the link, without requiring both sets of files to be present at one of the ends. Suggested by zorinlynx, who adds that "rsync is GODLY for moving data around efficiently. And if an rsync is interrupted, just run it again."
Matter Wiki is a simple WYSIWYG wiki that can help teams store and collaborate. Every article gets filed under a topic, transparently, so you can tell who made what changes to which document and when. Thanks to bciar-iwdc for the recommendation.
LockHunter is a file unlocking tool that enables you to delete files that are being blocked for unknown reasons. Can be useful for fighting malware and other programs that are causing trouble. Deletes files into the recycle bin so you can restore them if necessary. Chucky2401 finds it preferable to Unlocker, "since I am on Windows 7. There are no new updates since July 2017, but the last beta was in June of this year."
aria2 is a lightweight multi-source command-line download utility that supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. It can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces. Recommended by jftuga, who appreciates it as a "cross-platform command line downloader (similar to wget or curl), but with the -x option can run a segmented download of a single file to increase throughput."
Free Services
Temp-Mail allows you to receive email at a temporary address that self-destructs after a certain period of time. Outwit all the forums, Wi-Fi owners, websites and blogs that insist you register to use them. Petti-The-Yeti says, "I don't give any company my direct email anymore. If I want to trial something but they ask for an email signup, I just grab a temporary email from here, sign up with it, and wait for the trial link or license info to come through. Then, you just download the file and close the website."
Duck DNS will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice. DDNS is a handy way for you to refer to a serverouter with an easily rememberable name for situations when the server's ip address will likely change. Suggested by xgnarf, who finds it "so much better for the free tier of noip—no 30-day nag to keep your host up."
Joe Sandbox detects and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux and iOS for suspicious activities. It performs deep malware analysis and generates comprehensive and detailed reports. The Community Edition of Joe Sandbox Cloud allows you to run a maximum of 6 analyses per month, 3 per day on Windows, Linux and Android with limited analysis output. This one is from dangibbons94, who wanted to "share this cool service ... for malware analysis. I usually use Virus total for URL scanning, but this goes a lot more in depth. I just used basic analysis, which is free and enough for my needs."
Hybrid Analysis is a malware analysis service that detects and analyzes unknown threats for the community. This one was suggested by compupheonix, who adds that it "gets you super detailed reports... it's about the most fleshed out and detailed one I can find."
JustBeamIt is a file-transfer service that allows you to send files of any size via a peer-to-peer streaming model. Simply drag and drop your file and specify the recipient's email address. They will then receive a link that will trigger the download directly from your computer, so the file does not have to be uploaded to the service itself. The link is good for one download and expires after 10 minutes. Thanks to cooljacob204sfw for the recommendation!
ShieldsUP is a quick but powerful internet security checkup and information service. It was created by security researcher Steve Gibson to scan ports and let you know which ones have been opened through your firewalls or NAT routers.
Firefox Send is an encrypted file transfer service that allows you to share files up to 2.5GB from any browser or an Android app. Uses end-to-end encryption to keep data secure and offers security controls you can set. You can determine when your file link expires, the number of downloads, and whether to add a password. Your recipient receives a link to download the file, and they don’t need a Firefox account. This one comes from DePingus, who appreciates the focus on privacy. "They have E2E, expiring links, and a clear privacy policy."
Free DNS is a service where programmers share domain names with one another at no cost. Offers free hosting as well as dynamic DNS, static DNS, subdomain and domain hosting. They can host your domain's DNS as well as allowing you to register hostnames from domains they're hosting already. If you don't have a domain, you can sign up for a free account and create up to 5 subdomains off the domains others have contributed and point these hosts anywhere on the Internet. Thanks to 0x000000000000004C (yes, that's a username) for the suggestion!
ANY.RUN is an interactive malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of the majority of threats in any environment. It can provide a convenient in-depth analysis of new, unidentified malicious objects and help with the investigation of incidents. ImAshtonTurner appreciates it as "a great sandbox tool for viewing malware, etc."
Plik is a scalable, temporary file upload system similar to wetransfer that is written in golang. Thanks go to I_eat_Narwhals for this one!
Free My IP offers free, dynamic DNS. This service comes with no login, no ads, no newsletters, no links to click and no hassle. Kindly suggested by Jack of All Trades.
Mailinator provides free, temporary email inboxes on a receive-only, attachment-free system that requires no sign-up. All addresses are public, readable and discoverable by anyone at any time—but are automatically deleted after a few hours. Can be a nice option for times when you to give out an address that won't be accessible longterm. Recommended by nachomountain, who's been using it "for years."
Magic Wormhole is a service for sending files directly with no intermediate upload, no web interface and no login. When both parties are online you with the minimal software installed, the wormhole is invoked via command line identifying the file you want to send. The server then provides a speakable, one-time-use password that you give the recipient. When they enter that password in their wormhole console, key exchange occurs and the download begins directly between your computers. rjohnson99 explains, "Magic Wormhole is sort of like JustBeamIt but is open-source and is built on Python. I use it a lot on Linux servers."
EveryCloud's Free Phish is our own, new Phishing Simulator. Once you've filled in the form and logged in, you can choose from lots of email templates (many of which we've coped from what we see in our Email Security business) and landing pages. Run a one-off free phish, then see who clicked or submitted data so you can understand where your organization is vulnerable and act accordingly.
Hardening Guides
CIS Hardening Guides contain the system security benchmarks developed by a global community of cybersecurity experts. Over 140 configuration guidelines are provided to help safeguard systems against threats. Recommended by cyanghost109 "to get a start on looking at hardening your own systems."
Daily Tech News is Tom Merrit's show covering the latest tech issues with some of the top experts in the field. With the focus on daily tech news and analysis, it's a great way to stay current. Thanks to EmoPolarbear for drawing it to our attention.
This Week in Enterprise Tech is a podcast that features IT experts explaining the complicated details of cutting-edge enterprise technology. Join host Lou Maresca on this informative exploration of enterprise solutions, with new episodes recorded every Friday afternoon.
Security Weekly is a podcast where a "bunch of security nerds" get together and talk shop. Topics are greatly varied, and the atmosphere is relaxed and conversational. The show typically tops out at 2 hours, which is perfect for those with a long commute. If you’re fascinated by discussion of deep technical and security-related topics, this may be a nice addition to your podcast repertoire.
Grumpy Old Geeks—What Went Wrong on the Internet and Who's To Blame is a podcast about the internet, technology and geek culture—among other things. The hosts bring their grumpy brand of humor to the "state of the world as they see it" in these roughly hour-long weekly episodes. Recommended by mkaxsnyder, who enjoys it because, "They are a good team that talk about recent and relevant topics from an IT perspective."
The Social-Engineer Podcast is a monthly discussion among the hosts—a group of security experts from SEORG—and a diverse assortment of guests. Topics focus around human behavior and how it affects information security, with new episodes released on the second Monday of every month. Thanks to MrAshRhodes for the suggestion.
The CyberWire podcasts discuss what's happening in cyberspace, providing news and commentary from industry experts. This cyber security-focused news service delivers concise, accessible, and relevant content without the gossip, sensationalism, and the marketing buzz that often distract from the stories that really matter. Appreciation to supermicromainboard for the suggestion.
Malicious Life is a podcast that tells the fascinating—and often unknown—stories of the wildest hacks you can ever imagine. Host Ran Levi, a cybersecurity expert and author, talks with the people who were actually involved to reveal the history of each event in depth. Our appreciation goes to peraphon for the recommendation.
The Broadcast Storm is a podcast for Cisco networking professionals. BluePieceOfPaper suggests it "for people studying for their CCNA/NP. Kevin Wallace is a CCIE Collaboration so he knows his *ishk. Good format for learning too. Most podcasts are about 8-15 mins long and its 'usually' an exam topic. It will be something like "HSPR" but instead of just explaining it super boring like Ben Stein reading a powerpoint, he usually goes into a story about how (insert time in his career) HSPR would have been super useful..."
Software Engineering Radio is a podcast for developers who are looking for an educational resource with original content that isn't recycled from other venues. Consists of conversations on relevant topics with experts from the software engineering world, with new episodes released three to four times per month. a9JDvXLWHumjaC tells us this is "a solid podcast for devs."
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager is a comprehensive technical guide designed to help you optimize Microsoft's Configuration Manager 2012 according to your requirements and then to deploy and use it successfully. This methodical, step-by-step reference covers: the intentions behind the product and its role in the broader System Center product suite; planning, design, and implementation; and details on each of the most-important feature sets. Learn how to leverage the user-centric capabilities to provide anytime/anywhere services & software, while strengthening control and improving compliance.
Network Warrior: Everything You Need to Know That Wasn’t on the CCNA Exam is a practical guide to network infrastructure. Provides an in-depth view of routers and routing, switching (with Cisco Catalyst and Nexus switches as examples), SOHO VoIP and SOHO wireless access point design and configuration, introduction to IPv6 with configuration examples, telecom technologies in the data-networking world (including T1, DS3, frame relay, and MPLS), security, firewall theory and configuration, ACL and authentication, Quality of Service (QoS), with an emphasis on low-latency queuing (LLQ), IP address allocation, Network Time Protocol (NTP) and device failures.
Beginning the Linux Command Line is your ally in mastering Linux from the keyboard. It is intended for system administrators, software developers, and enthusiastic users who want a guide that will be useful for most distributions—i.e., all items have been checked against Ubuntu, Red Hat and SUSE. Addresses administering users and security and deploying firewalls. Updated to the latest versions of Linux to cover files and directories, including the Btrfs file system and its management and systemd boot procedure and firewall management with firewalld.
Modern Operating Systems, 4th Ed. is written for students taking intro courses on Operating Systems and for those who want an OS reference guide for work. The author, an OS researcher, includes both the latest materials on relevant operating systems as well as current research. The previous edition of Modern Operating Systems received the 2010 McGuffey Longevity Award that recognizes textbooks for excellence over time.
Time Management for System Administrators is a guide for organizing your approach to this challenging role in a way that improves your results. Bestselling author Thomas Limoncelli offers a collection of tips and techniques for navigating the competing goals and concurrent responsibilities that go along with working on large projects while also taking care of individual user's needs. The book focuses on strategies to help with daily tasks that will also allow you to handle the critical situations that inevitably require your attention. You'll learn how to manage interruptions, eliminate time wasters, keep an effective calendar, develop routines and prioritize, stay focused on the task at hand and document/automate to speed processes.
The Practice of System and Network Administration, 3rd Edition introduces beginners to advanced frameworks while serving as a guide to best practices in system administration that is helpful for even the most advanced experts. Organized into four major sections that build from the foundational elements of system administration through improved techniques for upgrades and change management to exploring assorted management topics. Covers the basics and then moves onto the advanced things that can be built on top of those basics to wield real power and execute difficult projects.
Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition is designed to teach you PowerShell in a month's worth of 1-hour lessons. This updated edition covers PowerShell features that run on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later, PowerShell v3 and later, and it includes v5 features like PowerShellGet. For PowerShell v3 and up, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools is a guide to the powerful Sysinternals tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues. Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis provide a deep understanding of Windows core concepts that aren’t well-documented elsewhere along with details on how to use Sysinternals tools to optimize any Windows system’s reliability, efficiency, performance and security. Includes an explanation of Sysinternals capabilities, details on each major tool, and examples of how the tools can be used to solve real-world cases involving error messages, hangs, sluggishness, malware infections and more.
DNS and BIND, 5th Ed. explains how to work with the Internet's distributed host information database—which is responsible for translating names into addresses, routing mail to its proper destination, and listing phone numbers according to the ENUM standard. Covers BIND 9.3.2 & 8.4.7, the what/how/why of DNS, name servers, MX records, subdividing domains (parenting), DNSSEC, TSIG, troubleshooting and more. PEPCK tells us this is "generally considered the DNS reference book (aside from the RFCs of course!)"
Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Ed. is a comprehensive guide to PowerShell. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this volume gives a great introduction to Powershell, including everyday use cases and detailed examples for more-advanced topics like performance and module architecture. Covers workflows and classes, writing modules and scripts, desired state configuration and programming APIs/pipelines.This edition has been updated for PowerShell v6.
Zero Trust Networks: Building Secure Systems in Untrusted Networks explains the principles behind zero trust architecture, along with what's needed to implement it. Covers the evolution of perimeter-based defenses and how they evolved into the current broken model, case studies of zero trust in production networks on both the client and server side, example configurations for open-source tools that are useful for building a zero trust network and how to migrate from a perimeter-based network to a zero trust network in production. Kindly recommended by jaginfosec.
Here are a couple handy Windows shortcuts:
Here's a shortcut for a 4-pane explorer in Windows without installing 3rd-party software:
(Keep the win key down for the arrows, and no pauses.) Appreciation goes to ZAFJB for this one.
Our recent tip for a shortcut to get a 4-pane explorer in Windows, triggered this suggestion from SevaraB: "You can do that for an even larger grid of Windows by right-clicking the clock in the taskbar, and clicking 'Show windows side by side' to arrange them neatly. Did this for 4 rows of 6 windows when I had to have a quick 'n' dirty "video wall" of windows monitoring servers at our branches." ZAFJB adds that it actually works when you right-click "anywhere on the taskbar, except application icons or start button."
This tip comes courtesy of shipsass: "When I need to use Windows Explorer but I don't want to take my hands off the keyboard, I press Windows-E to launch Explorer and then Ctrl-L to jump to the address line and type my path. The Ctrl-L trick also works with any web browser, and it's an efficient way of talking less-technical people through instructions when 'browse to [location]' stumps them."
Clear browser history/cookies by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE on most major browsers. Thanks go to synapticpanda, who adds that this "saves me so much time when troubleshooting web apps where I am playing with the cache and such."
To rename a file with F2, while still editing the name of that file: Hit TAB to tab into the renaming of the next file. Thanks to abeeftaco for this one!
Alt-D is a reliable alternative to Ctrl-L for jumping to the address line in a browser. Thanks for this one go to fencepost_ajm, who explains: "Ctrl-L comes from the browser side as a shortcut for Location, Alt-D from the Windows Explorer side for Directory."
Browser shortcut: When typing a URL that ends with dot com, Ctrl + Enter will place the ".com" and take you to the page. Thanks to wpierre for this one!
This tip comes from anynonus, as something that daily that saves a few clicks: "Running a program with ctrl + shift + enter from start menu will start it as administrator (alt + y will select YES to run as admin) ... my user account is local admin [so] I don't feel like that is unsafe"
Building on our PowerShell resources, we received the following suggestion from halbaradkenafin: is "a way to learn PowerShell using PowerShell (and Pester). It's really cool and a bunch of folks have high praise for it (including a few teams within MSFT)."
Keyboard shortcut: If you already have an application open, hold ctrl + shift and middle click on the application in your task bar to open another instance as admin. Thanks go to Polymira for this one.
Remote Server Tip: "Critical advice. When testing out network configuration changes, prior to restarting the networking service or rebooting, always create a cron job that will restore your original network configuration and then reboot/restart networking on the machine after 5 minutes. If your config worked, you have enough time to remove it. If it didn't, it will fix itself. This is a beautifully simple solution that I learned from my old mentor at my very first job. I've held on to it for a long time." Thanks go to FrigidNox for the tip!
Deployment Research is the website of Johan Arwidmark, MS MVP in System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management. It is dedicated to sharing information and guidance around System Center, OS deployment, migration and more. The author shares tips and tricks to help improve the quality of IT Pros’ daily work.
Next of Windows is a website on (mostly) Microsoft-related technology. It's the place where Kent Chen—a computer veteran with many years of field experience—and Jonathan Hu—a web/mobile app developer and self-described "cool geek"—share what they know, what they learn and what they find in the hope of helping others learn and benefit.
High Scalability brings together all the relevant information about building scalable websites in one place. Because building a website with confidence requires a body of knowledge that can be slow to develop, the site focuses on moving visitors along the learning curve at a faster pace.
Information Technology Research Library is a great resource for IT-related research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks. This library is provided at no charge by GullibleDetective tells us it offers "free PDF files from a WIIIIIIDE variety of topics, not even just IT. Only caveat: as its a vendor-supported publishing company, you will have to give them a bit of information such as name, email address and possibly a company name. You undoubtedly have the ability to create fake information on this, mind you. The articles range from Excel templates, learning python, powershell, nosql etc. to converged architecture."
SS64 is a web-based reference guide for syntax and examples of the most-common database and OS computing commands. Recommended by Petti-The-Yeti, who adds, "I use this site all the time to look up commands and find examples while I'm building CMD and PS1 scripts."
Phishing and Malware Reporting. This website helps you put a stop to scams by getting fraudulent pages blocked. Easily report phishing webpages so they can be added to blacklists in as little as 15 minutes of your report. "Player024 tells us, "I highly recommend anyone in the industry to bookmark this page...With an average of about 10 minutes of work, I'm usually able to take down the phishing pages we receive thanks to the links posted on that website."
A Slack Channel
Windows Admin Slack is a great drive-by resource for the Windows sysadmin. This team has 33 public channels in total that cover different areas of helpful content on Windows administration.
KC's Blog is the place where Microsoft MVP and web developer Kent Chen shares his IT insights and discoveries. The rather large library of posts offer helpful hints, how-tos, resources and news of interest to those in the Windows world.
The Windows Server Daily is the ever-current blog of technologist Katherine Moss, VP of open source & community engagement for StormlightTech. Offers brief daily posts on topics related to Windows server, Windows 10 and Administration.
An Infosec Slideshow
This security training slideshow was created for use during a quarterly infosec class. The content is offered generously by shalafi71, who adds, "Take this as a skeleton and flesh it out on your own. Take an hour or two and research the things I talk about. Tailor this to your own environment and users. Make it relevant to your people. Include corporate stories, include your audience, exclude yourself. This ain't about how smart you are at infosec, and I can't stress this enough, talk about how people can defend themselves. Give them things to look for and action they can take. No one gives a shit about your firewall rules."
Tech Tutorials
Tutorialspoint Library. This large collection of tech tutorials is a great resource for online learning. You'll find nearly 150 high-quality tutorials covering a wide array of languages and topics—from fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies. For example, this Powershell tutorial is designed for those with practical experience handling Windows-based Servers who want to learn how to install and use Windows Server 2012.
The Python Tutorial is a nice introduction to many of Python’s best features, enabling you to read and write Python modules and programs. It offers an understanding of the language's style and prepares you to learn more about the various Python library modules described in 'The Python Standard Library.' Kindly suggested by sharjeelsayed.
SysAdmin Humor
Day in the Life of a SysAdmin Episode 5: Lunch Break is an amusing look at a SysAdmin's attempt to take a brief lunch break. We imagine many of you can relate!
Have a fantastic week and as usual, let me know any comments or suggestions.
submitted by crispyducks to sysadmin [link] [comments]

Squid proxy - a short guide (forward & transparent proxy examples, SSL bumping, links to guides)

Hi reddit! I wrote this short guide for our private company wiki, thought it might be useful to share my experience with Squid. It's pretty concise but with several good links to other guides. Enjoy!


Squid is a very powerful proxy server app with very little and awful documentation.
Some steps to get started:
See more links at the end of this guide!


Just install through your package manager. Check your version e.g. 3.5, 4. Enable with systemctl enable --now squid. Check if it crashed with systemctl status squid since it won't display any info in the command line. Check logs in /valog/squid - they only show up once squid has started.
Your magic command will be squid -k reconfigure which reloads the config file after any changes.

Setting up

The key is getting the config file /etc/squid/squid.conf right. It's like black magic with very little feedback.
The config file consists of directives. They do 3 things:
  1. Who and how can access the proxy, and what they can access:
  1. How the proxy can be reached and what it actually does to incoming requests:
  1. Misc I/O, caching & debugging stuff:

Modes of use


Example 1: simple forward proxy for web crawlers

acl SSL_ports port 443 # Ports where clients can connect to. acl Safe_ports port 80 # http acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp acl Safe_ports port 443 # https acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http acl CONNECT method CONNECT # if connection is not to any of this port, Sqiud rejects. otherwise check the next rule. http_access deny !Safe_ports # Squid cache manager app http_access allow localhost manager http_access deny manager # localhost is allowed. if source is not localhost, squid checks the next rule http_access allow localhost # only allow these destination domains (1 domain per line) acl allowed_domains dstdomain "/etc/squid/domain_whitelist.txt" # deny picures, videos etc. to save bandwidth acl notallowed_resources urlpath_regex -i \.(avi|mp4|mov|m4v|mkv|flv|css|jpg|png|gif|eps)(\?.*)?$ # only some IPs can use the proxy acl allowed_clients src "/etc/squid/allowed_clients.txt" http_access deny notallowed_resources http_access allow allowed_clients allowed_domains # IMPORTANT LINE: deny anything that's not allowed above http_access deny all # listen on this port as a proxy http_port 3128 # memory settings cache_mem 512 MB coredump_dir /vaspool/squid3 refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0\ # refresh_pattern [-i] regex min percent max [options] # here, . means 'any link'. Cache for at least 0, at most 20160 minutes, ot 50% of its age since 'last-modified' header. refresh_pattern . 0 50% 20160 # delete x-forwarded-for header in requests (anonymize them) forwarded_for delete 

Example 2: intercepting proxy with SSL bumping

HTTPS requests are:
But they can be bumped: instead of creating a secure tunnel (like most proxies), the proxy may intercept the connections between client and server, creating 2 connections and forwarding data. The client will know about it, since the proxy's certificate authority (CA) will not be the same as the server's.
Bumping SSL (HTTPS):

Obtaining SSL key

Install openssl. Then:
mkdir -p /etc/squid/cert/ cd /etc/squid/cert/ # This puts the private key and the self-signed certificate in the same file openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout myCA.pem -out myCA.pem # This can be added to browsers openssl x509 -in myCA.pem -outform DER -out myCA.der 
Then assign the above files and folders to the squid user.

Initialize SSL database

With the below config, Squid will generate a new 'fake' self-signed certificate for each bumped SSL connection (that the clients will hate). These will be cached in a folder.
On Fedora 29, it can be done with:
sudo -u squid /uslib64/squid/security_file_certgen -c -s /vaspool/squid/ssl_db -M 4MB 
(This is the default directory. If you try to start Squid with SSL signing without initializing this folder, it will crash, and you can get some guidance with systemctl status squid)

Config file

acl localnet src # RFC 1122 "this" network (LAN) acl localnet src # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN) acl localnet src # RFC 6598 shared address space (CGN) acl localnet src # RFC 3927 link-local (directly plugged) machines acl localnet src # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN) acl localnet src # RFC 1918 local private network (LAN) acl localnet src fc00::/7 # RFC 4193 local private network range acl localnet src fe80::/10 # RFC 4291 link-local (directly plugged) machines acl SSL_ports port 443 acl SSL_ports port 22225 acl Safe_ports port 80 # http acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp acl Safe_ports port 443 # https acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http acl CONNECT method CONNECT sslproxy_cert_error allow all # Deny requests to certain unsafe ports http_access deny !Safe_ports # Deny CONNECT to other than secure SSL ports http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports # Only allow cachemgr access from localhost http_access allow localhost manager http_access deny manager # Adapt localnet in the ACL section to list your (internal) IP networks # from where browsing should be allowed http_access allow localnet http_access allow localhost # And finally deny all other access to this proxy http_access deny all # Squid normally listens to port 3128 # Needs at least 1 regular port to listen (otherwise Squid will crash -_-) http_port 3128 # Listen on this HTTP port, intercepting requests http_port 3129 intercept # intercept & bump SSL connections https_port 3130 intercept ssl-bump \ generate-host-certificates=on \ dynamic_cert_mem_cache_size=4MB \ cert=/etc/squid/cert/myCA.pem \ key=/etc/squid/cert/myCA.pem # SSL bump instructions # Define SSL connections steps acl step1 at_step SslBump1 acl step2 at_step SslBump2 acl step3 at_step SslBump3 #ssl_bump peek step1 # <- enabling this breaks it ssl_bump stare step2 ssl_bump bump step3 # Uncommenting this may also break bumping. #ssl_bump bump all # Usually you don't need to set these, but in case you want to tweak defaults: #sslcrtd_program /uslib64/squid/security_file_certgen \ # -s /vacache/ssl_db/db \ # -M 4MB #sslcrtd_children 8 startup=1 idle=1 # Uncomment and adjust the following to add a disk cache directory. cache_dir ufs /vaspool/squid 100 16 256 # Leave coredumps in the first cache dir coredump_dir /vaspool/squid refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080 refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440 refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0 refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320 # Logging with our own logformat logformat agix %>a %>A %ul %ru %>Hs access_log /valog/squid/access.log.simple agix # Remove forwarded-for header forwarded_for delete 

Fix clients

Clients hate self-signed certs for good reasons.
  1. Read the PEM file and add the Buffer to the ca option.
  2. Set rejectUnauthorized to false - this is unsafe, allows man-in-the-middle attacks.
  3. If using the request library, set strictSSL to false.

Divert traffic to the transparent proxy with iptables

From other computers, we use the PREROUTING chain, specifying the source with -s:
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3129 iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-port 3130 
On localhost this is a tougher issue since we want to avoid forwarding loops (packet is diverted to Squid but it should be sent to the Internet when Squid done its thing). Fortunately iptables can differentiate between packet owner users. We need to use the OUTPUT chain for locally-generated packets. So we allow packets by root and squid through and divert everything else to Squid.
iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner root -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m owner --uid-owner squid -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3129 iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m owner --uid-owner root -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -m owner --uid-owner squid -j RETURN iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 3130 


In the config, set debug_options. E.g. some general debug logs and detailed ACL info:
debug_options ALL,2 28,9 


Here are lots of good links:


Because requested, I'm providing this guide under the CC-BY-SA license. You can add it to your own company knowledge base or upload it anywhere, just make sure to link back here and if you add more stuff, let me know of the link (or allow me to extend this post with your additions) so that every future reader can profit from it.
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Tools & Info for MSPs #2 - Mega List of Tips, Tools, Books, Blogs & More

(continued from part #1)
Unlocker is a tool to help delete those irritating locked files that give you an error message like "cannot delete file" or "access is denied." It helps with killing processes, unloading DLLs, deleting index.dat files, as well as unlocking, deleting, renaming, and moving locked files—typically without requiring a reboot.
IIS Crypto's newest version adds advanced settings; registry backup; new, simpler templates; support for Windows Server 2019 and more. This tool lets you enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows and reorder SSL/TLS cipher suites from IIS, change advanced settings, implement best practices with a single click, create custom templates and test your website. Available in both command line and GUI versions.
RocketDock is an application launcher with a clean interface that lets you drag/drop shortcuts for easy access and minimize windows to the dock. Features running application indicators, multi-monitor support, alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons, auto-hide and popup on mouse over, positioning and layering options. Fully customizable, portable, and compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher and Y'z Dock skins. Works even on slower computers and is Unicode compliant. Suggested by lieutenantcigarette: "If you like the dock on MacOS but prefer to use Windows, RocketDock has you covered. A superb and highly customisable dock that you can add your favourites to for easy and elegant access."
Baby FTP Server offers only the basics, but with the power to serve as a foundation for a more-complex server. Features include multi-threading, a real-time server log, support for PASV and non-PASV mode, ability to set permissions for download/upload/rename/delete/create directory. Only allows anonymous connections. Our thanks to FatherPrax for suggesting this one.
Strace is a Linux diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tool with a traditional command-line interface. Uses the ptrace kernel feature to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the kernel, including system calls, signal deliveries and changes of process state.
exa is a small, fast replacement for ls with more features and better defaults. It uses colors to distinguish file types and metadata, and it recognizes symlinks, extended attributes and Git. All in one single binary. phils_lab describes it as "'ls' on steroids, written in Rust."
rsync is a faster file transfer program for Unix to bring remote files into sync. It sends just the differences in the files across the link, without requiring both sets of files to be present at one of the ends. Suggested by zorinlynx, who adds that "rsync is GODLY for moving data around efficiently. And if an rsync is interrupted, just run it again."
Matter Wiki is a simple WYSIWYG wiki that can help teams store and collaborate. Every article gets filed under a topic, transparently, so you can tell who made what changes to which document and when. Thanks to bciar-iwdc for the recommendation.
LockHunter is a file unlocking tool that enables you to delete files that are being blocked for unknown reasons. Can be useful for fighting malware and other programs that are causing trouble. Deletes files into the recycle bin so you can restore them if necessary. Chucky2401 finds it preferable to Unlocker, "since I am on Windows 7. There are no new updates since July 2017, but the last beta was in June of this year."
aria2 is a lightweight multi-source command-line download utility that supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. It can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces. Recommended by jftuga, who appreciates it as a "cross-platform command line downloader (similar to wget or curl), but with the -x option can run a segmented download of a single file to increase throughput."
Free Services
Temp-Mail allows you to receive email at a temporary address that self-destructs after a certain period of time. Outwit all the forums, Wi-Fi owners, websites and blogs that insist you register to use them. Petti-The-Yeti says, "I don't give any company my direct email anymore. If I want to trial something but they ask for an email signup, I just grab a temporary email from here, sign up with it, and wait for the trial link or license info to come through. Then, you just download the file and close the website."
Duck DNS will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice. DDNS is a handy way for you to refer to a serverouter with an easily rememberable name for situations when the server's ip address will likely change. Suggested by xgnarf, who finds it "so much better for the free tier of noip—no 30-day nag to keep your host up."
Joe Sandbox detects and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux and iOS for suspicious activities. It performs deep malware analysis and generates comprehensive and detailed reports. The Community Edition of Joe Sandbox Cloud allows you to run a maximum of 6 analyses per month, 3 per day on Windows, Linux and Android with limited analysis output. This one is from dangibbons94, who wanted to "share this cool service ... for malware analysis. I usually use Virus total for URL scanning, but this goes a lot more in depth. I just used basic analysis, which is free and enough for my needs."
Hybrid Analysis is a malware analysis service that detects and analyzes unknown threats for the community. This one was suggested by compupheonix, who adds that it "gets you super detailed reports... it's about the most fleshed out and detailed one I can find."
JustBeamIt is a file-transfer service that allows you to send files of any size via a peer-to-peer streaming model. Simply drag and drop your file and specify the recipient's email address. They will then receive a link that will trigger the download directly from your computer, so the file does not have to be uploaded to the service itself. The link is good for one download and expires after 10 minutes. Thanks to cooljacob204sfw for the recommendation!
ShieldsUP is a quick but powerful internet security checkup and information service. It was created by security researcher Steve Gibson to scan ports and let you know which ones have been opened through your firewalls or NAT routers.
Firefox Send is an encrypted file transfer service that allows you to share files up to 2.5GB from any browser or an Android app. Uses end-to-end encryption to keep data secure and offers security controls you can set. You can determine when your file link expires, the number of downloads, and whether to add a password. Your recipient receives a link to download the file, and they don’t need a Firefox account. This one comes from DePingus, who appreciates the focus on privacy. "They have E2E, expiring links, and a clear privacy policy."
Free DNS is a service where programmers share domain names with one another at no cost. Offers free hosting as well as dynamic DNS, static DNS, subdomain and domain hosting. They can host your domain's DNS as well as allowing you to register hostnames from domains they're hosting already. If you don't have a domain, you can sign up for a free account and create up to 5 subdomains off the domains others have contributed and point these hosts anywhere on the Internet. Thanks to 0x000000000000004C (yes, that's a username) for the suggestion!
ANY.RUN is an interactive malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of the majority of threats in any environment. It can provide a convenient in-depth analysis of new, unidentified malicious objects and help with the investigation of incidents. ImAshtonTurner appreciates it as "a great sandbox tool for viewing malware, etc."
Plik is a scalable, temporary file upload system similar to wetransfer that is written in golang. Thanks go to I_eat_Narwhals for this one!
Free My IP offers free, dynamic DNS. This service comes with no login, no ads, no newsletters, no links to click and no hassle. Kindly suggested by Jack of All Trades.
Mailinator provides free, temporary email inboxes on a receive-only, attachment-free system that requires no sign-up. All addresses are public, readable and discoverable by anyone at any time—but are automatically deleted after a few hours. Can be a nice option for times when you to give out an address that won't be accessible longterm. Recommended by nachomountain, who's been using it "for years."
Magic Wormhole is a service for sending files directly with no intermediate upload, no web interface and no login. When both parties are online you with the minimal software installed, the wormhole is invoked via command line identifying the file you want to send. The server then provides a speakable, one-time-use password that you give the recipient. When they enter that password in their wormhole console, key exchange occurs and the download begins directly between your computers. rjohnson99 explains, "Magic Wormhole is sort of like JustBeamIt but is open-source and is built on Python. I use it a lot on Linux servers."
EveryCloud's Free Phish is our own, new Phishing Simulator. Once you've filled in the form and logged in, you can choose from lots of email templates (many of which we've coped from what we see in our Email Security business) and landing pages. Run a one-off free phish, then see who clicked or submitted data so you can understand where your organization is vulnerable and act accordingly.
Hardening Guides
CIS Hardening Guides contain the system security benchmarks developed by a global community of cybersecurity experts. Over 140 configuration guidelines are provided to help safeguard systems against threats. Recommended by cyanghost109 "to get a start on looking at hardening your own systems."
Daily Tech News is Tom Merrit's show covering the latest tech issues with some of the top experts in the field. With the focus on daily tech news and analysis, it's a great way to stay current. Thanks to EmoPolarbear for drawing it to our attention.
This Week in Enterprise Tech is a podcast that features IT experts explaining the complicated details of cutting-edge enterprise technology. Join host Lou Maresca on this informative exploration of enterprise solutions, with new episodes recorded every Friday afternoon.
Security Weekly is a podcast where a "bunch of security nerds" get together and talk shop. Topics are greatly varied, and the atmosphere is relaxed and conversational. The show typically tops out at 2 hours, which is perfect for those with a long commute. If you’re fascinated by discussion of deep technical and security-related topics, this may be a nice addition to your podcast repertoire.
Grumpy Old Geeks—What Went Wrong on the Internet and Who's To Blame is a podcast about the internet, technology and geek culture—among other things. The hosts bring their grumpy brand of humor to the "state of the world as they see it" in these roughly hour-long weekly episodes. Recommended by mkaxsnyder, who enjoys it because, "They are a good team that talk about recent and relevant topics from an IT perspective."
The Social-Engineer Podcast is a monthly discussion among the hosts—a group of security experts from SEORG—and a diverse assortment of guests. Topics focus around human behavior and how it affects information security, with new episodes released on the second Monday of every month. Thanks to MrAshRhodes for the suggestion.
The CyberWire podcasts discuss what's happening in cyberspace, providing news and commentary from industry experts. This cyber security-focused news service delivers concise, accessible, and relevant content without the gossip, sensationalism, and the marketing buzz that often distract from the stories that really matter. Appreciation to supermicromainboard for the suggestion.
Malicious Life is a podcast that tells the fascinating—and often unknown—stories of the wildest hacks you can ever imagine. Host Ran Levi, a cybersecurity expert and author, talks with the people who were actually involved to reveal the history of each event in depth. Our appreciation goes to peraphon for the recommendation.
The Broadcast Storm is a podcast for Cisco networking professionals. BluePieceOfPaper suggests it "for people studying for their CCNA/NP. Kevin Wallace is a CCIE Collaboration so he knows his *ishk. Good format for learning too. Most podcasts are about 8-15 mins long and its 'usually' an exam topic. It will be something like "HSPR" but instead of just explaining it super boring like Ben Stein reading a powerpoint, he usually goes into a story about how (insert time in his career) HSPR would have been super useful..."
Software Engineering Radio is a podcast for developers who are looking for an educational resource with original content that isn't recycled from other venues. Consists of conversations on relevant topics with experts from the software engineering world, with new episodes released three to four times per month. a9JDvXLWHumjaC tells us this is "a solid podcast for devs."
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager is a comprehensive technical guide designed to help you optimize Microsoft's Configuration Manager 2012 according to your requirements and then to deploy and use it successfully. This methodical, step-by-step reference covers: the intentions behind the product and its role in the broader System Center product suite; planning, design, and implementation; and details on each of the most-important feature sets. Learn how to leverage the user-centric capabilities to provide anytime/anywhere services & software, while strengthening control and improving compliance.
Network Warrior: Everything You Need to Know That Wasn’t on the CCNA Exam is a practical guide to network infrastructure. Provides an in-depth view of routers and routing, switching (with Cisco Catalyst and Nexus switches as examples), SOHO VoIP and SOHO wireless access point design and configuration, introduction to IPv6 with configuration examples, telecom technologies in the data-networking world (including T1, DS3, frame relay, and MPLS), security, firewall theory and configuration, ACL and authentication, Quality of Service (QoS), with an emphasis on low-latency queuing (LLQ), IP address allocation, Network Time Protocol (NTP) and device failures.
Beginning the Linux Command Line is your ally in mastering Linux from the keyboard. It is intended for system administrators, software developers, and enthusiastic users who want a guide that will be useful for most distributions—i.e., all items have been checked against Ubuntu, Red Hat and SUSE. Addresses administering users and security and deploying firewalls. Updated to the latest versions of Linux to cover files and directories, including the Btrfs file system and its management and systemd boot procedure and firewall management with firewalld.
Modern Operating Systems, 4th Ed. is written for students taking intro courses on Operating Systems and for those who want an OS reference guide for work. The author, an OS researcher, includes both the latest materials on relevant operating systems as well as current research. The previous edition of Modern Operating Systems received the 2010 McGuffey Longevity Award that recognizes textbooks for excellence over time.
Time Management for System Administrators is a guide for organizing your approach to this challenging role in a way that improves your results. Bestselling author Thomas Limoncelli offers a collection of tips and techniques for navigating the competing goals and concurrent responsibilities that go along with working on large projects while also taking care of individual user's needs. The book focuses on strategies to help with daily tasks that will also allow you to handle the critical situations that inevitably require your attention. You'll learn how to manage interruptions, eliminate time wasters, keep an effective calendar, develop routines and prioritize, stay focused on the task at hand and document/automate to speed processes.
The Practice of System and Network Administration, 3rd Edition introduces beginners to advanced frameworks while serving as a guide to best practices in system administration that is helpful for even the most advanced experts. Organized into four major sections that build from the foundational elements of system administration through improved techniques for upgrades and change management to exploring assorted management topics. Covers the basics and then moves onto the advanced things that can be built on top of those basics to wield real power and execute difficult projects.
Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition is designed to teach you PowerShell in a month's worth of 1-hour lessons. This updated edition covers PowerShell features that run on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later, PowerShell v3 and later, and it includes v5 features like PowerShellGet. For PowerShell v3 and up, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools is a guide to the powerful Sysinternals tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues. Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis provide a deep understanding of Windows core concepts that aren’t well-documented elsewhere along with details on how to use Sysinternals tools to optimize any Windows system’s reliability, efficiency, performance and security. Includes an explanation of Sysinternals capabilities, details on each major tool, and examples of how the tools can be used to solve real-world cases involving error messages, hangs, sluggishness, malware infections and more.
DNS and BIND, 5th Ed. explains how to work with the Internet's distributed host information database—which is responsible for translating names into addresses, routing mail to its proper destination, and listing phone numbers according to the ENUM standard. Covers BIND 9.3.2 & 8.4.7, the what/how/why of DNS, name servers, MX records, subdividing domains (parenting), DNSSEC, TSIG, troubleshooting and more. PEPCK tells us this is "generally considered the DNS reference book (aside from the RFCs of course!)"
Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Ed. is a comprehensive guide to PowerShell. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this volume gives a great introduction to Powershell, including everyday use cases and detailed examples for more-advanced topics like performance and module architecture. Covers workflows and classes, writing modules and scripts, desired state configuration and programming APIs/pipelines.This edition has been updated for PowerShell v6.
Zero Trust Networks: Building Secure Systems in Untrusted Networks explains the principles behind zero trust architecture, along with what's needed to implement it. Covers the evolution of perimeter-based defenses and how they evolved into the current broken model, case studies of zero trust in production networks on both the client and server side, example configurations for open-source tools that are useful for building a zero trust network and how to migrate from a perimeter-based network to a zero trust network in production. Kindly recommended by jaginfosec.
Here are a couple handy Windows shortcuts:
Here's a shortcut for a 4-pane explorer in Windows without installing 3rd-party software:
(Keep the win key down for the arrows, and no pauses.) Appreciation goes to ZAFJB for this one.
Our recent tip for a shortcut to get a 4-pane explorer in Windows, triggered this suggestion from SevaraB: "You can do that for an even larger grid of Windows by right-clicking the clock in the taskbar, and clicking 'Show windows side by side' to arrange them neatly. Did this for 4 rows of 6 windows when I had to have a quick 'n' dirty "video wall" of windows monitoring servers at our branches." ZAFJB adds that it actually works when you right-click "anywhere on the taskbar, except application icons or start button."
This tip comes courtesy of shipsass: "When I need to use Windows Explorer but I don't want to take my hands off the keyboard, I press Windows-E to launch Explorer and then Ctrl-L to jump to the address line and type my path. The Ctrl-L trick also works with any web browser, and it's an efficient way of talking less-technical people through instructions when 'browse to [location]' stumps them."
Clear browser history/cookies by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE on most major browsers. Thanks go to synapticpanda, who adds that this "saves me so much time when troubleshooting web apps where I am playing with the cache and such."
To rename a file with F2, while still editing the name of that file: Hit TAB to tab into the renaming of the next file. Thanks to abeeftaco for this one!
Alt-D is a reliable alternative to Ctrl-L for jumping to the address line in a browser. Thanks for this one go to fencepost_ajm, who explains: "Ctrl-L comes from the browser side as a shortcut for Location, Alt-D from the Windows Explorer side for Directory."
Browser shortcut: When typing a URL that ends with dot com, Ctrl + Enter will place the ".com" and take you to the page. Thanks to wpierre for this one!
This tip comes from anynonus, as something that daily that saves a few clicks: "Running a program with ctrl + shift + enter from start menu will start it as administrator (alt + y will select YES to run as admin) ... my user account is local admin [so] I don't feel like that is unsafe"
Building on our PowerShell resources, we received the following suggestion from halbaradkenafin: is "a way to learn PowerShell using PowerShell (and Pester). It's really cool and a bunch of folks have high praise for it (including a few teams within MSFT)."
Keyboard shortcut: If you already have an application open, hold ctrl + shift and middle click on the application in your task bar to open another instance as admin. Thanks go to Polymira for this one.
Remote Server Tip: "Critical advice. When testing out network configuration changes, prior to restarting the networking service or rebooting, always create a cron job that will restore your original network configuration and then reboot/restart networking on the machine after 5 minutes. If your config worked, you have enough time to remove it. If it didn't, it will fix itself. This is a beautifully simple solution that I learned from my old mentor at my very first job. I've held on to it for a long time." Thanks go to FrigidNox for the tip!
Deployment Research is the website of Johan Arwidmark, MS MVP in System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management. It is dedicated to sharing information and guidance around System Center, OS deployment, migration and more. The author shares tips and tricks to help improve the quality of IT Pros’ daily work.
Next of Windows is a website on (mostly) Microsoft-related technology. It's the place where Kent Chen—a computer veteran with many years of field experience—and Jonathan Hu—a web/mobile app developer and self-described "cool geek"—share what they know, what they learn and what they find in the hope of helping others learn and benefit.
High Scalability brings together all the relevant information about building scalable websites in one place. Because building a website with confidence requires a body of knowledge that can be slow to develop, the site focuses on moving visitors along the learning curve at a faster pace.
Information Technology Research Library is a great resource for IT-related research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks. This library is provided at no charge by GullibleDetective tells us it offers "free PDF files from a WIIIIIIDE variety of topics, not even just IT. Only caveat: as its a vendor-supported publishing company, you will have to give them a bit of information such as name, email address and possibly a company name. You undoubtedly have the ability to create fake information on this, mind you. The articles range from Excel templates, learning python, powershell, nosql etc. to converged architecture."
SS64 is a web-based reference guide for syntax and examples of the most-common database and OS computing commands. Recommended by Petti-The-Yeti, who adds, "I use this site all the time to look up commands and find examples while I'm building CMD and PS1 scripts."
Phishing and Malware Reporting. This website helps you put a stop to scams by getting fraudulent pages blocked. Easily report phishing webpages so they can be added to blacklists in as little as 15 minutes of your report. "Player024 tells us, "I highly recommend anyone in the industry to bookmark this page...With an average of about 10 minutes of work, I'm usually able to take down the phishing pages we receive thanks to the links posted on that website."
A Slack Channel
Windows Admin Slack is a great drive-by resource for the Windows sysadmin. This team has 33 public channels in total that cover different areas of helpful content on Windows administration.
KC's Blog is the place where Microsoft MVP and web developer Kent Chen shares his IT insights and discoveries. The rather large library of posts offer helpful hints, how-tos, resources and news of interest to those in the Windows world.
The Windows Server Daily is the ever-current blog of technologist Katherine Moss, VP of open source & community engagement for StormlightTech. Offers brief daily posts on topics related to Windows server, Windows 10 and Administration.
An Infosec Slideshow
This security training slideshow was created for use during a quarterly infosec class. The content is offered generously by shalafi71, who adds, "Take this as a skeleton and flesh it out on your own. Take an hour or two and research the things I talk about. Tailor this to your own environment and users. Make it relevant to your people. Include corporate stories, include your audience, exclude yourself. This ain't about how smart you are at infosec, and I can't stress this enough, talk about how people can defend themselves. Give them things to look for and action they can take. No one gives a shit about your firewall rules."
Tech Tutorials
Tutorialspoint Library. This large collection of tech tutorials is a great resource for online learning. You'll find nearly 150 high-quality tutorials covering a wide array of languages and topics—from fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies. For example, this Powershell tutorial is designed for those with practical experience handling Windows-based Servers who want to learn how to install and use Windows Server 2012.
The Python Tutorial is a nice introduction to many of Python’s best features, enabling you to read and write Python modules and programs. It offers an understanding of the language's style and prepares you to learn more about the various Python library modules described in 'The Python Standard Library.' Kindly suggested by sharjeelsayed.
SysAdmin Humor
Day in the Life of a SysAdmin Episode 5: Lunch Break is an amusing look at a SysAdmin's attempt to take a brief lunch break. We imagine many of you can relate!
Have a fantastic week and as usual, let me know any comments.
Graham | CEO | EveryCloud
Fyi - I've set up a subreddit /itprotuesday, where we feature / encourage posts of some additional tools, tips etc. throughout the week. Pop over and subscribe if you’re interested.
submitted by crispyducks to msp [link] [comments]

IT Pro Tuesday #64 (part 2) - Mega List of Tips, Tools, Books, Blogs & More

(continued from part 1)
Captura is a flexible tool for capturing your screen, audio, cursor, mouse clicks and keystrokes. Features include mixing audio recorded from microphone and speaker output, command-line interface, and configurable hotkeys. Thanks to jantari for the recommedation.
Unlocker is a tool to help delete those irritating locked files that give you an error message like "cannot delete file" or "access is denied." It helps with killing processes, unloading DLLs, deleting index.dat files, as well as unlocking, deleting, renaming, and moving locked files—typically without requiring a reboot.
IIS Crypto's newest version adds advanced settings; registry backup; new, simpler templates; support for Windows Server 2019 and more. This tool lets you enable or disable protocols, ciphers, hashes and key exchange algorithms on Windows and reorder SSL/TLS cipher suites from IIS, change advanced settings, implement best practices with a single click, create custom templates and test your website. Available in both command line and GUI versions.
RocketDock is an application launcher with a clean interface that lets you drag/drop shortcuts for easy access and minimize windows to the dock. Features running application indicators, multi-monitor support, alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons, auto-hide and popup on mouse over, positioning and layering options. Fully customizable, portable, and compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher and Y'z Dock skins. Works even on slower computers and is Unicode compliant. Suggested by lieutenantcigarette: "If you like the dock on MacOS but prefer to use Windows, RocketDock has you covered. A superb and highly customisable dock that you can add your favourites to for easy and elegant access."
Baby FTP Server offers only the basics, but with the power to serve as a foundation for a more-complex server. Features include multi-threading, a real-time server log, support for PASV and non-PASV mode, ability to set permissions for download/upload/rename/delete/create directory. Only allows anonymous connections. Our thanks to FatherPrax for suggesting this one.
Strace is a Linux diagnostic, debugging and instructional userspace tool with a traditional command-line interface. Uses the ptrace kernel feature to monitor and tamper with interactions between processes and the kernel, including system calls, signal deliveries and changes of process state.
exa is a small, fast replacement for ls with more features and better defaults. It uses colors to distinguish file types and metadata, and it recognizes symlinks, extended attributes and Git. All in one single binary. phils_lab describes it as "'ls' on steroids, written in Rust."
rsync is a faster file transfer program for Unix to bring remote files into sync. It sends just the differences in the files across the link, without requiring both sets of files to be present at one of the ends. Suggested by zorinlynx, who adds that "rsync is GODLY for moving data around efficiently. And if an rsync is interrupted, just run it again."
Matter Wiki is a simple WYSIWYG wiki that can help teams store and collaborate. Every article gets filed under a topic, transparently, so you can tell who made what changes to which document and when. Thanks to bciar-iwdc for the recommendation.
LockHunter is a file unlocking tool that enables you to delete files that are being blocked for unknown reasons. Can be useful for fighting malware and other programs that are causing trouble. Deletes files into the recycle bin so you can restore them if necessary. Chucky2401 finds it preferable to Unlocker, "since I am on Windows 7. There are no new updates since July 2017, but the last beta was in June of this year."
aria2 is a lightweight multi-source command-line download utility that supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink. It can be manipulated via built-in JSON-RPC and XML-RPC interfaces. Recommended by jftuga, who appreciates it as a "cross-platform command line downloader (similar to wget or curl), but with the -x option can run a segmented download of a single file to increase throughput."
Free Services
Temp-Mail allows you to receive email at a temporary address that self-destructs after a certain period of time. Outwit all the forums, Wi-Fi owners, websites and blogs that insist you register to use them. Petti-The-Yeti says, "I don't give any company my direct email anymore. If I want to trial something but they ask for an email signup, I just grab a temporary email from here, sign up with it, and wait for the trial link or license info to come through. Then, you just download the file and close the website."
Duck DNS will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice. DDNS is a handy way for you to refer to a serverouter with an easily rememberable name for situations when the server's ip address will likely change. Suggested by xgnarf, who finds it "so much better for the free tier of noip—no 30-day nag to keep your host up."
Joe Sandbox detects and analyzes potential malicious files and URLs on Windows, Android, Mac OS, Linux and iOS for suspicious activities. It performs deep malware analysis and generates comprehensive and detailed reports. The Community Edition of Joe Sandbox Cloud allows you to run a maximum of 6 analyses per month, 3 per day on Windows, Linux and Android with limited analysis output. This one is from dangibbons94, who wanted to "share this cool service ... for malware analysis. I usually use Virus total for URL scanning, but this goes a lot more in depth. I just used basic analysis, which is free and enough for my needs."
Hybrid Analysis is a malware analysis service that detects and analyzes unknown threats for the community. This one was suggested by compupheonix, who adds that it "gets you super detailed reports... it's about the most fleshed out and detailed one I can find."
JustBeamIt is a file-transfer service that allows you to send files of any size via a peer-to-peer streaming model. Simply drag and drop your file and specify the recipient's email address. They will then receive a link that will trigger the download directly from your computer, so the file does not have to be uploaded to the service itself. The link is good for one download and expires after 10 minutes. Thanks to cooljacob204sfw for the recommendation!
ShieldsUP is a quick but powerful internet security checkup and information service. It was created by security researcher Steve Gibson to scan ports and let you know which ones have been opened through your firewalls or NAT routers.
Firefox Send is an encrypted file transfer service that allows you to share files up to 2.5GB from any browser or an Android app. Uses end-to-end encryption to keep data secure and offers security controls you can set. You can determine when your file link expires, the number of downloads, and whether to add a password. Your recipient receives a link to download the file, and they don’t need a Firefox account. This one comes from DePingus, who appreciates the focus on privacy. "They have E2E, expiring links, and a clear privacy policy."
Free DNS is a service where programmers share domain names with one another at no cost. Offers free hosting as well as dynamic DNS, static DNS, subdomain and domain hosting. They can host your domain's DNS as well as allowing you to register hostnames from domains they're hosting already. If you don't have a domain, you can sign up for a free account and create up to 5 subdomains off the domains others have contributed and point these hosts anywhere on the Internet. Thanks to 0x000000000000004C (yes, that's a username) for the suggestion!
ANY.RUN is an interactive malware analysis service for dynamic and static research of the majority of threats in any environment. It can provide a convenient in-depth analysis of new, unidentified malicious objects and help with the investigation of incidents. ImAshtonTurner appreciates it as "a great sandbox tool for viewing malware, etc."
Plik is a scalable, temporary file upload system similar to wetransfer that is written in golang. Thanks go to I_eat_Narwhals for this one!
Free My IP offers free, dynamic DNS. This service comes with no login, no ads, no newsletters, no links to click and no hassle. Kindly suggested by Jack of All Trades.
Mailinator provides free, temporary email inboxes on a receive-only, attachment-free system that requires no sign-up. All addresses are public, readable and discoverable by anyone at any time—but are automatically deleted after a few hours. Can be a nice option for times when you to give out an address that won't be accessible longterm. Recommended by nachomountain, who's been using it "for years."
Magic Wormhole is a service for sending files directly with no intermediate upload, no web interface and no login. When both parties are online you with the minimal software installed, the wormhole is invoked via command line identifying the file you want to send. The server then provides a speakable, one-time-use password that you give the recipient. When they enter that password in their wormhole console, key exchange occurs and the download begins directly between your computers. rjohnson99 explains, "Magic Wormhole is sort of like JustBeamIt but is open-source and is built on Python. I use it a lot on Linux servers."
EveryCloud's Free Phish is our own, new Phishing Simulator. Once you've filled in the form and logged in, you can choose from lots of email templates (many of which we've coped from what we see in our Email Security business) and landing pages. Run a one-off free phish, then see who clicked or submitted data so you can understand where your organization is vulnerable and act accordingly.
Hardening Guides
CIS Hardening Guides contain the system security benchmarks developed by a global community of cybersecurity experts. Over 140 configuration guidelines are provided to help safeguard systems against threats. Recommended by cyanghost109 "to get a start on looking at hardening your own systems."
Daily Tech News is Tom Merrit's show covering the latest tech issues with some of the top experts in the field. With the focus on daily tech news and analysis, it's a great way to stay current. Thanks to EmoPolarbear for drawing it to our attention.
This Week in Enterprise Tech is a podcast that features IT experts explaining the complicated details of cutting-edge enterprise technology. Join host Lou Maresca on this informative exploration of enterprise solutions, with new episodes recorded every Friday afternoon.
Security Weekly is a podcast where a "bunch of security nerds" get together and talk shop. Topics are greatly varied, and the atmosphere is relaxed and conversational. The show typically tops out at 2 hours, which is perfect for those with a long commute. If you’re fascinated by discussion of deep technical and security-related topics, this may be a nice addition to your podcast repertoire.
Grumpy Old Geeks—What Went Wrong on the Internet and Who's To Blame is a podcast about the internet, technology and geek culture—among other things. The hosts bring their grumpy brand of humor to the "state of the world as they see it" in these roughly hour-long weekly episodes. Recommended by mkaxsnyder, who enjoys it because, "They are a good team that talk about recent and relevant topics from an IT perspective."
The Social-Engineer Podcast is a monthly discussion among the hosts—a group of security experts from SEORG—and a diverse assortment of guests. Topics focus around human behavior and how it affects information security, with new episodes released on the second Monday of every month. Thanks to MrAshRhodes for the suggestion.
The CyberWire podcasts discuss what's happening in cyberspace, providing news and commentary from industry experts. This cyber security-focused news service delivers concise, accessible, and relevant content without the gossip, sensationalism, and the marketing buzz that often distract from the stories that really matter. Appreciation to supermicromainboard for the suggestion.
Malicious Life is a podcast that tells the fascinating—and often unknown—stories of the wildest hacks you can ever imagine. Host Ran Levi, a cybersecurity expert and author, talks with the people who were actually involved to reveal the history of each event in depth. Our appreciation goes to peraphon for the recommendation.
The Broadcast Storm is a podcast for Cisco networking professionals. BluePieceOfPaper suggests it "for people studying for their CCNA/NP. Kevin Wallace is a CCIE Collaboration so he knows his *ishk. Good format for learning too. Most podcasts are about 8-15 mins long and its 'usually' an exam topic. It will be something like "HSPR" but instead of just explaining it super boring like Ben Stein reading a powerpoint, he usually goes into a story about how (insert time in his career) HSPR would have been super useful..."
Software Engineering Radio is a podcast for developers who are looking for an educational resource with original content that isn't recycled from other venues. Consists of conversations on relevant topics with experts from the software engineering world, with new episodes released three to four times per month. a9JDvXLWHumjaC tells us this is "a solid podcast for devs."
System Center 2012 Configuration Manager is a comprehensive technical guide designed to help you optimize Microsoft's Configuration Manager 2012 according to your requirements and then to deploy and use it successfully. This methodical, step-by-step reference covers: the intentions behind the product and its role in the broader System Center product suite; planning, design, and implementation; and details on each of the most-important feature sets. Learn how to leverage the user-centric capabilities to provide anytime/anywhere services & software, while strengthening control and improving compliance.
Network Warrior: Everything You Need to Know That Wasn’t on the CCNA Exam is a practical guide to network infrastructure. Provides an in-depth view of routers and routing, switching (with Cisco Catalyst and Nexus switches as examples), SOHO VoIP and SOHO wireless access point design and configuration, introduction to IPv6 with configuration examples, telecom technologies in the data-networking world (including T1, DS3, frame relay, and MPLS), security, firewall theory and configuration, ACL and authentication, Quality of Service (QoS), with an emphasis on low-latency queuing (LLQ), IP address allocation, Network Time Protocol (NTP) and device failures.
Beginning the Linux Command Line is your ally in mastering Linux from the keyboard. It is intended for system administrators, software developers, and enthusiastic users who want a guide that will be useful for most distributions—i.e., all items have been checked against Ubuntu, Red Hat and SUSE. Addresses administering users and security and deploying firewalls. Updated to the latest versions of Linux to cover files and directories, including the Btrfs file system and its management and systemd boot procedure and firewall management with firewalld.
Modern Operating Systems, 4th Ed. is written for students taking intro courses on Operating Systems and for those who want an OS reference guide for work. The author, an OS researcher, includes both the latest materials on relevant operating systems as well as current research. The previous edition of Modern Operating Systems received the 2010 McGuffey Longevity Award that recognizes textbooks for excellence over time.
Time Management for System Administrators is a guide for organizing your approach to this challenging role in a way that improves your results. Bestselling author Thomas Limoncelli offers a collection of tips and techniques for navigating the competing goals and concurrent responsibilities that go along with working on large projects while also taking care of individual user's needs. The book focuses on strategies to help with daily tasks that will also allow you to handle the critical situations that inevitably require your attention. You'll learn how to manage interruptions, eliminate time wasters, keep an effective calendar, develop routines and prioritize, stay focused on the task at hand and document/automate to speed processes.
The Practice of System and Network Administration, 3rd Edition introduces beginners to advanced frameworks while serving as a guide to best practices in system administration that is helpful for even the most advanced experts. Organized into four major sections that build from the foundational elements of system administration through improved techniques for upgrades and change management to exploring assorted management topics. Covers the basics and then moves onto the advanced things that can be built on top of those basics to wield real power and execute difficult projects.
Learn Windows PowerShell in a Month of Lunches, Third Edition is designed to teach you PowerShell in a month's worth of 1-hour lessons. This updated edition covers PowerShell features that run on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and later, PowerShell v3 and later, and it includes v5 features like PowerShellGet. For PowerShell v3 and up, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and later.
Troubleshooting with the Windows Sysinternals Tools is a guide to the powerful Sysinternals tools for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues. Sysinternals creator Mark Russinovich and Windows expert Aaron Margosis provide a deep understanding of Windows core concepts that aren’t well-documented elsewhere along with details on how to use Sysinternals tools to optimize any Windows system’s reliability, efficiency, performance and security. Includes an explanation of Sysinternals capabilities, details on each major tool, and examples of how the tools can be used to solve real-world cases involving error messages, hangs, sluggishness, malware infections and more.
DNS and BIND, 5th Ed. explains how to work with the Internet's distributed host information database—which is responsible for translating names into addresses, routing mail to its proper destination, and listing phone numbers according to the ENUM standard. Covers BIND 9.3.2 & 8.4.7, the what/how/why of DNS, name servers, MX records, subdividing domains (parenting), DNSSEC, TSIG, troubleshooting and more. PEPCK tells us this is "generally considered the DNS reference book (aside from the RFCs of course!)"
Windows PowerShell in Action, 3rd Ed. is a comprehensive guide to PowerShell. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this volume gives a great introduction to Powershell, including everyday use cases and detailed examples for more-advanced topics like performance and module architecture. Covers workflows and classes, writing modules and scripts, desired state configuration and programming APIs/pipelines.This edition has been updated for PowerShell v6.
Zero Trust Networks: Building Secure Systems in Untrusted Networks explains the principles behind zero trust architecture, along with what's needed to implement it. Covers the evolution of perimeter-based defenses and how they evolved into the current broken model, case studies of zero trust in production networks on both the client and server side, example configurations for open-source tools that are useful for building a zero trust network and how to migrate from a perimeter-based network to a zero trust network in production. Kindly recommended by jaginfosec.
Here are a couple handy Windows shortcuts:
Here's a shortcut for a 4-pane explorer in Windows without installing 3rd-party software:
(Keep the win key down for the arrows, and no pauses.) Appreciation goes to ZAFJB for this one.
Our recent tip for a shortcut to get a 4-pane explorer in Windows, triggered this suggestion from SevaraB: "You can do that for an even larger grid of Windows by right-clicking the clock in the taskbar, and clicking 'Show windows side by side' to arrange them neatly. Did this for 4 rows of 6 windows when I had to have a quick 'n' dirty "video wall" of windows monitoring servers at our branches." ZAFJB adds that it actually works when you right-click "anywhere on the taskbar, except application icons or start button."
This tip comes courtesy of shipsass: "When I need to use Windows Explorer but I don't want to take my hands off the keyboard, I press Windows-E to launch Explorer and then Ctrl-L to jump to the address line and type my path. The Ctrl-L trick also works with any web browser, and it's an efficient way of talking less-technical people through instructions when 'browse to [location]' stumps them."
Clear browser history/cookies by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-DELETE on most major browsers. Thanks go to synapticpanda, who adds that this "saves me so much time when troubleshooting web apps where I am playing with the cache and such."
To rename a file with F2, while still editing the name of that file: Hit TAB to tab into the renaming of the next file. Thanks to abeeftaco for this one!
Alt-D is a reliable alternative to Ctrl-L for jumping to the address line in a browser. Thanks for this one go to fencepost_ajm, who explains: "Ctrl-L comes from the browser side as a shortcut for Location, Alt-D from the Windows Explorer side for Directory."
Browser shortcut: When typing a URL that ends with dot com, Ctrl + Enter will place the ".com" and take you to the page. Thanks to wpierre for this one!
This tip comes from anynonus, as something that daily that saves a few clicks: "Running a program with ctrl + shift + enter from start menu will start it as administrator (alt + y will select YES to run as admin) ... my user account is local admin [so] I don't feel like that is unsafe"
Building on our PowerShell resources, we received the following suggestion from halbaradkenafin: is "a way to learn PowerShell using PowerShell (and Pester). It's really cool and a bunch of folks have high praise for it (including a few teams within MSFT)."
Keyboard shortcut: If you already have an application open, hold ctrl + shift and middle click on the application in your task bar to open another instance as admin. Thanks go to Polymira for this one.
Remote Server Tip: "Critical advice. When testing out network configuration changes, prior to restarting the networking service or rebooting, always create a cron job that will restore your original network configuration and then reboot/restart networking on the machine after 5 minutes. If your config worked, you have enough time to remove it. If it didn't, it will fix itself. This is a beautifully simple solution that I learned from my old mentor at my very first job. I've held on to it for a long time." Thanks go to FrigidNox for the tip!
Deployment Research is the website of Johan Arwidmark, MS MVP in System Center Cloud and Datacenter Management. It is dedicated to sharing information and guidance around System Center, OS deployment, migration and more. The author shares tips and tricks to help improve the quality of IT Pros’ daily work.
Next of Windows is a website on (mostly) Microsoft-related technology. It's the place where Kent Chen—a computer veteran with many years of field experience—and Jonathan Hu—a web/mobile app developer and self-described "cool geek"—share what they know, what they learn and what they find in the hope of helping others learn and benefit.
High Scalability brings together all the relevant information about building scalable websites in one place. Because building a website with confidence requires a body of knowledge that can be slow to develop, the site focuses on moving visitors along the learning curve at a faster pace.
Information Technology Research Library is a great resource for IT-related research, white papers, reports, case studies, magazines, and eBooks. This library is provided at no charge by GullibleDetective tells us it offers "free PDF files from a WIIIIIIDE variety of topics, not even just IT. Only caveat: as its a vendor-supported publishing company, you will have to give them a bit of information such as name, email address and possibly a company name. You undoubtedly have the ability to create fake information on this, mind you. The articles range from Excel templates, learning python, powershell, nosql etc. to converged architecture."
SS64 is a web-based reference guide for syntax and examples of the most-common database and OS computing commands. Recommended by Petti-The-Yeti, who adds, "I use this site all the time to look up commands and find examples while I'm building CMD and PS1 scripts."
Phishing and Malware Reporting. This website helps you put a stop to scams by getting fraudulent pages blocked. Easily report phishing webpages so they can be added to blacklists in as little as 15 minutes of your report. "Player024 tells us, "I highly recommend anyone in the industry to bookmark this page...With an average of about 10 minutes of work, I'm usually able to take down the phishing pages we receive thanks to the links posted on that website."
A Slack Channel
Windows Admin Slack is a great drive-by resource for the Windows sysadmin. This team has 33 public channels in total that cover different areas of helpful content on Windows administration.
KC's Blog is the place where Microsoft MVP and web developer Kent Chen shares his IT insights and discoveries. The rather large library of posts offer helpful hints, how-tos, resources and news of interest to those in the Windows world.
The Windows Server Daily is the ever-current blog of technologist Katherine Moss, VP of open source & community engagement for StormlightTech. Offers brief daily posts on topics related to Windows server, Windows 10 and Administration.
An Infosec Slideshow
This security training slideshow was created for use during a quarterly infosec class. The content is offered generously by shalafi71, who adds, "Take this as a skeleton and flesh it out on your own. Take an hour or two and research the things I talk about. Tailor this to your own environment and users. Make it relevant to your people. Include corporate stories, include your audience, exclude yourself. This ain't about how smart you are at infosec, and I can't stress this enough, talk about how people can defend themselves. Give them things to look for and action they can take. No one gives a shit about your firewall rules."
Tech Tutorials
Tutorialspoint Library. This large collection of tech tutorials is a great resource for online learning. You'll find nearly 150 high-quality tutorials covering a wide array of languages and topics—from fundamentals to cutting-edge technologies. For example, this Powershell tutorial is designed for those with practical experience handling Windows-based Servers who want to learn how to install and use Windows Server 2012.
The Python Tutorial is a nice introduction to many of Python’s best features, enabling you to read and write Python modules and programs. It offers an understanding of the language's style and prepares you to learn more about the various Python library modules described in 'The Python Standard Library.' Kindly suggested by sharjeelsayed.
SysAdmin Humor
Day in the Life of a SysAdmin Episode 5: Lunch Break is an amusing look at a SysAdmin's attempt to take a brief lunch break. We imagine many of you can relate!
Have a fantastic week and as usual, let me know any comments.
Graham | CEO | EveryCloud
submitted by crispyducks to ITProTuesday [link] [comments]

vsftpd remote user can't list files, directories, or get files.

I'm trying to get vsftpd going. I used these directions.
The following is true for either a user or anonymous.
ftp localhost
Trying ::1:21 ...
Connected to localhost.
220 Welcome message
Name (localhost:markg): anonymous
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer file
What I see in the journal: May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4087]: [ftp] OK LOGIN: Client "::1", anon password "blahblah"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "230 Login successful."
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "SYST"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "215 UNIX Type: L8"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "FEAT"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "211-Features:"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [43B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [43B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [50B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [43B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [43B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [43B blob data]
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "211 End"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "PWD"
May 27 18:05:20 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "257 "/" is the current directory"
I then enter the ls command. At the ftp prompt I see:
ftp> ls
500 Unknown command.
500 Unknown command.
ftp: Can't bind for data connection: Address already in use
At the journal I see:
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "EPSV"
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "550 Permission denied."
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "LPSV"
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "500 Unknown command."
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP command: Client "::1", "LPRT 6,16,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,134,139"
May 27 18:06:37 linux-1bxx vsftpd[4089]: [ftp] FTP response: Client "::1", "500 Unknown command."
I can change directories but I cannot get get a file.
The vsftpd.conf file reads:
ftpd_banner=Welcome message
If I do "sudo -u ftp ls /srv/ftp" I get a list of the files.
submitted by PubliusTheYounger to openSUSE [link] [comments]

A noobs introduction to PS3 CFW or: What I wanted to know when I came here

Hello there, this isn't supposed to be very comprehensive but rather a short overview of the outlines to guide along the wiki.
As a newcomer to this you should take a look at this:
For the first 2 entries you can see an odd point listed: "Hardware-based PS2 Backward Compatibility" that makes those models the most desireable for anyone trying to play PS2 games.
Other than this critera you should consider how much effort / price you want to pay. PS3 Fat models are the cheapest and easiest to work with and I do recommend buying those. The slim and super slim versions are not guaranteed to be able to install custom firmware to.
Please consider reading this:
If you followed my advice you have a cfw capable console. If not please refer to the wiki and skip this paragraph. Most of the time you will have a console at hand with fw version 4.82. To actually be able to install a cfw you will need to use a web exploit. Those are discernd by the type of flash storage your console uses. Please regard this site to find out which your PS uses:
Since you know what kind of console you have you need to get a custom firmware. Visit check the sidebar on the right and go for the "Recommended Custom Firmware:" if you're wondering about REX or D-REX recommended is REX.
Prepare an USB stick, format it to FAT32 and follow the steps here until step 3.
Please visit beforehand and transfer the file on "You will need to put this on your USB when you run the exploit. 4.82 ONLY!" to your usb stick.
Make sure to read this site of the wiki as it explains a few things I left out before you proceed. /
From this point on with your usb stick plugged in the rightmost slot you can navigate your ps3 webbrowser to . Please use the backup function and then use the NAND / NOR link according to what you determined your console is. Do not click the wrong link.
Your system will reboot and you can install the cfw directly from your settings menu. Be patient and don't fiddle with anything. Follow the instructions on screen.
After you installed the cfw successfuly visit
If you ever happen to want to switch your harddrive for any reasons be aware that there is a difference between normal update files and recovery files.
For a clean new hard drive you need to grab a recovery file otherwise the system restore will fail.
multiman as it's the nicest to view / launch games
irisman as it's the best to use for ntfs file transfer / package installation
I don't recommend webman, it seems to be an older generation
I recommend using an external drive formatted as NTFS for your backups. You can put pkg / iso files and Game Folders on the drive wherever you want.
Once you plugged the drive into the rightmost slot ( I never tested the left one actually ) you can open irisman. Navigate to the settings / tools / filemanager tab and you should see your drive as nfts drive.
It's styled like total commander, you want to copy your game folders ( select the folder and press triangle to open the menu ) to /dev_hdd0/GAMES/ ISO files should be put under /dev_hdd0/PS3ISO or PS2ISO accordingly
ISOs are generally just packed Game Folders, you can unpack them using 7zip and use them as Game Folders.
For package files select them and open the context menu ( triangle ) then select the last option to mount them, after that you can exit irisman and can install the package via Games-> package manager -> root directory
From my experience packages are the slowest option to install, direct copy with irisman is one of the fastest.
If you want to use an ftp you can open mmCM ( multiman ) or rebug Toolbox and there will be an ftp service running on port 21 with anonymous login ( I still have a directory listing error here so I can't provide further explanation )
As for ISOs and Game Folders you can launch those games using mmCM as they should appear within Games, after you select them you will find them in the main screen under Games as an emulated drive.
Packages will be found in the main screen under games directly.
As for where you get the backups of the games you bought, offers PSN downloads , be aware that you will need ( more info on reactPSN ) as well.
For PSN games there are rap files, you can store multiple rap files in an exdata folder of your thumbdrive, once in the rightmost slot the easiest method I found so far is to start psnpatch ( ) and press L1. You need those to be able to start the PSN games.
If you're using an external hdd you can format the first partition to fat32 and the second to ntfs. This way you don't have to switch to a thumbdrive if you need the /dev_usb000 device. It'd be nice if you could just mount a folder as /dev_usb000 from an ntfs drive but as far as I know that's not possible.
submitted by CrackCrackPop to ps3homebrew [link] [comments]

Linux server FTP setup question

Hey guys,
I'm trying to set up a CentOS 7 server with a few different FTP accounts. I've been using CentOS 6 for 3 years and have had it configured... sort-of.
From what I've found, vsftpd is "the" FTP server for Linux. I realize the name is a bit oxymoronic anymore since FTP is not "very secure" by any stretch of the imagination, but we're behind a firewall and this is only for IPs we've whitelisted.
So here's the kicker. Magento is super picky about the filesystem permissions of its files, and requires that everything be owned by the user:group that runs Apache, not just the same group.
So what I did was set Apache to run as the main non-root user, and then use that FTP login.
Except... that user's home folder is at /home/magento, and not the actual web directory. I want the home folder there for GUI usage, but not for FTP.
My solution up until about a year ago was to create a couple extra users (e.g. "images" and "consultant"), set their home folders to be the website and images home folder, and then open up /etc/passwd and change the usegroup IDs to match the magento user. The result was 3 separate logins, with 3 different home folders, that all had the same permissions.
All of that went out the window with a set of Linux security patches that specifically prevent you from doing that. I went on #centos and asked about it on IRC and got ridiculed for the concept and was told you should never ever do that under any situation and Linux keeps UIDs separate for a good reason.
Fine, whatever. But like I said, files written by consultant and images need to be owned by magento:magento. It's stupid, but that's how it is, and I can't do anything about Magento's crappy code implementation.
So I set up a cronjob that runs every minute, and chown's files from those two users to magento. But that's also a huge waste of CPU and disk I/O when it doesn't need to be.
So my question is... Can I set up a FTP server but either:
A. customize the chown/chmod attributes of those users to match the user I want
B. be completely independent of the Linux users and have their own users instead (much like how FileZilla Server works on Windows)
I know vsftpd lets you set the chown/chmod of anonymous FTP users, but that's not what I want. Using anonymous FTP is stupid, it's even less secure than normal FTP. I specifically disabled anonymous logins in its configuration. But all of my Google searches have not provided a method of chown/chmod setting OTHER users. The home directories of consultant and images are the correct paths (and literally the only reason I use "magento" and then cd .. cd .. and then cd into the right folder is for the permissions), but I need those files to be owned by magento.
I've heard there are other FTPd programs for Linux, but I don't think any of them are as "standard" as vsftpd. Anybody have any recommendations? Should I ditch vsftpd in favor of something else, or is there a trick for vsftpd I don't know about? Or am I truly best sticking to the every-minute cronjob?
submitted by drfsupercenter to sysadmin [link] [comments]

what is the root directory for anonymous ftp users video

The FTP account shouldn't own the anonymous FTP root directory. Doing this would enable the intruders to access the FTP server and modify the files in the root directory. You can secure the anonymous FTP server by allowing root to own the FTP root directory and its subdirectories. In addition, you should assign the write permission only to the root. I have installed the latest version of vsftpd on my system. I did enable anonymous login in /etc/vsftpd.conf: anonymous_enable=YES And I mapped the root directory to a folder of my choice, in this case: local_root=/var/ftp/ However, when I login anonymously I can't see any files that I placed in that directory. As we know by default vsftpd will configure the anonymous directory to /var/ftp/pub which is great to share files with users who can simply click on the links (w/o having to enter any usernames/passwords) and download the files: Create a user account with the root directory as the server root directory i.e. ‘/’. Or for better security, use the main directory of all sub-directories you would like to access, as the home directory. e.g. if you have ftp accounts for /var/www/html2 and /var/www/html3, then use /var/www as the home directory for the main ftp account. User name directory (disable global virtual directories) suggests that the ftp session of a user is isolated in a physical/virtual directory that has the same name as the ftp user. Users see only their own directory (it is their root ftp-directory) and cannot go beyond it (to the upper directory of the FTP tree). Sets the root directory for anonymous connections. By default, this is /var/ftp/. anon_root=/var/ftp The following configuration directives are optional and can be safely omitted. Limit the rate at which anonymous users can retrieve files. anon_max_rate=2048000 Enable logging information about user logins an file transfers. # For this to work, the option write_enable must be activated, # and the anonymous ftp user must have write permission on the parent directory. anon_mkdir_write_enable=YES # If set to YES ... After login in as anonymous, the ls command is successful executed but doesn't show any in my files contained in /var/www/ftp. I suppose that this is because the ftp root directory is not set properly. From here on, I'll call the root for an anonymous user “ftp” root or “~ftp/” and the `/' or `root directory' will be the root directory you know and love. First, we have to set up files in our root directory. Found it, the default directory for anonymous user is /srv/ftp. 

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what is the root directory for anonymous ftp users

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