‎Happy Pixel - Nonogram Puzzles on the App Store

apple app games that don't need wifi

apple app games that don't need wifi - win

I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.

Title: I am 35 years old, I made $67,665 gross last year (between multiple jobs) and live in Buffalo and work in higher education and retail.
This is my 5th MD update. Previous MDs in June 2019, October 2019, February 2020, and July 2020.
Ref29 questions:
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Absolutely. Both of my parents have bachelors degrees, and it wasn’t even a conversation of “if” I was going to college, but “where”. I ended up going to a private 4-year college, with a 75% merit scholarship. I was able to pay for the first semester with savings bonds/general savings, but took out loans for the remaining semesters. I worked 2 on campus jobs (tour guide and TA), plus at a coffee shop - this was more for spending money/gas etc. Looking back, I wish that I had put more of that income aside for paying for school, but I was definitely headlong into the student loan trap of “it’s ok, this is good debt….blah blah.”
I thought that i had the exact idea of what I wanted to do for a career - and that basically required a masters degree - so I went straight to grad school after undergrad. Private - and took out the maximum student loans for both years. I cannot stress what a terrible financial idea this was. The last half of my MA was in DC, so I used the loans for rent/food, as I had a full time unpaid internship. Long story short, what I thought was my career goal wasn’t.
I am FINALLY nearly done paying off my loans. If I had to go back and give my past self advice, it would have been to not go to grad school directly after undergrad. I still might have gotten my masters, but I would have done it in a much more financially responsible way.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
We had conversations growing up - but it was much more of a conversation now that I’m an adult. I’ve noted in past MDs, but my parents have told us that they regret not being able to help us all more as teenagers/college/young adults, so they’ve been extremely supportive of my focus on debt repayment.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Not really. I remember being conscious about it - we didn’t have new cars (EVER - like it’s still a thing), and we used coupons/budgets/bulk freezer meals for shopping, but I think a portion of that was that there were 4 of us kids. We were all involved in a variety of extracurricular activities as well, but I don’t remember even being like, limited or restricted from doing anything.
Do you worry about money now?
While I am noting that I’m making progress, it is still very overwhelming. It’s really hard for me not to beat myself up when I either buy “treats” or things that aren’t really treats, but are just home comforts. I finally bought myself 2 sets (!) of decent sheets this past month after having 1 set of crappy sheets for the last 2 years lol. I still have so much work to do, on debt repayment, fully funding my emergency fund, and (massive goal here) saving for a down payment on a house.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I would say I was financially responsible for myself when I moved for grad school in the fall of 2008 (so when I was 22/23).
That being said, I definitely have had a financial safety net - my parents always assisted with grocery money if I needed it - when I was married, that definitely was not only a safety net, but also got me in a lot of bad habits.
Since my divorce, my parents have assisted with cell phone, car insurance, and letting me live with them for a few months when I moved back to the US. I know that if something happened, they would absolutely assist with a place to live if I needed it.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
As previous MDs have noted, my parents have assisted with assorted checks when my dad got a bonus, and they have always been extremely generous with holiday $.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance (and how you got there): $33,194.67 (up from $23,800 in February 2020)
This is a combo of Stash Retire ($1721.52), 401K from a previous job ($17,330.01), retirement accounts from my current job ($2807.58 in my optional IRA to which I contribute extra; $2947.46 in the basic retirement plan, to which my employer contributes 7%), and TSP from a previous job ($8,388.10).
Savings account balance: $1000
Checking account balance: $1381.07 (at the start of the money diary)
Credit card debt (and how you accumulated it): $7,558.08 (focus has been more on student loans, plus I am a bit guilty of using it at random points) (down from $19,556 in June 2019).
Student loan debt (for what degree): Current remaining balance is $972.57!!!!! This is down from $23,645.37 in June 2019) (combined loans for undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations. To give you an idea of how much I’ve paid off - I’ve paid $118,297.81 off up to this point).
*note: December was a PHENOMENAL debt payment month for me (just over $4k).
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $2847.53
*after using the IRS refund calculator, it became clear that I was expecting a much higher refund, so I stopped having extra withheld. Eventually I’ll get the hang of it.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: $1442.72 (average monthly take home August-December 2020)
My retail job fully reopened, and I also applied for, and got a promotion, which meant both an hourly raise and more hours)
Any Other Monthly Income Here:
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage $980.00/month (+ $3.95 service charge when I pay online) (no change)
Retirement contribution: $115.58/month Roth IRA from work + $80.00/month into Stash Retire (no change)
Savings contribution: $0/month (Debt payments are the priority)
Investment contribution: None
Health/Dental/Vision Insurance: $76.38/month (Through work, it gets taken out biweekly)
FSA contribution: $27.78 biweekly (I set my annual contribution at $750 this year, up from $600)
Debt payments
Student Loan minimums: $55.54 is strictly the minimum for my FINAL (!!!) student loan, but as you all know by now, I have been attacking these with a vengeance and plan on this being gone no later than March.
Credit Card minimums: Avg. Monthly Payment $300. (as mentioned in the debt section, I have slipped slightly on allowing myself to use the credit card, but still have been able to lower my overall amount)
Wifi/Cable/Landline: $64.99/month
Cellphone: Still on the parental plan, but will be transitioning off. I’m shopping around and have started to budget.
Subscriptions: Apple storage - $2.99/month; Netflix- $8.99; (even though I’ve been able to be at home much much more, we still get a monthly barkbox for the toys; Spotify Premium - $9.99/month. Headspace - $14.99/month. Renaissance Periodization - $16.19/month
Laundry (if you pay per load): $40/month. I put aside $10 per paycheck.
Gym membership $75/month - I budget this much for my ROMWOD and Movement Vault monthly subscriptions. This also covers my monthly subscription for my WHOOP band. My retail side gig also provides $225/month to work out. This covers my monthly membership to my crossfit gym, as well as extra megaformer classes. $32.63/month for WHOOP; $13.95/month for ROMWOD; $9.99/month for Movement vault
Pet expenses: $150/month - includes pet insurance. This is what I put into my budget for insurance, food, grooming etc.) Barkbox 31.54/month; Pet insurance $79.24
Car payment / insurance / average gas:$100/month (as my dad plans on retiring within the next year, he will be signing over my car to me, meaning that I will be taking on my insurance. I fully acknowledge that this has been nice to not have to worry about, and that my parents have been absolutely amazing. The current annual insurance for my car looks like it will be around $450. Future money diaries will take this into account.
Renter insurance: $12.50/month
Average groceries / household supply spend; Looking at YNAB, my average spend has been just over $700/month. This seems insanely high for one person, but I do also follow a RP meal plan, meaning that I tend to eat A LOT to fuel my workouts. I also haven’t gone out basically at all ….
Regular therapy: N/A
Charitable Giving: $75/avg. August-Dec 2020 (Much of this was “rage” donating in the run up to the election)
Annual Expenses:
YNAB (You Need A Budget): $83.99/year
NB: Anytime I leave my house, I am masked, including gym visits. It’s honestly not terrible once you find a mask that works for you!
Day 1: Friday
5:45am: Alarm goes off and I get up to put the kettle on to start coffee. Today is a weigh in and weekly review for my meal/training plan, so I enter my numbers and see what my upcoming week will look like as far as my macros. I notice that my chest/shoulder are sore, and hurt when I take a deep breath, but assume that I just slept on my arm wrong. I take out the dog, feed him, and head out to my weightlifting class.
7:30am: Nope, not just sleeping on it wrong. I make it through the lifting portion, but when we start the metcon, I have to stop because it hurts too much to take a really deep breath, instead stretching and cheering everyone else on. Annoyed, but hopefully it’s nothing too crazy. I think it’s just a strain from my muscle up drills the day before. Once I get home, I make breakfast - a savory oatmeal with oats, cheese, chicken sausage, egg whites, and mushrooms, topped with a fried egg and za’atar seasoning from Trader Joe’s. YUM. I log into work and get settled in for a 2 hour (ugh) staff meeting.
11:00am: Finally done with that. Thank goodness for my camera getting to be off. I take a shower and get into “work” clothes - aka lululemon from top to bottom (align leggings, ebb to street crop tank, and a sit in lotus wrap). Back to work until it’s time for lunch, which I have just after noon (rice, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, and ground beef, topped with avocado). Work continues afterwards.
2:00pm: Time for work #2! It’s a fairly uneventful (and slow) afternoon/evening, which is ok after the craziness of the holiday season. And I only have to tell 2 people to put their masks on over their nose and they don’t give me an attitude - woohoo! Around 5 I eat my food on my 10 minute break - another taco-ish bowl, just without the avocado from earlier. I get out from work at 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, take the pooch out and feed him and make my casein hot chocolate (casein protein is a slower digesting type vs. whey and it’s my evening “meal” most of the time) plus a couple dark chocolate peanut butter cups. I facetime my Mom briefly and then we each put on our respective Star Wars shows - she and my Dad are watching the Mandolorian (they just got Disney+), and I’m deep into season 4 of the Clone Wars. Bedtime routine starts at 9:30 with a couple of melatonin gummies and I brush my teeth and wash my face (eye makeup remover, then Neutrogena foaming cleanser, and a nighttime moisturizer from Aldi). Snuggle up with the dog and a heating pad with a Headspace night sounds playing.
Daily Total: $0
Day 2: Saturday
5:50am: NO. It’s like 30 minutes before I want to wake up...NO.
6:10am: Uggggggh
6:20am: FINE. Dog outside, then fed. I make coffee and another savory oatmeal (AMAZING - same as yesterday, just no bell peppers). Catch up on podcasts and my YNAB budget. In happiest news, I can take a full big breath without that weird pain from yesterday! Yay!
10:00am: Home from my workout, which went amazingly - I love a good long chipper of a workout! I take the dog out for a little cold weather walk and then make my post-workout meal - Kodiak chocolate chip pancakes with blueberries! (use 1 egg and almond milk to make the pancakes and it fits my post-workout macros: 35P, 10F, 65C). I follow this with a cuddle session with the dog while watching Marple episodes and drinking coffee. I also add items to my lululemon shopping cart and exit out of it before I can spend money. While I get a great discount (especially on markdowns), I know I don’t really NEED anything, so I don’t get anything.
1:00pm: Off to the mall for work. I stop on the way to fill the gas tank ($25). It’s a busy day, but a good one - during my break I eat my taco bowl (rice, sweet potatoes, ground beef, peppers and avocado). I work until 7:30pm.
8:00pm: Home, dog out, casein hot chocolate - the usual. I’m nothing if not a creature of habit. I pull out a Trader Joe’s chocolate croissant to prove overnight in the oven. Bedtime is around 10pm.
Daily Total: $25
Day 3: Sunday
7:50am: Whoooops, I intended to wake up around 7:15, but I didn’t actually set the alarm. Luckily the dog wakes me up with a polite whine - I take him out, make coffee and a bowl of oatmeal (oats, almond milk, egg whites, topped with blueberries), and head to my workout around 9.
11:00am: 2 workout classes later, I’m home - post workout meal is the aforementioned chocolate croissant, and a little egg scramble of egg whites, mushrooms, chicken sausage and broccoli. The afternoon is spent with old Miss Marple episodes on Amazon Prime, combined with laundry and apartment cleaning.
3:00pm: I made a quick loaf of bread (2 hrs of rising, then shaping) and put it in the oven. Happily it turns out pretty damn tasty - I make Trader Joe’s Cippino (seafood soup) and have that with toasted fresh bread around 4/4:30pm. A Clone Wars marathon ensues - the Bills are playing in the AFC championship tonight, so the city is basically a giant ball of nerves. I don’t watch the games (and haven’t all season - mostly because I don’t have all the apps/cable), but I follow the score on my phone while watching many (MANY) episodes of Clone Wars. I facetime my mom and dad around 7 after they finish the Mandolorian and we can all squeal with excitement.
9:00pm: Melatonin gummies, contacts out, teeth brushed, face washed, bedtime.
Daily Total: $0
Day 4: Monday
5:45am: Awake, coffee, take the dog out, head to crossfit.
7:30am: Home, dog out again, then breakfast (homemade toast, everything but the bagel smoked salmon, scrambled egg+egg whites) and more coffee. I login to work at 8am, and get the morning podcasts going (Up First, the Daily, Post Reports, the Intelligence).
10:00am: I place a Target pickup order for the snacks for our break area at the mall (seltzer, peanut butter crackers, cookies, granola bars - all single serving packs). I will be reimbursed for this by the store. ($39.57 - I get a notice that an item isn’t available after I place the order...oh well)
11:00am: I’m traveling out of state for a couple of days - it’s a long awaited tattoo coverup (don’t get a tattoo for a significant other….I knew not to do this...and yet I still did), so I make my list of items to pack and things to remember to do (take out trash, do all my dishes, etc). I will be driving to my destination (Indiana), staying at a hotel by myself, going to the tattoo shop (masked), and back to the hotel. Not telling friends I’m there, not going out anywhere. And I’ve scheduled a test for 4 days after my return, per NYS rules. If I could make the drive nonstop, I would, but your girl isn’t giving herself a UTI lol. I’ll be masked and sanitized anytime I step out of my vehicle. Still super nervous, but getting this tattoo covered up is like….the final FINAL step. I also take a shower (finally, yes I’m gross and have been sitting in my workout clothes since I got home - god help me if I ever live with a human again lol).
2:00pm: Time for head out for work! On the way, I pick up my previously mentioned Target order, and also pick up meals for my trip from a local meal prep place - I get a bunch of great stuff (2 breakfasts, 2 dinners, 1 lunch plus energy bites for the car), plus it means that I can just hermit it up in the hotel room apart from the actual tattoo appointment. ($62.68). I get to the mall early before my shift starts - since I know I’ll have a tub in the hotel room, and I don’t have one in my apartment, I get a couple of bath bombs and lotion from Lush ($25.93) and a whole bunch of sheet masks from Sephora ($25.01). Then time for work - It’s a fairly quick shift, which is nice, not too terribly busy and we get a lot done. And people at the mall are generally not pills today - epic win!
8:15pm: Home from work - take the dog out and have a little evening meal of homemade soup from my co-worker (it’s a kale sausage soup her husband makes and it is AMAZING) and the rest of my homemade bread. I finish packing up and the poor pup definitely knows something is up. Bedtime around 10pm.
Daily Total: $153.19
Day 5: Tuesday
5:45am: Alarm, dog, coffee. Rather than dirtying dishes, I heat up one of the prepped breakfasts I brought (a breakfast sandwich with chicken, which is actually quite tasty - plus some blueberries). I get the car loaded up with my stuff and the dog - he’s staying with my parents while I’m gone - and head out by 7:15am. After I drop him off I top off my gas tank ($14.10), and also get a couple of bubly waters and a can of death wish coffee for the road ($6.25).
12:00pm: Lunch stop at panera - fuji apple chicken salad and a cup of chicken noodle soup - drive thru and eaten in the car ($10.94, but I have a gift card). Road Trip Podcasts: You’re Wrong About and Noble Blood.
3:00pm: Gas stop (there’s also a few bathroom stops, but since I didn’t spend anything, it’s not terribly relevant, right? :) ) ($27.01).
5:30pm: Arrival! Check in to the hotel - masked front desk employee, check. Bring my stuff up to my room, and jackpot - biiiiiiiiig tub. Looks like those bath bombs were a solid choice! Open up the work laptop to see if there is anything urgent - nothing crazy - and decide which meal I want for dinner. Bourbon Chicken with Broccoli and Sweet Potatoes it is. Plus a Sparkling Apple Cider vinegar beverage (ginger and lemon) from Trader Joes. Before I eat, I do a lower body focused stretching routine from ROMWOD since I spent so long in the car.
7:30pm: Bath Bomb, Face Mask, Feet Mask, and finished Night Stalker on Netflix. Since I’ll be quarantining until I get a negative COVID test after my trip, I order 10 meals through the same meal prep company that I got my travel meals from ($88.43 - includes both delivery fee and tip). They will be delivered on Sunday.
Daily Total: $146.73
Day 6: Wednesday
6:00am - I had intended to sleep longer, but my body is like - nope, you’re waking up at the same time no matter what. Coffee (keurig in the hotel room - ick) plus a prepped breakfast (a goat cheese egg white scramble with sweet potatoes - which is delicious). Morning podcasts and I open up the work laptop. Since I’m awake I guess.
7:30am: Hotel room workout - I do yesterday’s workout from my gym, with a few modifications, but it still feels great to move after sitting in the car for so long! Shower afterwards, then food (Mexican Taco Bowl!) and work.
10:30am: Squuuuueeee it’s time for my tattoo. I double mask up, drive through for a Starbucks order ($4.74 - paid for on my Starbucks app with previously loaded funds) and head to the shop! I already paid my deposit and took advantage of a gift card sale before Christmas so I don’t owe anything additional today. We do linework, shading, and partial color. It’s going to take 2 appointments to do the full thing, so we make my next appointment for May (augh, I cannot wait!). My coverup is over black text, so a cover up involves a LOT of layering of color. I’m impressed that I still have stamina after not getting a tattoo for nearly 3 years.This is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
2:30pm: After my tattoo appointment, I make a quick stop at CVS (still double masked!) to pick up aquaphor, orange dial soap, ibuprofen, and toothpaste (cause naturally that’s the one thing I forgot to pack - d’oh) ($22.00). I make a curbside pickup order for Panera - another soup and salad combo ($10.55 - again paid for with gift cards!). I head back to my hotel room, eat, put on more podcasts (Planet Money, Can He Do That, Code Switch) and log onto work. An uneventful afternoon follows.
6:00pm: Facetime call with my mom, then dinner and various true crime documentaries on Netflix and Pinterest browsing because as per usual, now I want allll the tattoos. I also put in an order for a grocery pickup on my way home (coffee, coffee creamer, fruit, etc) ($66.82). I try to make a testing appointment through NYS for my return COVID test on Monday, but the automated system keeps putting me in the first available, which is Friday….I’ll try to schedule again on Friday so that the timing works. Bedtime tattoo routine of wash, aquaphor and ibuprofen, as well as a sheet face mask. Sleep around 10:00pm.
Daily Total: $104.11
Day 7: Thursday
6:00am: Welp, up and at em! I finish packing all my stuff, check out of the hotel and warm up the car. I head out around 7:00am. Top off the gas tank ($12.80) and I also add $15 to my Starbucks card and drive thru a Starbucks (Spinach Feta Wrap + Cafe Misto with almond milk). Then it’s time for podcasts and lots of driving. My mom had suggested a podcast from Serial - S*%*Town. IT’S AMAZING and this drive has never gone so fast!
11:00am: (or sometime around this time) Stop for gas ($27.01) and another Starbucks stop ($15 reload) to get another misto, a bottle of water, and a fruit/cheese/hard boiled egg box.
3:00pm: I was going to try to make it all the way without stopping for anything else, but my stomach is about to eat itself. I stop at a Tim Hortons about 45 minutes away from my parents’ house and get timbits and a hot chocolate (which is gross) ($6.66 - eeep). I get to my parents’ house - my mom and dad stay upstairs and in the basement respectively while I use the bathroom and retrieve a very happy pup. Once I get everything out to the car, my mom and dad come outside (double masked, as am I) and we quickly wave and air hug from a distance. On the way home, I drive through the grocery pickup and get my groceries.
5:30pm: Finally home. The dog is very happy to be home too - my mom said when she would come into the bedroom where he was, he would look at her and be - “oh…..just you…”. Such a momma’s boy :) Dinner is actual food (the rest of the kale sausage soup). I also put together a batch of cranberry almond biscotti (based off the Ina Garten cherry pistachio biscotti) - the apartment smells delicious. Settling in for post-travel isolation lol.
9:30pm: Melatonin gummies, tattoo upkeep, and then bedtime with the dog!
Daily Total: $76.47
Weekly Total: $505.50
Food & Drink: $326.64
Fun & Entertainment: $0
Home & Health: $22.00
Clothes & Beauty: $50.94
Transport: $105.92
First, GODDAMN I AM SO EXCITED TO PAY OFF THIS STUDENT LOAN. Just paid another $200 on it this morning, so we’re under $800!! If you hear an excited scream from the Western New York area next month, don’t worry, it’s just me.
Second, this was a higher spend week than usual, but I’m really proud to have budgeted for all of it. I had basically prepaid for the tattoo (on the gift card) and there’s still leftover for my next appointment. I had also budgeted and saved for the increased amount of gas and food.
Third, hopefully this isn’t too boring. My life pre-pandemic wasn’t terribly interesting, and it certainly isn’t now lol. I’m hoping to continue my debt payoff progress by finishing paying off my credit card debt in 2021, and start saving my 3-6 month emergency fund before starting that house down payment savings! I’m even starting to allow myself to start actually looking at Zillow.
I have been isolating since I got back - just drove through and got my COVID test, so fingers crossed for a quick reply!
Lastly, the coverup tattoo is going to be beautiful. I can’t wait for it to be finished!
Thanks for reading this whole thing!
submitted by PibbleLove43 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I am a 32 year old RN making $57,450, living in rural MN and I get a colonoscopy this week

One day early. Buckle up, it's a long one!
Trigger warning: digestive & anxiety issues, medical procedures
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: PERA account $7,389.65
Equity: roughly $45,000 (house and vehicles)
Savings account balance: $523
'Secret' cash stash: about $800 between us which we pretend doesn't exist.
Checking account balance: $2,318
Credit card debt: $6404.47 🤯
Student loan debt: $30,593.72 for my associate's in nursing and one semester of my BSN which I have no plans to finish.
Current clinic bill: $814. I have about $620 left in my flex account from last year that I need to use so I'll probably pay this off this month.
Section Two: Income
Income progression: It's been pretty straightforward for me. I worked at McDonald's in high school (minimum wage) and came back after one semester of college. I was eventually promoted to shift manager in 2007 (I think $9.50/hr). I got my CNA license in 2008 and started working at a nursing home ($10.65/hr). Gradually increased over the years. When I got my LPN license in 2016, I bumped up to around $16.50/hr. Another bump for my RN license at the end of 2017. I started at $26.50 and now make $28.75 base. I work 12 hour nights so I get $.50 differential from 6p-10p and $1 for 10p-6a. This is considered a joke of a differential btw. We get time and a half on holidays. I do truly love my work but I'm so burnt out. I've been in long term care for so long that I'm not sure how to even do anything else at this point.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: ~$2700, more if I work a holiday or pick up a shift
Taxes: ~$700 Health insurance: $303 (family plan with high deductible) Retirement contributions: 6.5% of my pay HSA: $192.30 Flex: $46.16 Clinic bill payment: $100 Life/STD insurance: $54.42 Christmas account: $50
Side Gig Monthly Take Home: generally $0. I do sell some craft items on the side but I don't hustle.
Child support: supposed to be $531 but I get what I get most of the time.
I am married but we do not have a joint account. B's gross is $41,600/year. He recently started a new job and got a $4.50/hr pay increase. He's also a volunteer firefighter and gets paid once a year from that, although last year's check was only $750. He carries dental and vision insurance for us and has a flex set up, about $170/month.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: $0. 2 bed 1 bath home we share with my daughter (Z, she's 8) full time and B's stepson (E, he's 14) part time. We own outright.
Property tax: $497 this year, B pays.
Car registration: $206 this year for my car, goes down a bit every year.
Home & car (3) insurance: $237, B pays. We just combined everything a few days ago so we might split this. ETA after getting the first bill, I will pay *$265/6 months* for my car and half of the SUV, about $175/6 months.*
Savings contribution: lol, whatever comes from my round up rule
Debt payments: CC bills $400, B's pellet grill $35 (was a Christmas present). B has no debt.
Electric: fluctuates with the climate, last month was $245!!! We are trying to figure out ways to reduce this. B pays.
Gas: $50 now on the yearly plan, B pays.
Watesewegarbage: ~$60, B pays.
Wifi: $59, I pay.
Cellphone: $290, I pay for 5 lines.
Babysitter: $180
Student loans: in deferment, not making payments
Meds: around $50, paid with flex money.
Monthly subscriptions: Hulu, HBO, Pandora, Design Bundles, razors, Netflix, Apple storage, NYT, Cricut Access, Disney+, Amazon subscribe and save items, my entire life, $250. I pay.
Amazon Prime: $124/year, I pay.
Pet expenses: averages around $100 between food, haircuts, shots and insurance for my youngest pup, I pay.
Car payment: $405.27 for my car. We paid cash for our used SUV in December, and B's truck is old and has been paid off for years.
Groceries: around $400, B tends to grab things here and there and I get the big hauls.
School lunch: free this year! Thanks USDA!
Extracurriculars: Z opted out of any extracurriculars this year due to COVID.
Regular therapy: nope
1/16 Saturday
3:30 AM: I'm awake but I refuse to get out of bed. Cruise Indeed and Facebook for jobs. I recently put in my 30 day notice so I need to find something ASAP. I've put in probably 6 online applications already. Print out two applications, three copies of my resume, and create two cover letters. Why do I have to fill out all my info on an application when they can find it on a resume? Get a year of a resume and cover letter making site for $24.99 because I'm terrible at both. Buy some new Brumates that I don't need $67.93 and see that my yearly Prime payment has been pulled. Watch YouTube and fall back to sleep around 5.
8:20 AM: B crawls into bed after work and snowblowing basically the entire yard. Cuddle for a while so he can leech my body heat before I go upstairs. I need to wash my hair. Fall into an internet hole of Facebook and NYT while lounging with the dogs.
Noon: B comes upstairs. I didn't wash my hair. We need some groceries so decide to drive the hour to the nearest town with a Walmart AND a Menards - it's the 15% off bag sale right now. Throw in some dry shampoo, brush my teeth and get dressed. Change the water jug in our machine (our tap water is sketch), let the dogs out and head out.
1:18 PM: Gas is up to $2.34/gallon. Cringe thinking about filling up the SUV. My car is a hybrid but doesn't like Minnesota winters. B and I debate bringing our cat to the vet during the drive. She has FIV and has been losing weight, but we decide against it as there's not much we can do at this point anyways. She's still happy so 🤷‍♀️
2:34: Check out of Menards. $99.15 on a new door lock with keypad, sanding blocks and paper, disposable condiment cups, and Armor All wipes after 15% off and B's $15 return credit that he forgot to use. B gets LED bulbs, grill brushes, motor oil, a door latch for our porch, something for his brother's toilet and a propane tank exchange. Only saw one guy without a mask, so I'd call that a win.
3:05: $15.98 after coupons at Joann's on more tumbler supplies (e-6000 spray, 5 taklon brushes) and one roll of clearance ribbon. Realize I have my Christmas money in my purse and forgot to use it. B goes to Harbor Freight for more tools he doesn't need and a sporting goods store for a gift card for his best friend's birthday.
3:32: We decide to go to Perkin's, hoping they won't be too busy in the off hour. The hostess is wearing her mask under her nose and I'm so annoyed. I have some weird stomach issue going on, so I just get two eggs and toast. B tells me he should be able to get the first COVID shot this week, and I tell him I still haven't changed my mind (we both already had COVID during an outbreak at our workplace). I've been 'not preventing' pregnancy for almost two years. At this point, I'm too anxious to get the vaccine, and there is just not enough data available on pregnant/TTC women to change my mind. My time limit is my birthday, so if I'm not pregnant by then I'll be getting the vaccine in August. $28.87 +$5 tip.
4:47: Check out of Walmart with wet cat food, pop, milk, butter, Mac and cheese, cereal, snacks for the kiddo, chips, ketchup, tator tots, Gatorade, Hawaiian Punch and deli meat. $88.65. Every time I ask B if we need something, he says we have it at home. Also, no grapes? Usually a Walmart trip sends me into an anxiety attack but the store is pretty empty today.
5:09: My favorite stop of the day: the liquor store. The store at home is so crazy expensive so this is a treat. I get Truly Iced Tea and two different kinds of hard coffee to try for $41.91. B picks up three cases of beer.
5:18: B stops for gas ($37 🥴) and we head for home. Buy some vape juice online, $86.59. Yeah yeah, I know. My gut hurts, I'm super bloated and I just want to nap. We talk about our options regarding my medical procedure that is coming up and decide to try and get it done while we're still on my work insurance. I had a positive FIT test so now I have to have a colonoscopy. I'll end up maxing out the deductible but I'll get it half off if we can pay the bill within 30 days. I'll get my PTO paid out at the end of my 30 day notice, so we should be able to swing it. Not really sure we have a great option at this point as B doesn't want me to take on another payment. He is so anti debt, and I have $6500 in CC debt. We are opposites in so many ways.
6:20: Get home and unload the SUV. The dogs are going WILD. I feel like garbage and immediately get into pajamas. Give the cat a can of wet food and she eats a few bites. I still can't find a type she really enjoys. I also hook up the drinking water fountain I bought for her a few days ago. B installs the new door lock and I'm thrilled to have a keypad again. The old one stopped working a few months ago. Pay an invoice for a bulk order of keychain tassels from a wholesale group, $19. Basically do nothing for the rest of the night.
9:45: I'm falling asleep in my recliner. I decide to do my nighttime routine (rinse face, No7 HydraLuminous Gel Cream, Algenist Complete Renewal Eye Balm) and go to bed in hopes of feeling better tomorrow. I skip brushing my teeth because I'm nursing a ginger ale. Watch some YouTube and fall asleep around 10:30.
Daily total: $478.07
1/17 Sunday
2:09 AM: I wake up for the second time tonight with nightmares. I rarely have them so I'm annoyed. B isn't in bed to cuddle with either. I go upstairs to use the bathroom and find him in his recliner. Realize I forgot to take my meds last night (antidepressant, probiotic, omeprazole, hair skin & nail vitamin, Lysine supplements, allergy pill) so grab those along with two Goli gummies and a lorazepam to help me calm down. My gut still hurts, and I'm so over this. Browse the internet and watch YouTube again to fall asleep.
3:55: Wake up to stomach cramps and know my colon is going to empty itself out. Park myself in the bathroom for half an hour and try not to pass out. I'm not sure if it's just IBS or something worse going on, but I'm glad I'm getting it checked out.
7:17: Still awake. I am stressed by the potential of not having a job for a few weeks, my health, and the current state of everything else in the world. Decide to compound this by opening my NYT app. I am so hopeful Joe can start turning things around.
12:17 PM: I must have finally fallen asleep because B comes down to ask if I want to go to South Dakota today. We check out local case rates by county and decide we are probably safe. We are about the only ones who wear our masks in public over there. I must admit that going through this pandemic feels much different out here in the boonies than it does in the city. We had a large surge in cases for about 4 weeks in November-December, and now we are back down to about 2-3 new cases a day. Our local businesses work hard to keep us safe, in part because they don't want to be known as the place so-and-so got COVID. Ah, small town gossip. We do our part try to support them as we really can't afford to lose any businesses in our area. I shoot a text to Z's dad to confirm I'm picking her up in the morning.
1:28: I finally get out of bed and wash my hair, which is my least favorite chore. I brush it out before my shower, use some Head and Shoulders 2 in 1 to combat my winter dry scalp, finish it off with SheaMoisture Purple Rice Water conditioner. I decide to heat style it today, so I use two heat protection sprays. To brush, wash, condition, brush again, dry and curl my hair takes 1.5 hours. Now I remember why I never do this.
3:30: We hide in the corner of the bar for the meat raffle. I really love coming here because the money they raise goes to local charities. We also have drinks and supper. I get a BLT chicken wrap, and we win 3 free drink tickets. We head out around 6. $50 + $10 tip, this comes out of my Christmas money. B goes to the drivethru on our way home and gets me a frozen hot chocolate. Yuuuum.
8:45: For some reason I can't keep all the school calendar changes straight. Z was supposed to be off tomorrow, but I just realized she does have school. I message Z's teacher to let her know Z won't be there, since she has her yearly physical tomorrow after being rescheduled 3 times. Do a quick nighttime routine, take my meds and head downstairs for YouTube and sleep. Hoping for a decent night of it!
Daily total: $60
1/18 Monday
3:05 AM: I'm awake, but for no particular reason this time. Working the night shift really messes with your sleeping schedule. I must have been snoring because B has gone upstairs to sleep in E's room. I clean the litter box and decide to fire up my laptop and Cricut machine to get some projects done I've been procrastinating. I finish a water bottle for B, a stash jar for a friend, create a couple Valentine's mock ups for my business page and seal some glitter signs. I grab a couple SVGs on Etsy $1.38. My mom sees my Snapchat and we message over the woes of insomnia.
6:20: I have come to the realization that buying craft items and actually using them are two separate hobbies. I lay in bed with the cat and doze.
8:40: Leave the house to go pick up Z. Her dad lives about 25 minutes away. On the way home we stop at Casey's for random snacks, $7.64. The clinic calls and we schedule my colonoscopy for Thursday. I have to get some blood drawn later this morning when I bring Z to her appointment. I also have to have a CT with contrast so I'll figure out when I can get that done as well. I take a quick body shower when we get home.
10:55: Bring Z to her well child check-up. I think they asked us about 100 questions, and some of them were super weird for an 8 year old. She finally gets her flu shot and only spills a few tears. No major issues so that's a win! She does miss a few sounds on her hearing test, but we decide to just watch it for now. I get my blood drawn when we're done with her appointment and talk to the radiologist about my CT. He says my prior authorization hasn't gone through yet and he'll call me when we can get it scheduled. We're both hopeful it can get done tomorrow. Then I talk to the surgical nurse to get my pre-op instructions. Finally leave the clinic around 12:45. Pick up my surgical prep from the drugstore, $52.06 (!!!) from my flex account. Z requests cheese pizza for lunch so I oblige.
1:17 PM: I get a call about a job and set up an interview for Wednesday afternoon.
4:10: I bring Z down to the local salon for a haircut. I can't go in (COVID restrictions) but Z loves the feel of a fresh cut so I don't worry. Her hair dresser is her classmate's mom and my old neighbor. $18 + $7 tip.
6:30: B has a fireman's meeting tonight, so Z and I have mac and cheese per our tradition. B hates it so we usually only eat it when he's gone. I make Z have an apple on the side so we can make at least one good food choice today. The Bachelor is on tonight! I usually hit the Reddit stream but I got a late start tonight so I skip it.
9:05: Make sure Z brushes her teeth and hug her goodnight.
10:20: My oldest (and crankiest) dog just cannot be pleased tonight. She keeps wanting to go outside, but it's cold and snowy and she doesn't like either of those things. Sigh. Do my usual nighttime routine, take my meds and go to bed. Fall asleep around 11.
Daily total: $33.99
1/19 Tuesday
6:45 AM: Success! Finally got some sleep. Good thing I woke up though, because I forgot to set an alarm. I wake up a very cranky Z at 7 and make sure she gets ready for school. We are very fortunate that our school district is small, and Z has been going to school in person, full time, all school year. She never complains about wearing her mask either. I drop her off at 8, then B and I bring our SUV to the mechanic. I think B is dropping me off at home but instead we go out for breakfast downtown. I have a pancake, scrambled egg and side of fruit. I hear the regulars (old guys who come in every morning for coffee) talking about signing up for their COVID shots. This is a good sign! B pays, $16.04 + $3.96 tip.
9:01: I get an email that a hospital position I applied for has already been filled. Dang. It's still snowing, so I plan for a lazy day. B goes outside to snowblow.
9:55: The radiologist calls and tells me we can get my CT completed. We decide to do it right away this morning. I run up to the clinic to grab my contrast drink and set a timer so I drink the right amounts during the right time frames. It tastes like flat, flavored water. My stomach doesn't seem to appreciate it much. Hopefully this doesn't become a problem when I'm in the CT machine.
11:00: Get my CT done. I get an IV in my arm and the radiologist pushes Lord knows what into my veins, but it makes me feel like I wet my pants 🤣 He lets me check out the images when we're done. It only takes about 15 minutes and then I head back home. I sit around with B for a while, then I go downstairs to make a few crafty things and fill an order. I put a couple more things on my business page as well. During this time B brings his truck out to the mechanic and brings home the SUV. They put in a 'Minnesota approved' battery, the repair cost was $220. I offer B half but he declines, saying "let's see what the truck costs first."
2:45 PM: I get so distracted crafting that I almost forget to go pick Z up from school. She gets in the car and tells me she had the best day ever! I ask what happened, and she says she didn't get strawberries at lunch. Oh... she was being sarcastic. She picks up her room and puts away her laundry when we get home. We don't do much this afternoon.
7:00: B makes supper tonight, nothing fancy. A chicken patty for me and corn dogs for him and Z. I'm staying away from roughage to make my life easier tomorrow. Z gets ready for bed and I tuck her in at 8:45. Shortly after, B leaves for work. I go downstairs to work on a Valentine's day order.
Daily total: $0
1/20 Wednesday
12:45 AM: I have spent far too long organizing files on my computer. I call it a night. I look up my CT report and it doesn't show anything urgent or explain why there's blood in my stool. Sigh. Normal routine and bedtime.
7:05: I'm up. IT'S INAUGURATION DAY! B is already in bed. He tells me he has the chills, is nauseated, and his arm is killing him. I tell him his COVID shot is working and bring him some ibuprofen. I wake up Z and she gets ready for school. While I'm waiting, I take a body shower, let the dogs out and feed them. Drop Z off at school at 8, deliver a Valentine's Day order (+$20!) and go home to watch the inauguration while eating mini wheats.
10:45: I watch Kamala get sworn in and I get tears in my eyes. Such a historic moment.
11:45: I make myself scrambled eggs and drink a Dr. Pepper. After this, it's only clear liquids until tomorrow afternoon. B helps me give my oldest dog a haircut. You'd think we were killing her the way she cries. She's been getting haircuts every 2-3 months her whole life and still can't sit still.
2:00 PM: I have a virtual interview. The job sounds so interesting but it involves a lot of travel, and I'm not sure that would work with my family. I pick up Z from school when I'm done. She tells me "happy Joe Biden day!" when she gets into the car. We talk about the possible new job and she's not into the idea of me being gone.
5:00: B leaves to go work on his brother's house. He's been there on and off all week. He also got the night off for his floating holiday. I take my meds early so they have time to get into my system. I mix up the colonoscopy prep: two packets of powder into one liter of water. I make dinner for Z while I'm in the kitchen.
6:45: COLONOSCOPY PREP IS NASTY. Like, the taste of the drink is so disgusting and it's making me nauseated. I know it's important to keep it down, but it's also important to drink it within the one hour timeframe. Uuggghhhhh. It ends up being one hour and 45 minutes. B comes home around 8:30 and gets Z into bed.
9:00: The best way to describe how I feel is early labor. The cramps come and go and are so intense I have to take deep breaths. It's so exhausting I end up falling asleep.
Daily total: $0
1/21 Thursday
12:30 AM: IT'S TIME.
6:00: I slept between bathroom trips, but now it's time to mix up my second liter of prep. Yes, I have to do this to myself all over again. This time, I have to make sure to drink it all within the one hour timeframe.
7:30: Everybody is awake and chaos ensues. Did I mention we only have one bathroom? Z is trying to get ready for school, B wants to shower and I'm, well, you know. I get my entire liter of prep down in 65 minutes. B is still not feeling well from his COVID shot.
8:45: I manage a body shower although I had to get out once for the toilet. I am basically a zombie at this point. B drops me off at the hospital at 9:10. When I get there, they are running behind so I have to wait half an hour before I get into my room.
10:05: My nurse blows my vein and I have a panic attack. We are starting this day off great. A second nurse comes in and gets my IV in right away, thank God. Things move pretty quickly from here. By 10:30, I'm in the OR getting the good drugs. By 11:20, I'm awake enough to remember what's going on and drinking water so they'll pull my IV. The surgeon comes in and tells me they didn't see anything abnormal, but they did take some biopsies so hopefully I get some answers. By 12:05, I'm walking out the door.
12:15 PM: I am absolutely starving. B takes me out for lunch. I have a tuna sandwich and a 7Up. Our total is something around $17. I throw him $5 for the tip.
1:00: We're home. We spend the afternoon watching movies and laying around. My stomach is still pretty upset from all the torture. B picks up Z from school since I'm not supposed to drive yet. When she gets home, she regales me with the tale of getting hit in the face with a hulu hoop in gym. She actually has a fat lip!
5:00: I get a jar of my favorite eye cream on a BST board, $20.
6:00: B heads out to work and I make supper. We have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches tonight. Comfort food for the win.
9:00: Z has a quarter in her tonight. We play a couple games on her iPad before I stick her in the shower and then in bed. I promptly fall asleep in the living room.
Daily total: $25
1/22 Friday
3:30 AM: Move downstairs to our bedroom.
8:00: After work, B picked up E and they come home. The dogs are frantic. I eat a bowl of cereal and hang out with Z, since she doesn't have school today. We make funny drawings of each other and she reads me some knock knock jokes. I also get two more interviews set up for next week. I head back to bed around noon. I have to go back to work tonight. I have a block schedule: 7 off, 3 on, 1 off, 3 on, 4 off, 3 on. Our pay periods are adjusted for the night shift, so if I work the weekend that's my 36 hours for the week.
4:30 PM: I'm up. I take a shower and wash my hair. B makes pizza for the kids, another traditional meal timing in our house. He leaves for work at 5:30. I am dreading work. I have been exhausted after every shift no matter if it was busy or not. I'm not sure if it's my actual job, or just the night shift catching up to me. Either way, I'm looking forward to a new position. Also, getting ready for work is a chore these days. I use Fog Block on my glasses, then put side shields on. I hook my two masks up to my ear savers. Then I find two bottles of hand sanitizer and two pens to put in my pockets because I always lose one somewhere along the way. I pack my bag (water bottle, energy drink, iPad, shoes, snacks and supper) and start my car. I say bye to the kids and head out at 5:45.
6:00: Work is already a shit show and I just clocked in 5 minutes ago. I'm so annoyed and I just don't want to be here. But you better believe I'm going to suck it up and be happy for my residents. They are usually pretty happy to see me after my long stretch off.
11:45: I buckle up for what's going to be a very long shift.
Daily total: $0
Weekly total: $597.09
Food + Drink: $177.07
Fun / Entertainment: $60
Home + Health: $203.44
Clothes + Beauty: $45
Transport: $0
Other: $111.58
Reflection: This was a normal week considering its events. Obviously I don't usually buy a new door lock, and I typically only stock up on vape juice every 6 months or so. I'm heavily into my depression spending, but with everything going on in the world I've cut myself some slack. I'm only going to live once! *ETA our cat passed away this evening, 1/25. We are very sad but are happy we got to give her a good life for the last 3 years.
submitted by samj732 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Forced switch to iPhone thoughts

Unfortunately, I had an accident with my Pixel that forced me to use my work iPhone. This is an iPhone 12 Pro Max so top of the heap in the iPhone world. These are some thoughts I have while using it. I have been using it for about three months now regularly as my daily driver. I will toss out the first month as my angst with the phone gave me a negative view on everything about it.
First up look and feel
I love a big phone but the 12 pro max is just way too much. The design makes it completely aggravating to use. While it is a stunning phone to look at the niceties end there. It has sharp sides all around with zero decent ways position to hold it. This thing hurts to hold. It's also super slick. While again feels nice touch wise it won't stay in hand for anything. A lot of this is negated by a case but being an already massive phone a case just makes it so much worse. I am a fairly large person and it feels like a three hand phone. It feels like it needs some sort of stand or grip at all times. People will say that's an easy fix just get a smaller iPhone. Wrong! While most of the features and internals are there in all iPhones the max stands heads and shoulders above all other iPhones. First, a much bigger battery. I have a friend with the smaller pro that gets less than a day battery wise. Mine will chug along all day and into the next. Second, much bigger camera sensors and a little more camera tech. It has a higher aperture on telephoto, more zoom on all settings, and sensor-shift stabilization. For me, Apple should have put the same stuff sans battery size in the smaller pro.
This is probably the biggest flaw when it comes to using an iPhone. I am leaving notifications out because that is a whole rage I will get into next. As far as simplicity goes if you were just making calls and text it's easy as every other phone out there and before it. for anything else, things get a little muddy. First, the biggest thing I notice is everything seems to take an extra swipe or click to finish. Simple stuff like switching Wifi or Bluetooth just feels like it takes so much more work than when I was using my Pixel. Other stuff like customization is non-existent. While yes there are widgets everything is still locked into a grid pattern. Folders help a bit but you quickly run out of room to play in the locked grid. Even with the widgets, it feels boring. Widgets while they look good are very limited. You cant resize or shape them and I miss having more than just one feature on some like my Google calendar or Google drive. They are just so basic right now. I still can't do things in apps without going into the app as my Pixel can. One I use all the time is the Gmail app icon swiping away notifications without leaving the home screen. Like I said just more input to do basic stuff.
These just suck. There is no getting around how bad notifications suck on an iPhone. Now I know why people who have iPhones either never respond or find me in person to comment. There are two flavors of notification issues to me. First is the non-existent so subtle ones I don't notice them till it's too late. second are the one's I see but don't respond because I have to work too hard to. I want my important to be up top. Apple just files them in one on top of the other so it becomes daunting going through them. Second I one them to be sorted accordingly. For some dumb reason, it sorts them how it wants. For example, messages are not with all the other messages. Read the first to message notifications better keep going down it likes to tuck another down below one of the game's notifications. Want to go nuts with a false notification bubble even on core apps like settings? iOS loves that also. Oh, BTW you can not clear notifications from the app icon. Why is there no clear all for all my notifications? No idea there just isn't.
Okay, Apple you finally beat the Pixel here, or did you? so yes the iPhone camera is quite simply amazing in most situations and oust my Pixel in a lot of areas. If you widdle it down though you soon realize how insane Google has become when it comes to the camera software. Yes, the iPhone does better but I really think it is because of a brute force attack on Apple's part. It has better newer sensors and more of them. Of course, it should be better but here is the jaw-dropping point. I have gone back to exact spots and taking close photos with the iPhone and shown them side by side and the average person notices nothing and sometimes gravitates to the Pixel because the color looks more natural. We are talking a two-year-old plane jane one sensor phone versus the best of the best tech-wise and Google is still right there. Now for the parts, Apple has a Pixel beat. The number of sensors, no matter how much wizardry Google comes up with they just can not simulate the other sensors with software. Zoom same thing they just can't match what Apple is doing with actual zoom on the iPhone at this point. One thing Google does seem to stomp Apple on consistently is portrait shoots. No matter how simple the image Apple just can not seem to get the blur to work well on the Pro. There are artifacts in just about every photo on both but Apple has the more glaring artifacts in this case. The other thing I notice is while Apple does take in more light the night images typically look overprocessed on the iPhone. It is like they have the exposure turned up to 11 in most cases and in light-dark situations, it can't really make up its mind. Now in all dark or lit night scenes, the iPhone just has bigger better sensors so most of the image data is real not processed like the Google phones. This makes night sight iPhone images better in many cases especially the focus on back and foreground objects. You just have to tone the pictures down after the fact a little bit.
Everyone knows about iMessage. Personally, I don't use it. I do too much switching and don't want to be trapped in message pergatory. It got turned off at set up. I wish Google could get their messaging on iPhones because personally, I was starting to like it a lot. I never had any issues with sending and receiving anything with people on iPhones other than when they send me iMessage native stickers and likes. As far as other apps are concerned everything I had on Android is on iPhone and vice versa. I will say that it is weird that some Google apps seem to work a little better and others don't. The biggest issue I have is Drive. I use the scan feature a lot and it is not available on the iOS version. App integration is lacking on iOS as certain links ect. don't work the same as with Android. I am sure if I used the Apple native apps this would not be the case. The worst showing Google has is the Home app. Home on iOS works so much better than on Android. All my devices show and statuses show as well. On the Pixel, speakers would be playing but home would show nothing in the app until you went to the device. On iOS, speakers and TV show playing all the time.
Connected devices
All devices I had on Android work the same on iPhone. No difference here. The only issue is switching Bluetooth devices takes a little extra step to me on the Pro. I don't know how to explain it just takes a little more finagling.
The iPhone is better but why wouldn't be. It has a bigger battery so it lasts longer. Not some unworldly amount of battery life but good. Usually a full day or more with heavy use. Pixel was a full day most days except for when gaming. The iPhone seems to kill things more often. Stuff like google photos won't upload at all unless you are in the app. The weather widget doesn't update in real-time. so it seems to be fairly aggressive on what it kills to save juice.
Glitches and other wonkiness
To say the iPhone is perfect is living in a dream world. It has its fair share of glitches. Before the last update it would lock on certain apps and you would have to lock unlock and close it to get out. Another issue was random resets mainly in games. Both of those have gone away but there are other weird items. swipe down for notifications does not react to you sometimes only dragging down a millimeter and going back up. The double-tap on the back still has random activations. Native mail app just don't download something else. Wireless animation is funky sometimes. Notification sound does not play at times or cuts halfway. Some photos have a weird yellow tint so you have to take multiples. Notification dots won't go away even if cleared. This happens on their settings icon of all things. Gestures don't react according to what you want at times.
Thing's I miss sorely
Notification functions. Media functions on the lock screen. Full assistant Siri is still trash. Copy-paste from the app in card view. App integration. Swipe back gesture. App drawer. Apples it is not a drawer if I have to swipe four screens to get to it. Customization of colors, font, icons, and home screens. Speed of sharing anything from photos to files.
submitted by crappy80srobot to GooglePixel [link] [comments]

Can an iPad Pro/magic keyboard duo be my sole computer? My experience.

Before you go away thinking, “yeesh another one of these”, firstly there’s a TL;DR at the end. Secondly let me explain why I’m making this post.
I have been wanting to make a post like this for a couple days now, but just now am getting into it. I want to explore the whole idea that an iPad Pro can replace your main computer. I’m going to discuss my specific use case, thought process, purchase and transition, positives and negatives, and finally, my thoughts on this question. I have been using my iPad Pro 12.9” for roughly 6 months now (since July-ish) as my sole computing device and I want to share my long term experience to help other people who might be considering the iPad Pro as their next computer.
And quick disclaimer: this is my experience with the iPad Pro as my main computing device. I understand that there are people who may have had different experiences with it, probably due to different use cases and priorities. But I still feel the need to share a more comprehensive review of this question, as when I was making this decision such information wasn’t super clear about it. And again, if you really don’t want to read this wall of text, there’s a TL;DR at the end.
It bears noting that the idea that an iPad Pro replacing your laptop is a very niche statement. Only certain people with certain use cases can pull it off, despite what apple has marketed. However, to provide context, I will provide my use case. I work as a (new) high school english teacher, private tutor, and middle school educator. I am also a graduate student in my second-to-last semester towards getting a masters degree in teaching and credential. The reason I include this section is to (1) provide context, and (2) provide a disclaimer that not everyone should consider the iPad Pro as their next laptop.
So, after considering my use case, i decided to give it a shot. As a student, the iPad Pro would work similarly to my MacBook, since I was already using pages as my note taker. As a teacher, I thought this wouldn’t affect my workflow by much either, since much of the material we use is cloud based (google classroom/google drive), which were useable on the iPad Pro. The iPad Pro connects to external devices like monitors and printers just as easily as my MacBook. If I opted for the 12.9” I wouldn’t be losing much screen real estate. As for benefits, the iPad Pro is undeniably more powerful and faster than my previous device, a 2015 MacBook Air (i’m not a technical guy so please excuse the unscientific-ness of my statements), I would be getting a touchscreen device, a world class rear-facing camera (for document scanning and occasional picture taking) and also a dang good front-facing camera as well. I’d be buying into the iPhone experience but on a bigger screen, which was an experience that I had spent a lot of time with. In my mind, I was sacrificing almost nothing and gaining a great amount. In fact, I remember saying that the only thing I was losing, was Java Minecraft (lol).
I purchased the iPad Pro (2020, 12.9”, 128GB of storage, wifi only, space grey) mid-July of 2020 for $899.00 (education pricing). To complete the package I also purchased the corresponding magic keyboard and the AirPods Pro, which were discounted/packaged with Apple’s education program (which is great btw, I don’t think people take advantage of it enough). It took a while to ship due to COVID-19, but eventually, all the pieces arrived and I had a swanky new iPad Pro. The initial transition over was not bad at all, the only hiccup was finding a usb-a to usb-c cable that would facilitate data transfer. However, as much as the iPad’s file management could be improved, it wasn’t difficult to use and transferring my files over was relatively painless. I sold my MacBook shortly thereafter for $500. Total cost out of pocket: like $950. Not too bad.
I also purchased a few other accessories to go with it, here’s a list if you were considering it: a collapsible iPad/iPhone stand that can hold my iPad in any useful configuration, HDMI to usbc adapter, a 13” laptop sleeve, a 6ft usbc-usbc cable, 65W power block (with 2 usbc ports and 1 usba port), 2 feet long mousepad, and an ipad portfolio case. Total cost: roughly $35-40, with some being tester products.
Can an iPad Pro replace a laptop as your only computing device? The short, fast answer is no. Laptops still have a lot of benefits, mostly functionality wise, that make a laptop still the better choice over an iPad Pro. But the real answer is more nuanced. Of course it is possible to go 100% iPad, but it depends on your use case. If you’re just using it for browsing, media consumption, note taking, even essay writing, it’s great. But once you need some more specific functions, it kind of falls apart. Would I recommend it (as someone who has tried it for 6 months)? Unfortunately, no. The laptop is something that has been worked on for years, and even basic chromebooks have features that are unfortunately missing on the iPad Pro.
Now thats not to say that the iPad Pro is completely useless. In my opinion, until perhaps iPadOS develops further and pushes a couple key laptop features, the iPad Pro is a phenomenal secondary computing device. And by phenomenal I mean absolutely, superbly phenomenal. Its an amazing device that can do almost everything. But until it can hit that final ~10% of functionality that a laptop has, I can’t recommend using the iPad Pro as your sole computing device. And if you currently use a laptop as a secondary computing device, the iPad Pro can definitely replace it.
With those final thoughts in mind, here’s my current setup. The reason I’m including this is to give an idea of how I use the iPad Pro with my use case. On my desk I have three main pieces that I use for work, and I’ve listed their purposes:
  1. The iPad Pro- I use this as much as possible as my main typing device, I use it to lesson plan, to create documents and powerpoint presentations (through google), and I use for almost all media consumption and gaming.
  2. A HP Envy x360- This is my “main“ computer. I use this mainly as my “teaching window”, it screenshares and webcams my face/teaching through a browser based conferencing app. I also play minecraft on it.
  3. A 24 inch HP monitor- I use this as a third screen. Usually I’ll connect it to my chromebook when I teach for more screen real estate. I rarely connect it to my iPad as it just mirrors it, and that’s not useful to me. Not to mention the monitor when mirroring the iPad just looks horrendous with the black bars on the side.
Knowing this, what would be my recommended setup now for maximum bang/buck? What would I have done in hindsight? A couple of things.
  1. If you’re like me and you really want the iPad experience, go with the 11”. Unless you have some sort of physical condition that requires a 12.9” , or just want to splurge a bit on yourself, the 11” is probably more cost efficient than the 12.9” knowing that it won’t replace your main computing device.
  2. Kept my MacBook Air- or bought a strong, cheaper non-apple laptop for like $400- $500. Or, bought a lower end MacBook Pro.
  3. Monitor stays the same though. If you’ve never owned a monitor, its life changing lol.
Also, I would never use any of the google apps from the app store. Just using them natively off safari is way better productivity wise imo.
For those who took the time to read this all, thanks! And hopefully you found this helpful in some manner.
EDIT/UPDATE: returned the chromebook and bought an actual laptop. HP Envy x360.
submitted by KINGSKLOTH to ipad [link] [comments]

First 24 hours with Starlink, impressions and thoughts

First 24 hours with Starlink, impressions and thoughts
Hi all,
Well the dish finally arrived yesterday and I wanted to document my first impressions with it. A bit of background, I live in a rural area where the only options for internet include LTE-based internet (2 providers) and old school satellite.
Perhaps I had unfair expectations with the amount of 'its so easy!' I've read on reddit and other places, so I had gone into it expecting 5 min plug and play and got a little impatient when it didn't quite work out that way. Once the dish had power, it fairly quickly laid flat and then canted itself as expected - so that all worked fine. But getting the app to connect to Starlink was another thing altogether. I was able to setup the ssid/password very easily, but as soon as I did that (and reconnected to the newly renamed ssid) the app gave a very unhelpful "Newp, its not working" type message. A couple of router resets and a few bitten-off fingernails later, it finally started to work. To be honest the instructions are a little bit confusing because they seem to suggest you should wait for it to connect before beginning the ssid renaming/setup process. Anyway, I'd score it as a 6/10 because I went in expecting 5 mins and it ended up taking over an hour to get things going.
After getting a connection, I gleefully started running speed tests, seeing that my IP address shows up as Vancouver (I had expected we would be using a base station in MT, but Vancouver works!). I've definitely had a vast range of speed test results, both in terms of latency and overall speed. Probably the worst ping I've seen on a test result is just over 100ms and the best I've seen is about 20ms. Download wise, I've seen anything from 20Mbps to 191Mbps, but generally speaking usually around 50-60. I have read this speed tends to increase over the first few days so if I start consistently getting higher numbers I will come back and update the thread.
Rather than bypassing the Starlink router as I had initially planned, I didn't want to mess with it given how long the setup had taken, so I instead left the router plugged in and just ran another ethernet cable from the secondary port to my ASUS RT-88XU's WAN port, swapping out the ethernet cable from my LTE based internet. At the time, due to ongoing issues with the other connection, my RT-88XU was only acting as a wireless AP, and routing was fully managed by whatever I connected to the WAN port.
We started watching a show on Prime Video using the new connection and everything was great for the first 40 mins. We then lost connection altogether, which prompted me to start searching for any reports of how long outages typically are on the beta. 10 minutes later, still no internet, so I went to the Starlink app and asked the device to reboot. About 30 seconds later we had internet again, and back to the show we went. Not 2 minutes later the connection dropped once again and this time would not come back even with a reboot. At that point I started to get pissed off with it so we disconnected it and went back to the LTE connection. I put the router somewhere I could watch the little light to see when it eventually reconnected, about 10 mins later it did.
After the show finished, I decided to turn my ASUS router back into the brains of the operation, turning it back to wireless router mode. By doing it this way (and not eliminating the Starlink router completely) I am still able to use the app to see statistics. The downside of doing this is adding another layer of NAT as well as having a wifi hotspot I don't need/use floating around and cannot turn off (that I know of) but I feel the benefits outweigh the negatives for the time being. I also used the opportunity to enable dual-WAN failover, which is a pretty nifty feature of this ASUS router that I am interested to see how well it performs. It is highly configurable in that you can manipulate the 'check' interval (5 seconds is the default) and also specify a) how many consecutive failures must occur before it flips you over to the secondary WAN, and b) how many consecutive successes must occur before it flips you back to the primary WAN. For the time being, I've set it up to need 6 failures in a row to make the switch, followed by 3 successes to switch it back. Since enabling this feature, there has been some downtime but it was while I was asleep so I wasn't able to see the dual-WAN failover in action.
Overall, I'm pretty happy so far and of course knowing that we are in the early days of Starlink, and that things are going to improve from here with the regular increases in satellite counts and building of new base stations. I still believe Starlink is going to be a game changer for many, as long as they go in with the understanding that it is an imperfect system and will require some patience to get things working as you want. Also, for anyone doing business from their home like I do, I think it might be worth hanging on to your old internet and getting yourself a setup with a dual-WAN failover system if the prospect of having an outage during an important meeting is scary to you. Of course, you can probably accomplish some similar backups using your cell phone if you have service and only need it once in a blue moon. But for me, I like the peace of mind of having the other connection, which has proven itself to be tremendously reliable despite the slower speeds.
I might update the post with any additional thoughts that come in over the next few days :)

Update Feb 4, day 3 with Starlink.
We got a pretty significant snowfall on Tuesday, which was Dishy's first chance to use his melter. It went pretty well, though there was snow left on the dish. But the remaining snow doesn't seem to be causing any obscured downtime.
My experience with the connection so far has been similar to many in that it is great when there are no dropouts happening.
Today I am going to be trying out Speedify to use my Starlink and LTE connections together in 'Streaming' mode to see whether it truly does help mitigate the dropouts or not. If this works, I am going to look at perhaps buying a Peplink router, as I am intrigued by the idea of rolling my own VPN endpoint on AWS and frankly don't know enough about this company to want to trust them with all my work internet traffic. Plus this will allow me to achieve WAN bonding for my whole network, as opposed to just my Windows box. I'll report back with any update on this as I know Speedify has come up for a lot of folks who are in a lot of meetings and dislike the instability.
Here is a download from Apple WHILE using Speedify, which I thought was pretty impressive. Bearing in mind by setting my LTE connection as 'secondary' this is pretty much all coming from my Starlink side of the connection:

12.4MB/s over a VPN via space is nothing to complain about folks

Ready 4 work!

10AM Update:
So far, Speedify has been good. I had a 30 minute zoom call where a single Starlink dropout occurred. Instead of cutting my connection for 5-10seconds, I got the 'Your connection is unstable' message on Zoom, audio cut out for about 1 second, and then resumed normally. I had the Speedify app open on a second monitor and saw that Ethernet2 took over ONLY for upload, which I thought was interesting, but no complaints.
I also just removed the Starlink router from the equation, connecting Dishy directly (via PoE injector) to my ASUS and adding a static route as described here: https://www.reddit.com/Starlink/comments/lawj10/first_24_hours_with_starlink_impressions_and/glrth9q?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

11AM Update:
Just saw this UI in Speedify. Pretty cool!! Also interesting on this view -- the latency of my LTE connection ("Ethernet 2") and my Starlink ("Ethernet") are very very close.

Notice the bottom of the page - it captures the events where your Starlink drops and the LTE saves it.

12:30PM Update:
Alright, I'm a believer! Speedify is working very well for me. It is providing a close to flawless experience for me on a Teams meeting that has gone on for more than 70 mins now. Fantastic!
submitted by Imaginary_Belt4976 to Starlink [link] [comments]

I’ve got 2GB fiber and a small Japanese home. What do you recommend for best speed WiFi 6 router?

I don’t game on PC, just PS4 and mobile apps. Main reason for speed is downloading Japanese shows or movies. Most content is 4K with the occasional 1080p stuff which I download and store on my NAS. My WiFi 6 gear is an M1 Mac (WiFi 6 capable) which also streams to my AppleTV or iPhones (WiFi 6 capable).
Lastly, I got a ton of philips hue lights, security cam, SwitchBots, running on a Pi server. Therefore I need something that’s plays nicely with 2ghz.
submitted by Kumachan77 to HomeNetworking [link] [comments]

Hands On With 85" Sony X900H and Vizio P QX-H1 & 77" LG CX OLED

TLDR; These are all really good TVs with pros/cons, but I'm keeping the Vizio P85QX and added a Sonos Arc. And my family thinks I'm nuts over-thinking it.
Long version;
So if you're like me and overthink and need to try things yourself vs. reading articles/posts, then let me help you as I've been reading all these posts for over a month now.
My needs: large TV (about 12' to screen), mostly lighting controlled (basement with a few windows but no direct sunlight), 70% Gaming (PS5 and X1X not Series X), 20% Movies/Streaming (almost all in 4k/HDR at this point) and 10% Sports (streaming NHL/NFL mostly).
So almost everything the family does is in 4k and HDDV. And I use AppleTV 4k so don't need the TV OS apps.
Budget: Wanted under $3,000 w/o tax ideally
I started with the X900H since I have the PS5, the good reviews and snagged it at a decent price $2250. The picture looked really good OOTB. Some software quirks ( on the latest firmware) like Wifi doesn't really work (but I have Cat6 running to the location anyway), loss of sound, reboots, etc. You've read them all on other threads and I experienced some of them so wasn't as happy as I'd hoped. But I liked the TV overall especially for the price.
Then the stupid is VRR coming or not craziness came and, with my annoyance at some of the issues and the 77" LG CX being on sale for $3250 @ Costco, I said let's try the CX to see if it really is that much better. For those questioning it, it is. It's not a question. The picture is noticeably better and the software works better. It might not be the best choice for everyone (bright room, lots of reflection, CNN all day or neurotic about burn-in) but in my case it's clearly a better TV. BUT ... size matters and 8" is a lot [insert your own joke here]. I could not mount it on the wall because it was too small for me to really enjoy. So I used the stand on the media console and pulled it 18 inches closer to get a similar FOV and viewing angle to an 85" on the wall. It looked stupid IMO.
So there I am looking at a better, smaller TV that is over budget TV and looks odd away from the wall.
But after seeing the LG OLED PQ I couldn't go back to the X900H as it looks washed out comparatively.
PSA: Do not buy the LG to test PQ or you won't be able to look at LCD the same again. :-)
So I searched for a compromise to the LG/Sony, better PQ, less price and 85". I was always eyeing the PQX but at $3k seemed too expensive compared to X900H and I worry about Vizio quality control and panel lottery.
It was down to $2450 at Costco and so I pulled the trigger on a 3rd TV. Yeah, I know returning these big ticket items isn't great for consumers in general. I get it.
First thing was I checked DSE and banding test patterns for panel lottery. Looked good. No red tint either.
I have to say the PQ is excellent (remember I have almost all 4k/HDR content). PS5 and X1X HDR content looks great. Adjusted the judder and motion settings so no SOE and the NHL app on ATV4k looked amazing. Streamed movies in DV/Atmos and beautiful. Only a few issues so far CEC control doesn't really work consistently (but I use Harmony anyway) and switching inputs on its own if you have multiple HDMI sources being the worst. I had audio issues dropping on eARC but I swapped out the HDMI cable and much better.
LG PQ is noticeably better than the Vizio PQX. The PQX is noticeably better than the Sony. This is measured in my eyes as the black levels, contrast, color saturation, HDR effect, shadow detail, etc. -I was playing the same stream from the same source on the TVs and pausing and looking. My kids noticed the differences right away and we all got the same "feeling" of PQ in the above order. Don't get me wrong, they all look good! And not having them next to each other I'd guess that 80%+ of people would love the X900H.
I've had the PQX for only 48 hours but I will be keeping it. So I see it as $200 better than the Sony (not $750 but your call).
Good luck to you all! Happy to answer questions and give back to this forum that helped me navigate the TV waters.
submitted by bsz101 to 4kTV [link] [comments]

I'm certain my GF cheated and now I can't get it out of my head.

I need some advice. I've been in a relationship with this girl for a little over a year now. When we first met we hit it off and found that we really enjoyed spending time with one another, and although we didn't have much in common in terms of hobbies at first, we both started getting into each other's interests. She started playing more games with me and I watched the shows she liked, other then that, we are both homeboddies and usually just enjoy each other's company. I feel like the love I gave her was reciprocated better then in any relationship I've ever been in, and to me thats the most important thing.
A little background for her is that she used to be in a very controlling relationship who literally locked her in a room at some occasionly but she was able to eventually get out of it. I met her about 6 or 7 months after that and we started dating like 10 months, so with it being still kinda fresh I didn't wanna seem controlling in any way and respected her boundaries.
Well about 4 months in(after I thought 100% she's the 1) I noticed her snap location said she was at some random house when she said she was home. I didn't say anything at first but memorized the address. She also would occasionally close snapchat and open some random app after typing vigorously on her phone and just kinda look at it if her phone was within my eyesight.
One day I decided to lie about working late and go to the location I saw on the phone and she was there talking to a guy in her car parked in the driveway. I was really upset and called her pretending at first to know nothing again and asked what she was doing, she told me she was off getting coffee and if I wanted some. I told her no, but I was off and if she wanted to meet up. She said yeah and started making it seem like she was just getting into her car when I told her I had just seen her with the other guy. (Forgot to mention we met at work and this guy did to, I had seen him around but we worked in different departments).
When confronted with the truth she started freaking out asked why I showed up there and how I knew to look. I explained to her the snapchat location and she went quiet. We went to her place to talk this out and she told me that since her ex was so controlling, she wanted to keep her regular old friendship with this guy a secret so that I wouldn't forbid her from having friends like her ex. I belived this and told her that she should have mentioned it but now I'm to insecure for it to continue and had she been honest with me from the get go, I would have been fine with it. But I can't trust secrets because often they aren't secret because they are innocent. But I did trust her.
Well after that there were just random things that made me feel like she was continuing to talk to this guy. The same suspicious phone activity, there was a time when she and I were having lunch in her car in the parking garage to the building we worked in and I and stepped inside for something irrelevant to the story I don't remember but I was gone less then 5min. I timed myself, and she had somehow managed to eat it in that time frame, right after I see his car drive behind us and she makes direct eye contact mid conversation with him and he was grinning like an idiot at me. While we finished lunch together quietly after she insisted I was crazy I just kinda dropped it so I could finish my meal and not have to argue.
After this at some point she left her phone on near me and walked away and I decided to turn on her location on snapchat and set it to only me. (Bad move) because she later found out and we ended up breaking up over that. Ill admit that it was stupid and controlling on my part but I was at this point where I had to see that she was telling the truth about things without knowing I could tell if she lied about it.
Less then a week after that she found out and we broke up over it with her saying I was just like her ex. This made me feel like shit and I apologized and she accepted but the relationship was over. (Mind you she found out her ex was cheating the same way) we tried to stay as friends after but she ended up blocking because i didn't reply soon enough to a text while I was busy at work. Kinda fed up with the drama I left it at that but after a few months decided to say hello to her and see how she was doing.
We talked about hanging out again and I went to her Facebook page for the first time since we broke up and wouldn't ya guess, she was dating the ass hat for about as long as we weren't talking. At first I just kinda felt like I was done with her all together when she called me up crying the next day wanting to see me. As it turns out, he cheated on her and she left him and was in a wreck.
I honestly thought there was hope if he was out of the picture for good finally and after a little while we got back together. And at first things were going well. I was the happiest I've ever been and things I felt were finally going on the right track. Eventually I even offered to take over her phone plan since we made about the same but she had to buy a new car while my parents gave me their old one after mine was wrecked.
After a while I noticed that she was back to the same suspicious activity as before with her phone, always typing away and when I get up, just staring at something until I can't see then back to typing. I sat on this for a while thinking I was just paranoid at first but slowly became more suspicious until mid October of this year I saw her on the 2nd floor of the building we worked at( side note. When we were first together we worked day shift but both of us went to nights for better pay after we got back together. This was at 6 30am, right before most of day shift came in.)
She works on the 7th floor and the 2nd floor on that side had a stairwell that lead outside to the parking garage. When I saw her she was on the phone and looked at me and I visibly saw her mouth "oh fuck" and power walked around the corner. She also had a knee injury at typicly was limping a bit, but this was a furrous pace I would have a hard time keeping up with and I have over a foot on her in height.
When I followed her around the corner I didn't see her and called her phone. She said she was in the bathroom(there's only 1 around that area but she had like 5 staff ones on her floor that are seldom used.) When I pointed out it was really odd that she's going there to that bathroom for no real reason she gave the excuse of needing to get her charger from her car, when I pointed out she already had it upstairs and I've seen her use it at lunch she said she had to get back to her floor before the next shift came in and didn't have time to talk about my paranoia, when I asked to see her phone and who she was talking to she said no one at first, then her sister. I again told her to let me see so she can prove it and she told me I'm being ridiculous and refused. And wouldn't talk to me at all after that, going back to her floor and i couldn't really start an argument there.
After work on the way home she said I can see the call history and when I checked, there was me around 2am calling to see if she's good for lunch at that time. And then it was me again at 6 27, when I called her after seeing her. At 6 38, right after I left her on her floor there was a call to her sister. And yes, I wrote down the time frames on my samsung note. She told me iphones worked differently and would merge call records if they are close time wise. I looked this up and it seems like they do but after asking a friend who used to own one, he said they wouldn't do that if there was another call in between. Idk if Apple has changed this since then or not but with everything else that went on it seems like she deleted something.
When I looked on my phone account since I was paying for hers I checked her call log and it didn't show any number before mine, it did show the call to her sister but I noticed it never showed whenever she made a call using the iPhone FaceTime app or the wifi calling either so I assumed that maybe she was using a 3rd party app like snapchat or Facebook or some iPhone exclusive app. Right around 7 that day i saw the ass hat who we kinda broke up the first time over, now since the day her and I got back together he would stare daggers at me, this the the mother fucker had the same big ass shit eating grin he did while driving past me in the car months back.
When I confronted her with her suspicious activities, and why she lied about being on the 2nd floor that day and she told me it was nothing and I needed to stop living in the past....this was like a day later. Obviously I called BS and we broke up again with her maintaining her innocence.
Well come a few weeks later I decided to apologize for yelling at her the night we broke up and she told me she had something to tell me....some how I knew what it was, a little before October there was an incident that occurred in the bedroom with the condom....yeah, she told me 2 weeks after we broke up again that she was pregnant.
She wanted to get back together and I agreed that if I was gonna be a dad then I should try to work it out for the kid if anything. I told her we would need to talk about what happened that day and she agreed and we started re telling our friends and family. Well after a week I tried to bring it up and she flipped out on me, saying that if I'm going to be stuck in the past then she will block me, move away and ill have nothing to do with my kid(I mean there was room for doubt in my mind but if I did have a kid then I would want to be involved. ) as upset as I was i kinda dropped it but resolved to get a paternity test later to be sure, in secret if I had to but things slowly seemed to start getting back on track.
However I can't seem to get her cheating out of my head, even though as far as I can tell, all her suspicious shit has stopped. I've spent a lot of effort in trying to make sure she's honest this time and it really seems like she is. But I still can't feel like I can trust her and I have no idea how to bring that up.
We got a place together when we found out and while I thought it was gonna go up in flames quick I feel like things are where I finally wanted them to be in the first place at last. But I keep having dreams about her cheating and I'm waking up after 4hrs and can't sleep before a shift. I can't trust her like I used to and I'm sure I love her but I'm also sure I can't trust her word on word alone anymore.
The other day we found out she had a miscarriage, apparently it just stopped growing and we were both devastated. But now I'm even more scared that she only wanted to stay faithful this time because of the baby. Im twice as nervous as I was before about her cheating and the nightmares are worse and I'm waking up at, 12 after going to bed at 9 and can't sleep. Part of me wants this to work, part of me wants to feel like I have peace of mind again. And I don't know if I can be in a relationship with her and have that anymore.
Sorry for the book guys. There are other things I forgot, like how I tried to lie about seeing a number on the records her response was a moment of pause before saying "I think your lying about that to get me to tell the truth". Why would she "think" that if her version was true anyways. And other weird ways of phrasing things that would suggest dishonesty. But I've been typing this as she sleeps and its almost time for me to wake her for work and I know If she woke up and saw me typing she would wanna read it all if I'm to avoid a huge fight. And I'm sure if she read it there would be a huge fight. So I apologize for any bad spelling/grammar and what not. I feel kinda rushed while wanting to give as much detail as possible. Also this is my first reddit post so I'm not 100% sure if I'm doing the TLDR right as I usually just listen to reddit stories on YouTube while I work rather then the app or website itself. Thanks to all who read this
TLDR. GF acted suspicious but I have no real hard-core proof other then how bad she doesn't wanna talk about it. Almost had a baby that seemed to fix things but it miscarried and now I'm even more scared the baby was the only reason it finally started working again and that she will do some suspicious shit again.
submitted by Universal-Ultimatum to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

I am 30 years old making $135,000 live in San Francisco, CA and work as a Scientist

Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $25,000; I didn’t start contributing until last year. I got out of grad school end of 2017, and once I got my first job I focused on saving up a good emergency fund since I live in such a HCOL city.
Savings account balance: $25,000; $20K emergency fund, $5K for car down payment (I’ll be making this purchase soon)
Checking account balance: $1,300; I try to only keep bill money in there + $500 buffer, payday is in a few days so this is low
HSA balance: $3,600; Since I chose the HSA plan at work, my company fills it up to the deductible every year. This is my money to keep, and this has been racking up after a few years of low medical expenses. It came in handy when I had to have surgery this year, I was able to pay exclusively from this account.
Credit card debt: none, I pay balances off each month
Student loan debt: $20,000; This is all from undergrad tuition: my living expenses were paid by working and some help from my parents, my grad school was paid with fellowships. Payments have been suspended during COVID. My original plan was to pay it off this year, but COVID and everything else has made me rethink that. Instead, I’ve decided to put money toward moving (with rent prices down I was able to move to a much nicer place for only a little more) and putting a hefty down payment on a reasonably priced car. With help of my bonus and tax refund I can definitely clear my debt in 2021, but I’ll wait until we know more about what Biden plans to do about student debt.

Section Two: Income
Income Progression:
• During college: $10K-13K a year; this was through various part time jobs in retail + working at a lab at my university later in college. It wasn’t much but it paid for my living expenses. I’m really glad I worked in college, although I wish maybe I had worked a little less so I could have more of a social life. Regardless it set me up to be a lot more independent than most of my peers
Grad school: $30K a year stipend; Right after college I went straight into grad school to get a PhD in biomedical science. Programs in this field usually cover tuition and provide a stipend since you’re working in the lab of your advisor. Tip for anyone looking at getting a PhD in this field: if a school offers you admission but won’t cover tuition and stipend through research or teaching assistantships, DON’T DO IT. It’s a red flag, plus you’re better off minimizing debt if you want to stay in academia.
First job in biotech: $97K salary + up to 10% bonus; Once I graduated, I got a job at a biotech company on the peninsula. I didn’t negotiate because I didn’t know that I had any leverage to since I was just coming out of school. Turns out negotiating really isn’t part of the company culture and people really are paid the same market rate for the same work within the company so it wouldn’t have mattered anyway. Typically get a 5% cost of living raise every year.
Promotion early this year: $123K salary + up to 10% bonus; this was something that was expected, my boss and I had been in discussions about my work
Unexpected raise: $135K salary + up to 10% bonus; Recently got an unexpected pay raise, I suspect this was pre-emptive since I’ve recently picked up extra work that makes me more marketable. I probably would have asked for this eventually, but they beat me to it. My company works really hard to make sure people feel well-compensated and appreciated, which really helps when the workload gets stressful.

Main Job Monthly Take Home:
• Roth 401K: $1,125 a month (10% gross salary)
• Medical/dental: covered 100% by work.
Monthly take home after deductions: $6,300

Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $2,900; I live alone in a one bedroom apartment with my cat. Moved from a studio this summer, I would never had been able to get a place this nice (nice building, remodeled kitchen+bathroom) without the COVID rent drops.
Renters insurance: $15
Savings contribution: $1000 a month at least. Right now that goes towards a car down payment. After that, it’ll be split to extra debt repayment (to pay student loan faster) and short terms savings like for vacations.
Student loan: $300 a month (suspended due to COVID)
Donations: $175 a month; Split amongst food banks, KQED, ACLU, and planned parenthood. Every time I get a raise I pick up a new donation. I also gave about $2K this year in ad hoc donations.
Electric: ~$35 a month. Steam heat (radiator) is free in my building so this doesn’t fluctuate in winter.
Wifi: ~$35 a month
Cellphone: $110; includes iphone payment that ends in a year
Subscriptions: $50; Netflix, hulu, amazon prime, hbo max (I really should cut on of these)
Car insurance: $100; Two years ago I gave my car back to my family for my brother to use after I moved to SF, but I still came back and drove it enough for me to need to keep my own insurance on it just in case. When I buy the new car it’ll get transferred to that one.

Day One (Monday)
8:00 a.m. — My alarm goes off, and I’m technically awake but still so tired. I cuddle with the cat and catch up on youtube for a while before I get up and make some tea.
9:00 a.m. — I settle in the start the day: mostly just triaging emails and dealing with some small tasks so I can get them off the list. I’ve been working from home since March; I work in data analysis, so my computer is my lab. For the most part it’s been pretty successful, but sometimes I fall for the lure to work in my pajamas. After about an hour of work I quickly shower and get ready for my first meeting.
12:00 p.m. — My meetings are done so I heat up lunch- today its pasta leftovers from last night, along with a coke. I spend the break watching a West Wing episode, I’ve been bingeing recently and I’m almost done!
2:30 p.m. — I hit a lull in work, so I get my bags and mask and walk to the grocery store. The best part of working from home is being able to go do errands on off hours, especially now that we’re all trying to avoid crowds. I listen to podcasts on the way over: this time I’m catching up on the Wall Street Journal Money Briefing.
2:45 p.m. — I buy my groceries for the week: ingredients for chopped salads, a few snacks, and a few frozen meals. Since I have a lot of leftover pasta to eat, I don’t need as many things as I usually do, so I use the opportunity to stock up on a few staples. You have to think ahead when you have to carry everything home every week! $48.76
3:30 p.m. — I get home an put everything away. I eat a lacey cookie and make sparkling water out of my sodastream while I settle back into work. Right now I’m doing all the prep for a big analysis coming up soon, so it’s a lighter week. Once that data comes in, I’ll be working like crazy.
6:00 p.m. — Done for the day! I decompress and play silly games on my phone, then get up to make dinner while I watch more West Wing on my iPad. Tonight’s dinner is chopped salad with romaine, cucumber, tomato, green apple, bacon, blue cheese, avocado, and balsamic dressing. I only need part of the green apple for the salad so I slice the rest to eat on the side. I also crack open a shandy to have with dinner.
8:00 p.m. — My period is coming and I have a hankering for sweets. I warm up a slice of pancake bread I got today and try a little bit of the peppermint bark liqueur I found this weekend. This combo is everything!
9:30 p.m. — I’m trying to go to bed earlier so I turn off the TV, settle into pajamas, and read before bed while cuddling with the cat. Right now I’m reading Dying: A memoir by Cory Taylor. I turn out the lights at 10 and listen to the Dear Hank & John podcast on a sleep timer.
Day One total: $48.76

Day Two (Tuesday)
7:30 a.m. — Even though I went to bed relatively early I still wake up exhausted. I hit the snooze button a few times before getting up, making tea, and getting ready.
11:00 a.m. — Done with morning meetings so I take an early lunch, more leftover pasta. I also clean up around the house for a little while, it’s hard for me to concentrate in a messy environment.
2:00 p.m. — Feeling sluggish so I make another cup of tea before my last meeting.
3:30 p.m. — My meeting is over, so I take a minute to take care of some life admin before I get back to work. I write out my rent check, drop it off in the office downstairs, and send my mom a link to an immersion blender since she wants to know what I want for Christmas. I see Naturalizer is having a 50% off sale on boots so I buy 2 pairs. My boots wore out last season and I still haven’t replaced them. I also set up a monthly donation for the Oakland food bank (see monthly expenses). I recently got a raise and want to up my donations. Since I already give to SF food bank I thought I’d spread the love. $107.43
6:00 p.m. — The last thing I need to do for work today requires running some code for a while, so I start that before making dinner. Tonight it’s another chopped salad and some sparkling water. I eat while watching more West Wing.
8:00 p.m. — Pre-period cravings are kicking my ass (or at least that’s my excuse). I have another slice of pancake bread and some tea while browsing NPR’s 2020 book concierge and tagging books on my libby account. I also text my boyfriend for a while and we make plans to hang out later this week (standard COVID note: he also lives alone/WFH and we live in walking distance to each other, so we consider ourselves one bubble).
10:30 p.m. — I get ready for bed and read more of my book. Light’s out by 11.
Day Two total: 107.43

Day Three (Wednesday)
7:30 a.m. — My alarm goes off, and the cat jumps into bed immediately for cuddles. We hang out for a few minutes then I get up, make tea, and start getting ready for the day.
9:00 a.m. — I start work, this morning it’s a bunch of code to review. Queue staring at my screens for three hours.
12:00 p.m. — Lunchtime! More leftover pasta, I’m getting bored of these leftovers but I don’t want to waste food. I have that and some more sparkling water.
1:00 p.m. — I recently got a new ipad, and I need to drop off the old one at Fedex to get the trade-in credit. I walk over to drop it off and enjoy the fresh air. On the way back I order a peppermint mocha from Starbucks on the mobile app. I try to order from the million independent coffee shops near my house most of the year, but the holiday drinks bring me back to Starbucks every time. During the walk I listen to podcast about Biden's cabinet picks with some interesting discussion about foreign policy. I don't know enough to have a strong opinion yet, but I would like to learn more! $5.50
4:00 p.m. — I just spent a good chunk of my afternoon talking with so many people just to make a small update to code. So frustrating! I'm tempted to make a drink to have while I finish work, but I resist and just have more sparkling water.
4:30 p.m. — I get a call from the medical center I got a procedure from last month. They said they sent me a statement, but they somehow not only got my street number wrong but also the zip code. I pay the $140 bill using money in my HSA (that's money put in by my company, so I don't count as an expense).
6:00 p.m. — I just spend way too much time ironing out another issue, I’ve earned my drink. I crack open a beer and make another chopped salad for dinner. Tonight I’m drinking a Baked Hawaii pastry stout from Temascal brewing. It’s absolutely delicious, but halfway through drinking the can I realize it’s 11% ABV!! Tonight just got interesting.
9:00 p.m. — Turns out drunk at home me isn’t that interesting: I spend the night watching West Wing and texting a friend. I’m in bed by 11ish.
Day three total: $5.50

Day Four (Thursday)
7:30 a.m. — I get up and make tea like I always do. I decide to actually get ready properly with makeup and jewelry today so that’s new.
9:00 a.m. — Start work, this morning I’m working on an internal presentation.
11:00 a.m. — I prep an apple and peanut butter for a snack.
12:00 p.m. — I heat up the last of leftover pasta for lunch. Good, I’m really getting sick of it.
1:00 p.m. — I sit down for my meeting. I present the first half, then spend second half munching on a few sour jellybeans I had left from last week.
3:00 p.m. — I make more tea and move to the couch to finish up my workday. I also customize my imperfect produce order for next week. I don't actually get a ton of produce from them, but I really like some of their meat and dairy options. I get apples, oranges, kiwi, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, avocados, bread, salmon, chicken breast, bacon, snack cheese, and some peppermint chocolate covered pretzels. That, plus my hello fresh coming next week, will be most of my food a few weeks. Those will get charged to my account next week when they’re delivered. I try to spend $250 a month of groceries, but craft beer and fun cheese sometimes make me go over.
5:30 p.m. — I’m sick of working, so I get changed out of sweats into decent clothes and walk over to my boyfriend’s place. I stop by the market on the way over to buy tea and a can of water chestnuts (the only other thing I need for meals next week). $7.58
6:00 p.m. — I get to my boyfriend’s place just as the food delivery arrives, I get chicken tikka masala, rice, and garlic naan. I only eat half so the rest is saved for leftovers. We split a stone espresso stout and talk. Since vaccine schedules look so good and cancellation policies are great, it makes sense to consider booking a trip to Hawaii for late summer. We agree to think about it and pull the trigger before Christmas. $25 for Indian food
7:00 p.m. — I’m not a fan of the stout so I open up a cider. We settle in and watch TV
9:45 p.m. — Technically we're under a 10pm curfew, although I can't really figure out what that means this time. I'm tired anyway, so I say goodbye to my boyfriend and walk home. No one is out, so I walk home with my mask off. Something about being in nice clothes and without a mask on hits harder than it probably should. I miss normal city life so much. Just as I think that a big-ass raccoon pops up walking on the next block, which ironically never happened to me in normal city life even though it totally sounds like it would. Luckily the raccoon is more scared of me than I am of it, and I make it home in one piece.
10:30 p.m. — I make a cup of decaf tea and settle into bed. I decide to start a new book Survivor Song, I find zombie-ish apocalyptic books oddly comforting right now (finished Severance by Ling Ma a few weeks ago). This one is about a rabies-like disease, really glad that raccoon ran away earlier.
3:00 a.m. — Oops, got so engrossed with the book I stay up incredibly late to read the whole thing in one sitting. I reset my alarm to 9. WFH for my company has its perks!
Day four total: $32.58

Day Five (Friday)
10:30 a.m. — I accidentally sleep through the alarm and wake up in a panic. It isn't the end of the world, but I still go straight to my laptop while still in pajamas and start work. There was a mini crisis early this morning that luckily I wouldn't have been much help in, but I spend the rest of the morning dealing with that and various other fires.
12:00 p.m. — I shower and get dressed. Lunch today is frozen lamb vindaloo for lunch and a coke to try and perk me up.
1:00 p.m. — I’m still predictably exhausted, so I make some tea and try to power through a task before a meeting.
3:00 p.m. —More tea and a lacey cookie before meeting.
6:00 p.m. —I still have more work to do but I'm drained, so I call it a night. I heat up last night's Indian food, grab some more sparkling water and catch up on youtube to decompress.
8:00 p.m. —I clean up a little round the house while I watch the new Grey’s Anatomy. I can’t believe I’m still watching this show.
11:00 p.m. — Watched more West Wing while curled up on the couch. I head to bed; I want to get up at a decent time.
Day five total: $0

Day Six (Saturday)
8:00 a.m. — My alarm goes off. I stay in bed browsing the internet on my iPad.
9:00 a.m. — I get up, make some tea and prep breakfast. Today I try the pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes from Damn Delicious. My resolution this year was to make 50 new recipes and I’m on track to make it! These pancakes are fantastic, I’ll definitely make them again. I pack up the leftovers to bring to my boyfriend’s house later.
10:00 a.m. — I settle in on the couch and spend the rest of the morning playing games on my ipad and listening to podcasts.
12:30 p.m. — I jump in the shower and get ready. I’m training for when we’re back in real society again, so I actually do my hair and makeup today. Today I play with eyeshadow and do a purple smokey eye. My boyfriend texts to say that he already ate lunch so I heat up frozen lamb vindaloo for lunch.
1:30 p.m. — Time to head to my boyfriend’s house. I pack up my overnight bag and the pancakes, put my boots on, and head out. I drop my stuff off at my boyfriend’s house and we head out to walk around the city. We started doing this when the pandemic started, it’s a great way to spend the afternoon. On the walk I finally see the parrots of Telegraph hill, although we aren’t at telegraph hill. They’re really cute, but so loud, I’m glad I don’t live closer to them!
3:00 p.m. —We stop by a place to get Irish coffee but the line is massive (this is the last weekend of outdoor dining, so everyone is out). I don't want to wait in line, so we keep walking to find somewhere else to go.
3:30 p.m. — We see a Mexican restaurant and decide to stop for snacks and drinks. As a bonus the tables are really spaced out and there aren’t a ton of people seated. We want to help businesses out and enjoy a last weekend being able to eat outside, but it seems counterproductive to eat at a crowded place. We get 2 margaritas each and split some appetizers, making sure to tip extra. $51.26
5:30 p.m. — As we walk back towards my boyfriend’s apartment, we see that the cocktail bar he really wanted to try has a ton of tables available. We pick a table far away from the others and have 2 more cocktails each. I also get some garlic shrimp noodles. We each tip extra here too. $66.71
7:00 p.m. — We trudge up the hill and head to my boyfriend’s apartment. I buy some snacks and a la croix at a corner store on the way. $7.00
7:15 p.m. — We spend the rest of evening watching TV and sobering up. We end up going to bed pretty early, around 10.
Day six total: $124.97

Day Seven (Sunday)
9:00 a.m. — I wake up and laze around in bed for a while. After I get up we eat the leftover pancakes and I help my boyfriend with some chores that require 2 people (there are a few disadvantages to living alone).
11:00 a.m. — I gather my things and walk home. Once I’m there I drop off my things, and head straight back out to grab a few items. I’m out of body wash so I walk to Walgreens to buy that and a soda. On the way home I realize I don’t have any food for today (Hello Fresh is coming tomorrow), so I pop into the deli and get a sandwich and some chips. The sandwiches are huge so it’s enough food for lunch and dinner. $27.20
3:00 p.m. — The rest of day is spent alternating between cleaning and hanging out on the couch. I look at my email to see that Aerie is doing 10 for $35 on underwear, so I fill up my cart with 10 pairs + a swimsuit and sweater. I haven’t bought any clothes this year, but now things are starting to wear out so I need to replace things all at once. $89.47
7:00 p.m. — I toast up the other half of my sandwich. I spend the rest of the evening reading and watching TV, I’m in bed by 11.
Day seven total: $116.67

Total for week: $435.91
Grocery + Dining Out: $239.01
Fun + Entertainment: $0
Home + Health: $10
Clothes + Beauty: $196.90
Transportation: $0
Lastly, reflect on your diary: This definitely was a more expensive week than normal. I’ve been delaying buying clothing for a long time, so I finally have started to catch up. I tend to do that after I get a raise. This was also the last week of outdoor dining for SF so I used this as an excuse to eat out more, I feel so bad for all the workers about to get laid off again.

Have a happy and safe holidays everyone!
(Edited because I found a few typos I missed when I proofread, so embarrassing! TA me from 4 years ago would be so ashamed haha)
submitted by nisodi90 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I am 30 years old, make $46,363 a year, living in Charlotte, NC and work as a Staff Accountant

Hi everyone. I wanted to share my MD, because I’ve seen a lot of MD’s on this sub where people are high earners ($100K+). There are many like me out there who read them and can’t really relate to them. I wanted to give a different perspective of someone who is an average or even underpaid earner. When I was growing up, my parents never really taught me finances even though my dad is a CPA. I mention my husband (J) in this.
Section One: Assets and Debt:
Retirement Balance
Roth IRA: ~$3k I started late... I don’t have a 401k, since there’s no company match.
Investment: ~$4k in Robinhood. I prefer to put more towards this since I would pay less tax on long-term gains than if I were to put it in a 401k, which is taxed as ordinary income.
Savings account balance: $2500
Checking account balance $950
Credit card debt: $5200. This is on an 18 month interest free card. I charged my husband’s (J) lawyer fees, application fee for a waiver, and application fee for DACA renewal. We had an arrangement where he paid me half plus the full amount of the DACA application fee, and I used that money to pay off a high interest credit card. All I can say is the immigration process is very expensive and stressful. 😅
Student loan debt: $53k for pre-req classes and my MBA degree with a concentration in Finance.
Personal loan: $4932 for debt consolidation and some moving expenses. This will be paid off in 2022.
Car loan: $14,272 for a 2017 RAV4 LE. This will be paid off in 2024.
Section Two: Income
Income Progression: I’ve been working as a Staff Accountant for a little over 3 years now, currently making $46,363 or $22.29/hr. At most, I only work 2-3 hours of OT a month.
August 2007-February 2015: I started out at $7.25/hr as a cashiefront end associate at a supermarket in NY while I was in high school and college. My ending hourly rate was $9/hr.
April 2015-June 2017: $11/hr I graduated with a BA in Psychology, got married, and moved to Durham NC. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my degree. I was desperate to find a job since we just moved. I started out as an administrative/accounting assistant at a local distribution company. My ending hourly rate was $14/hr. During 2016, I started taking business classes.
July 2017-November 2017: $40k/year salaried as a bookkeeper at an administrative services company in metro NY. I felt really homesick and my husband was feeling the same. I started my MBA in Finance at a private school in NY. We moved back hoping we could make it work to be near our family and friends. My husband had a hard time finding a full time job though and we had only 1 car at the time. I was offered $50k/year + $500 bonus as a Cost Analyst at a public pharmaceutical company but I didn’t take it because we had to move back to NC. I still get bummed out about it, since it was an ideal position even though it didn’t pay a lot for metro NY’s COL.
December 2017-April 2019: $20/hr as a Staff Accountant at a furniture company in the Triad area of NC.
May 2019-present: $45,011 or 21.64/hr at distribution company in a bordering town near Charlotte in SC. I finished my MBA program in August 2019. After a 3% yearly raise (supposedly performance based, but more like a COL adjustment), my current income is $46,363/yearly or $22.29/hr.
Main Job Monthly Take Home: ~$2810/month after taxes and deductions. I work in SC so taxes take a big chunk..It’s 7%, but I get a nice tax refund since I don’t live in SC. I’m paid biweekly. Health insurance is $64.65 per paycheck.
Side Gig Monthly Take Home None, but considering getting a part time job.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $660/month for my half. The total amount is $1320, which is split with J.
Renters: $19.54/month
Retirement contribution $150
Savings contribution: On hold for now
Investment contribution $300
Debt payments: $200 for the 18 month interest free credit card
Student loans: $0 since it’s deferred but usually $264
Personal loan: $312 for consolidated debt.
Electric: ~$65-$90
Wifi/Cable/: Cable and internet/WiFi is included in the rent at our apartment complex, but I pay an extra $9.68/month for an upgraded channel package.
Cellphone: $75
Subscriptions: $0 J pays for Netflix and Amazon
Gym membership: $0 I want to sign back up for a gym, but I’m hesitant right now.
Pet expenses: ~85/month
Car payment/insurance: $438 for my car payment. Insurance is $530 for 6 months. I usually pay it in full to get a small discount.
Food/Groceries: ~$350/month, but this is split with J.
Cc fee: $95/year for Chase Sapphire Preferred
Day 1: Monday
8:00 AM-I hear J shuffling around to get ready for work. I’m a light sleeper...I wake up whenever I hear any noise. He kisses me goodbye and I go back to sleep. It’s not a usual week for me since I have 3 days off. We were supposed to be visiting family and friends in NY, but we decided to cancel and not risk it.
9:15 AM-I finally wake up and get out of bed. I brush my teeth,take a shower, and put on my skin products. I feed the cats and head into the kitchen to make scrambled eggs with avocado toast and brew some coffee. I watch the news and eat.
11:00 AM-I work on my application for UNC Charlotte’s data science program. I’ve done a lot of reflecting and research about what I really want to do as a career. I couldn’t imagine doing accounting for the rest of my career. I either wanted to help people or do something analytical. All my bosses have told me that I excel in analysis before, and it’s something I enjoy. There aren’t opportunities at my current job and after rejections at other companies within the past year, I feel like having another degree especially from a local school will give me a boost. The application fee turns out to be $75.
12:30 PM-J comes home for lunch. I’m getting hungry too and we have some leftover pizza from yesterday. We talk about things at his job and I tell him about my day off so far. He leaves again to go back to work. I binge watch Grey’s Anatomy, currently on season 7. I get a call from a recruiter I worked with before about a Staff Accountant position that just reopened. I tell him I’m not interested at this time. I just feel it’s not the direction I want to go anymore and there’s a lot of uncertainty in the job market right now.
2:00 PM-I browse through sales online and buy Mario Badescu Glycolic foaming cleanser on Amazon, since I’m almost out and it’s on sale. The total comes out to $12.01, but I pay with the gift card my hubby gave me that he got from his job.
3:00 PM-I bought some Udemy courses a few months back, so I start one of the excel courses. I really like learning shortcuts on Excel, but it’s hard to remember them.
5:30 PM-J calls to ask what I usually order from the halal cart. He brings a lamb gyro over rice platter when he comes home. We eat, talk, and watch the news. I play some Mario Kart online for the rest of the night while J plays Call of Duty with his friends.
10:30 PM-I call it a day and get ready to go to sleep. Another day off to look forward to. I browse mindlessly through my phone and fall asleep.
Daily Total: $87.01
Day 2: Tuesday
10:30 AM: I get up at the sound of one of my neighbor’s is blasting music. I still feel soo sleepy. I didn’t sleep well since J was sleep talking. I scroll through my phone and head into the bathroom to do my morning routine. I’m over having eggs everyday, so I eat some Cheerios while watching the news.
11:30 AM-I talk to 1 of my close college friends from NY since she’s on maternity leave. She just had her 2nd child. She brings up the old days... I feel nostalgic. She tells me the state offers paid maternity leave. I’m pretty surprised and a bit envious. That’s such a good benefit.
12:25 PM-J comes home for lunch and heats up an Amy’s frozen meal. I make myself a salad. He’s not happy with things at work today, and talks about his coworkers and nepotism at his job. We watch some TV while we eat then J goes back to work.
2:00 PM-I attempt to workout...doing some jumping jacks, lunges, and crunches for 30 minutes. I’ve gained some weight since we moved to Charlotte and I canceled my gym membership. I feel sore and sweaty. I take a shower then I watch some Grey’s Anatomy.
5:45 PM-J comes home and tells me about his meeting with his bosses. He has salad for dinner while I make myself a turkey sandwich. We watch the news then we binge watch Grey’s Anatomy.
11:00 PM-We get ready to go to sleep, talking about our money and job worries while cuddling in bed. We talk about life in NY and agree it’s our safe place if anything were to happen to our jobs here, since our family and friends are there. I look at rent listings in Manhattan/Brooklyn on Street Easy out of curiosity. I’m surprised at how much cheaper rent has gotten there. I fall asleep after browsing around.
Daily Total: $0
Day 3 Wednesday
9:00 AM-It’s my last day off. I wake up feeling so sore from the workout yesterday. I put on some jeans and a sweater since I have to go out later. For breakfast, I have cereal again and some coffee afterwards.
10:30 AM-I have an appointment for a state inspection and I also need to drop off clothes and shoes we wanted to donate. We went through our things on the weekend. I get ready with my mask to head to the auto appointment first. I hate going to appointments like this...Last time I waited 2.5 hours for an oil change. While I wait, I scroll through Instagram and see my ex’s ex-fiancé posted a story of what looks like she’s on vacation. I DM her to ask how she’s doing. She moved to Tanzania with her new husband recently. She was over living in NY and quit her job. I say I’m living vicariously through her, but also longing for NY. She says I haven’t been missing anything in NY.
11:30 AM-The car is ready.. The wait was only 1 hour this time. The inspection comes out to $30, and of course they suggest the car should get some other things done. Thinking about having to get new tires soon and all these other things just stresses me out. I go to the Crisis Assistance Ministry to drop off the clothes and shoes. Then I head back home to eat a salad and watch more Grey’s Anatomy. J texts me saying he’s going to come home and take his lunch in a bit.
6:00 PM-J comes home from work. He tells me about the rest of his workday while I tell him about the car. So more maintenance..well, we can put it on 1 of the cards when we need to.
8:00 PM-There are some helicopters circling around the apartment complex. We notice the helicopters shining the lights. We peak through the windows, and notice some police are walking through the breezeway with flashlights outside of the apartment. We’re wondering wth is going on and I check the citizens app, but there is no news nearby us. The sound of helicopters goes away and the police leave after 20 min. I prepare for work tomorrow. I throw a yogurt in a bag to take to work and put some granola bars in my purse. Then I watch more Grey’s Anatomy while J plays Call of Duty again with friends.
Daily Total: $30.00
Day 4: Thursday
6:45 AM-I wake up and get ready in the bathroom. I brush my teeth, wash my face, brush my hair, and do my makeup. I get dressed. I have some coffee and scroll though social media. I kiss J goodbye, since he goes to work later than me. I put a mask in my purse, take my lunch, and drive to work.
7:50 AM-I put on the mask and head into the office. I work in SC which is about 20 minutes away...Unfortunately, people in SC don’t wear masks since it’s not required. I’m only 1 of 4 people in the entire company who wear masks in the office. I clock in for work and have 2 granola bars as my breakfast. I check my emails. I print out bank statements to do journal entries. Then I send out an email to my coworkers letting them know I’m going to the banks at 12. We take turns taking deposits to the banks, since the company is old school. My boss comes over to my cubicle to ask how my “trip” was. I told her I didn’t go anywhere and just stayed home. She told me she went to Georgia again. Most people at my job just act like coronavirus doesn’t exist and my boss made it clear before that she thinks it’s just the flu.
9:30 AM-My boss announces she’s putting up our department’s tree and whoever wants to join can come decorate with her. My coworkers and bosses don’t wear masks, so I don’t feel comfortable joining since my husband is in an at risk category. My coworkers join her. My boss yells out loud that she made some pumpkin pie. She comes over to my cubicle, asks if I heard her, and says she guesses it’s hard not to...I can’t tell whether she’s being passive aggressive or what. I just tell her that it’s nice of her to bake the pie. She goes back to the little get together. I feel so annoyed at this point being here. It’s time for a water break.
12:00 PM-It’s time for the bank run. I head out to the 1st bank via drive-thru. Then I head to the 2nd bank where there isn’t a drive thru..So I head inside with my mask on. At least this one is in Charlotte, so everyone is wearing a mask. There’s a long line, so I scroll through social media. When the deposits are done, I get some gas on the way back to work which comes out to $14.80.
1:00 PM-I return to work, and clock out for lunch to have a Chobani yogurt. It’s convenient for my lunch, since I only get 30 minutes. I text J to see how his day is. The apartment manager emailed everyone to notify there was a vehicle pursuit that ended up in the apartment complex last night, but it ended peacefully apparently. We really need to get out of the neighborhood we live in.
4:30 PM-I leave work and when I get home, I debate whether to take a shower now or later. I decide later. I watch some news on the stock market and local news. I feel lazy and drink a Kellogg’s french vanilla shake for dinner. They actually taste better than I thought!
5:30 PM-J comes home and we talk about the usual. He plays Call of Duty with his friends again for the rest of the night while I watch a rerun of The Family Chantel. Then I take a shower and go back to watching more TLC.
Daily Total: $14.80
Day 5: Friday
6:45 AM-It doesn’t feel like a Friday. I wake up and get ready for work. I have coffee, take my yogurt for lunch, and kiss J goodbye as usual when I leave.
7:45 AM-I clock in and have a granola bar. I check my emails and review my check list for month end and financial statements. I review some ledger accounts to see if anything needs to be reclassified.
12:30 PM-I take my lunch and eat a yogurt. Then I text J to ask how’s work. He’s not happy that it’s inventory time today and tomorrow at his job for the quarter. He has to stay later than usual today, but at least lunch and dinner is on them.
2:30 PM-My boss sends out an email that my predecessor offered to come put old files away in boxes for storage for year end. I can’t help but to roll my eyes while I reread the word offered.
5:00 PM-I get home from work. My Amazon Fresh order already came. I ordered some apples, bananas, salmon, pancakes, cheese, and muffins. It came out to $47.68 including tip. I snack on some cheese and decide to cook some veggie pasta with tomato sauce for dinner. I text J to see when he’ll be home. He says it looks like it will be 9 or 10 this time.
6:30 PM-I watch world news and do some laundry. Then I play Mario Kart for the rest of the night and drink a couple of Coronitas.
9:30 PM-J comes home and tells me he was frustrated since a lot of people in other departments left early making inventory drag later than last time. He says he made an excuse that he has an appointment in order to leave work early tomorrow at 11 AM. We go to sleep.
Daily Total: $47.68
Day 6: Saturday
10:00 AM-I wake up and I make scrambled eggs with avocado for breakfast. I drink some coffee and scroll through Facebook. There’s news that student loans have been deferred another month until the end of January. What a relief!
11:20 AM-J comes home from work. We talk and he eats breakfast. Then we watch the Manchester United vs West Ham soccer game. J goes to the bedroom to take a nap. I continue to watch TV.
1:45 PM-I’m getting hungry. I ask J if he wants to eat Japanese or Peruvian for lunch and he’s still taking a nap. Half awake, he says he’ll eat whatever I order. I end up ordering a whole rotisserie chicken combo with arroz chaufa, and 2 sides of fried plantains from Viva Chicken using DoorDash. It comes out to $39.02 including tip. We’ll have leftovers from this to eat tomorrow too. J quick pays me half of the meal and food I got from Amazon Fresh (44.00).
5:30 PM-My mom calls and we talk for a bit. She tells me there are long lines outside stores in NY. Then I cook some steak fajita strips with mixed peppers, onions, and a side salad for dinner. We watch Grey’s Anatomy for the rest of the night.
Daily Total: -44.00
1 AM-I go to sleep.
Day 7: Sunday
9:30 AM-I still feel tired. I don’t get up for at least another 30 minutes. I do my morning routine and make breakfast for us while J brews some coffee.
2:30 PM: I heat up some rotisserie chicken with arroz chaufa and fried plantains from yesterday for lunch. I binge watch Grey’s Anatomy.
6:30 PM: I heat up some leftover fajita steak strips and make some salad for dinner. We watch some news.
9:00 PM: I get things ready for the next day at work. I shower and we get ready to go to sleep. My brother-in-law calls J and tells him that their mom isn’t doing good. He’s asking if J knows what the travel restrictions are for NY to check on her and says he bought a ticket for the next day. We both think he’s being reckless by flying from Indiana to NY, but J tries to find out. He calls his mom to see what’s going on, and she just says she’s fine. We finally sleep. What a week.
Daily Total: $0
Totals and Reflection:
Food + Drink: $42.70
Fun/Entertainment: $0
Home/Health: $0
Clothes/Beauty: $12.01
Transport: $44.80
OtheEducation: $75.00
Total Spent: $174.71
It wasn’t a typical week since the school application was the most expensive charge other than food. We try not to order delivery/takeout a lot and try to stick with the groceries., Hopefully, I can get a better job and really start to save more once my personal loan is paid off. We are also planning on moving out of our current apartment complex when our lease ends in June 2021, so maybe we can save some money on rent.
submitted by nydelite to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

I am 26 years old make $80k (+10% bonus), live in Chicago and work as a Marketing Operations Analyst

Section Zero: Thank you in advance for reading! I love Money Diaries and I've written them before but this is my first time submitting/posting. Sorry it's kinda long, but I'm personally nosey so I included details that I would want to know as a reader. Maybe I went overboard tho lol. Also this is a throwaway for the MD subreddit.
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: ~$23k. I’ve never not contributed to my 401k, but in the past my nominations were way smaller (3-4%) and my previous employers didn’t match as generously. This job is the first time I’ve contributed double digits (specific figures noted below).
Equity if you're a homeowner: None yet; planning to move to the East Coast and buy there in 2 years.
HYSA: $17k (emergency fund)
Acorns: $5.5k
Twine: $20k (this is a shared account with my BF where we both contribute; this balance is mostly his and will go towards a combo of our engagement + wedding)
Brokerage: $260k (inheritance)
Coinbase: $2.1k; I loosely keep up with the crypto world and keep a few long term investments in here.
Checking account balance: ~$2k at any given time for recurring payments. I usually pay for everything else through my credit card (Chase Sapphire) to get dem points!
Credit card debt: $0, pay off each month
Student loan debt: $0, paid off. I graduated with ~$24k in loans for a Bachelors in PMarketing from a private university. I had about half of my tuition covered by scholarships and grants, my parents paid what they could, and I took out loans for the rest. For two years I paid the loans off monthly, then my family received an inheritance which my parents gave me a part of to pay off the loans.
Section Two: Income
\*I don’t combine finances with my bf but we live together (going on 2.5 years now) which definitely impacts my expenses. He makes* $82k per year. Other than rent, we don’t split anything evenly. He’ll pay a few times, then I will. You’ll see this in my diary.\**
Income Progression (post college only): I've been working for 4 years & my starting salary was $45k. I worked in social media for 3 years, then switched to ops in January 2020.
2016 - Social Media Coordinator, Midwest: $45k + OT, brought me to $50k ish
Industry: corporate retail
2017 - Account Executive, California: $58k
Industry: social media/consumer tech (agency)
2018 - Social Media Specialist, Midwest: $55k
Industry: corporate retail
2020 - Marketing Ops Analyst, Midwest: $80k + bonus
Industry: tech
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $3930/mo
Monthly Deductions
401k: $1332/mo (13% + 6% match)
Health insurance (medical & dental): $97; this is going to go down a bit in the new year because I just switched plans. Vision is covered by my employer.
FSA: $79.14; also going to go down, switching to an HSA where my company contributes $750 so I won’t be adding as much of my own money
ESPP: $266.68
Disability: $7.56
Side Gig Monthly Take Home
$0. This is actually the first time in awhile that I’m not freelancing on the side. I’ve held a mix of social media/digital marketing side gigs throughout the years, but since I’ve transitioned into operations that isn’t my strength or focus area right now. In the beginning of the year (Jan-March) I was freelancing for my previous employer until they filled my role, at a rate of $75/hr, so that will go on my taxes but I didn’t include it in my income figure because it isn’t current… maybe I should though? Haha. I made a few grand and put it all in savings
Any Other Income Here
My paternal side of the family is selling property overseas, and when the sale is complete I will receive ~$50k from the proceeds. This will go into investments/long term savings.
I also receive a lot of random gifts, bonuses and reimbursements through work, some with monetary value and some without. I don’t really consider it “income” but it counts for something I suppose… not sure where else to add it. We don’t typically receive notice of these in advance so there’s no way to really plan for it, but over the past year I’ve received:
$540 for holiday-time meals
$100 for family meal when the pandemic hit
$500 to create a home office
$250 for noise cancelling headphones
Random gift cards (Uber eats, Starbucks, Visa etc)
Holiday gift packages
I also received roughly ~$1100 in payout of my accrued PTO when my company switched to unlimited earlier this year. I had only been with the company for a few months at that point so didn’t have a ton saved up.
Section Three: Expenses
Rent / Mortgage / HOA fees: $850/month. T pays $950, because he pays for the parking spot. Our rent + parking is $1800 total, for a 2 bed 1 bath in the Lakeview area (~1200 sq ft). No washedryer in unit but it is free in the basement. Small porch and backyard. It’s not the most updated place ever but the second bedroom allows me to have my own office and overall gets the job done lol.
Renters / home insurance: $7.50/mo ($15/mo through Lemonade; my bf pays and I reimburse him for my share every 6 months)
Savings contribution: Whatever is leftover at the end of the month goes to a HYSA or Acorns/other investment apps.
Donations: I don’t donate regularly on a monthly basis, but I have donated ~$750 this year to various causes (Lebanese Red Cross, my alma mater for giving day, animal shelters I’ve adopted from, etc). My company matches up to $5k in donations, so I’ve been able to double my impact which is nice. My company also gives time off to volunteer, and I’ve logged 60 hours of volunteer time since January.
Electric/Wifi/Cable/Landline: T pays
Cellphone: on my mom’s family plan
Book of the Month: $14.99/mo
Netflix/Hulu/HBO Max: We have profiles via T’s dad’s account.
Amazon: Use my mom’s account when I need to, which isn’t often.
Spotify: $9.99/month
Gym membership: Work pays; Melissa Wood Health ($9.99/mo) and Peloton app ($12.99/mo)
Pet expenses: ~$100/mo for my share for 3 animals (one dog, two cats). Some months are higher than others, like when they get their annual shots, but I would guess it evens out to about this much. My dog just went on a new medication which is $37/month. We’re in the process of switching all pets over to raw food, which increases their food expense.
Car payment / insurance: None, don’t have a car.
Regular therapy: None right now, BUT this is something I need to get serious about in 2021. I had a few sessions with a therapist earlier in the year but she was just not my vibe, and the thought of having to repeat and unload my traumas multiple times until I found the right therapist put me off the whole process. If you have any recs in Chicago on the north side lmk!
Day 1 (Sunday)
9:55 am: Good morning, world! Roll out of bed, put on a pot of coffee and join my boyfriend T on the couch. He’s playing video games so I scroll through social media and my email. I see that Overtone is running a 20% off promo, so I get a dark red coloring conditioner for my hair. I love this brand for non-permanent hair color that doesn’t strip or dry out my hair like salon coloring does, and it’s fun to play around with different shades. With tax and shipping it comes to $34.63.
11 am: We really want pancakes but don’t have ingredients so we take a walk to Whole Foods for mix. It comes out to $3.86 but T pays. We get home and I do a quick 18 minute Melissa Wood video while T prepares the pancakes. When I get out of the shower, the pancakes are ready - perfect timing!
1 pm: We dial into a Zoom birthday celebration for T’s grandmother, who is turning 90! She is in a nursing home on the east coast (where he is from) and the family has only been able to do 20 minute drive-by visits due to the pandemic, so this means a lot to her. We spend about an hour on the call, then start our Sunday chores. I clean the bathroom and do the dishes while T vacuums. Then I grab my laptop to get a jump start on work for the week, with Red Zone on in the background so I can keep tabs on my Fantasy players.
4 pm: Wrap up my work for the afternoon, heat up some food (leftovers from Persian takeout the other night. If you like Greek/mediterranean food, I highly suggest you try Persian!!) and watch a Her Atlas YouTube video while I eat. I have wanted to visit Japan for years, and that’s going to be mine and T’s big, yearly international trip once it’s safe to travel again. Last year we did Spain.
7 pm: The rest of the afternoon is spent relaxing, reading (I’m currently on Obama’s new book), snacking and watching Gilmore Girls...aka my favorite type of Sunday. My mom got us the Bonne Maman advent calendar this year and we’ve been doing a cheese and cracker appetizer with each day’s jam. Today’s is a pineapple preserve. T and I spend some time looking up recipes to make for the week and decide on two Half Baked Harvest recipes. T places a Whole Foods delivery order for the items we need; it comes out to $45 and he pays. Head to bed around 10 pm.
Daily total: $34.63
Day 2 (Monday)
7:45 am: Top of the morning! I wouldn’t usually be excited for a Monday, but this is my last full 5-day work week of 2020 - woo hoo! I fix my coffee, feed the cats and get started on my morning routine. I wash my face with Cerave cleanser, followed by Klairs toner, Melano CC spot treatment and Supergoop sunscreen. My company has a very meeting-heavy culture and I’m on camera all day long, so I typically do a light makeup routine of tinted moisturizer, blush, eyebrow gel and mascara. Even though we’re working from home, it does wonders for my confidence to feel put together on camera. Not everyone’s vibe, but it works for me. Leggings forever, though!
12:15 pm: Quick break for lunch after a busy morning of meetings, spreadsheet work and deck building. I was supposed to have my quarterly skip level this morning but it got moved to Thursday, which is fine cus it gives me more time to prep. Lunch is a “harvest bowl”: roasted brussels sprouts and butternut squash, sauerkraut, avocado scrambled eggs and furikake seasoning on top. We’re running low on the seasoning so I add it to mine and T’s shared iCloud note for Trader Joe’s items.
5 pm: Now that it’s pitch black and I’m tired and cold, I decide to take my last bit of work from the couch under a blanket. My mom calls me and we chat for a bit. Wrap up around 6:30 and opt to skip working out. Daylight savings zaps my motivation.
7 pm: Dinner is our Bonne Maman jam app (strawberry rhubarb) with crackers, leftover butternut squash gnocchi soup that we made late last week, and Trader Joe’s chocolate covered banana slices for dessert. Watch Gilmore Girls then move to bed to read Obama. Lights out around 10:15.
Daily total: $0
Day 3 (Tuesday)
8:15 am: I had horrible insomnia last night so I sleep in a bit. I tried melatonin, CBD, meditation...nothing worked. I know it’s because of my stressful work projects coming up. I get up, put on coffee and pray these next 8 working days go by fast! Repeat the same morning routine.
9:30 am: Get an email from our team EA with information on our Adopt-a-Family for this year and donation options. I venmo her $50.
10 am: Breakfast time! I make a green “juice” in my Vitamix (water blended with apple, pear, cucumber, lemon, spinach, and ginger), more coffee and some Seven Sundays muesli with coconut milk.
1 pm: Lunch break; I make the same harvest bowl as yesterday and use up all the roasted veggies, which makes me happy cus I love getting rid of leftovers and freeing up fridge space. I also make a chocolate macaroon David’s Tea.
2 pm: Check my personal email and see a 20% off coupon from Bombas, so I order merino wool socks for T and my mom as stocking stuffers. After shipping and tax it comes to $34.80. I also receive some forms from the DC embassy of the country where my relatives are selling property, but it’s all in the local language so I forward them the email so they can translate it for me.
5 pm: Spend the afternoon working on an audit project and presenting a new process I created to one of our teams. I serve as an admin for an external software we use in marketing, and one aspect of my role is optimizing how teams use that software and establishing infrastructure to scale. The presentation goes really well! Also get an email from HR saying everyone is getting a $50 giftcard of their choice for the holidays; I browse the options and choose Nordstrom.
5:45 pm: Quick abs and arms Melissa Wood workout, shower, then back to work...on the couch this time, though. My alma mater has a basketball game tonight so I turn that on in the background. They are stomping on the competition, so I don’t have to pay attention too closely. I love non stressful, easy-win games lol.
6:30 pm: A random Amazon package shows up, and I can’t for the life of me remember ordering anything. I open it up to find a ring light as a holiday gift from our team’s VP! This is actually perfect bc it’s going to be gray and gloomy in Chicago for the foreseeable future. I set it to charge so I can use it for tomorrow’s video calls.
7:30 pm: Dinner time! T made a Half Baked Harvest Asian noodles recipe. I wrap up work and we turn on Gilmore Girls. After an episode, I do my night routine and move to bed to read Obama. Night routine consists of Simple micellar water, Cerave cleanser, Klairs toner, prescription retinol (0.05% tretinoin), Cosrx moisturizer and The Ordinary squalane oil as the cherry on top. Lights off at 10 pm ish.
Daily total: $84.80
Day 4 (Wednesday)
8 am: Made it halfway through the week! I’m woken up by Karen, our Roomba vacuum. My insomnia was a bit more mellow last night. I couldn’t fall asleep for awhile but I think I ended up getting a solid 6 hours or so of shuteye, which is more than I can say for the night before. I’ll take it!
9 am: Today is going to be spent on my audit project, working in a spreadsheet all day…. Ugh. But on the bright side, my boss messages our team saying we have permission to expense lunch or wine for extra motivation! Wine for me, please.
12:30 pm: I’m making better progress on my audit project than I thought I would, so I decide to run a couple lunch errands with T. It feels so nice to get outside and step away from my screens for a bit. It’s also 50 degrees and sunny (this is cause for celebration in Chicago in December)! First we stop by the vet to pick up a refill of the dog’s meds. The med price recently went up so I make a mental note to call CVS to see if they can fill a generic for cheaper. Next stop is Whole Foods for my motivation wine, and also a few items we forgot in T’s order from earlier in the week. We get salmon, feta cheese, beets, coffee creamer, eggs, pepper jack and Olly sleep gummies. It comes to $61.80 and I pay. I also get my wine which comes to $22.15 but that goes on my company card.
4:30 pm: I finish my audit work! Another coworker on the project is a bit behind on her portion though so I offer to help...not out of the woods yet. I decide I deserve a spreadsheet break and have a bit of time before a call with colleagues in Singapore, so I do a 20 minute Melissa Wood workout. I was really skeptical of home exercise when lockdown first started, but I’ve grown to love it! It’s nice being able to squeeze movement in without having to schlep to the gym. After the workout, it’s back to my office to get some audit work done before my call.
6:30 pm: Call is over so it’s Motivation Wine time! I pop open the bottle to breathe while I shower, then pour a glass for more audit work. T prepares dinner, which is a Half Baked Harvest artichoke salmon recipe. If you’re thinking “this chick never cooks,” you thought right lol. T does most of the cooking and I do most of the cleaning. He also tends to do more of the dog duties, while I handle the cats. We find our balance.
9 pm: T and I finish Gilmore Girls! This was my third time watching the entire series; we chat about the ending and his thoughts. I tell him we have to watch the Netflix revival next, even though it sucks. We head to bed around 10:30.
Daily total: $61.80
Day 5 (Thursday)
8 am: No insomnia last night!! I knocked right out and slept a solid 10 hours, so I’m feeling GOOD. Coffee, feed cats, skincare, muesli, the usual.
9 am: I dial into our Chicago office winter town hall meeting and keep it on in the background while catching up on email. A local nonprofit founder is the guest speaker, and during the call he makes an announcement that the Chicago office will be receiving free copies of his new book! I’ve actually done a lot of volunteer work with this nonprofit and the founder has an awesome backstory, so I’m excited to read the book.
11:30 am: Coming up for air from a very productive morning! I had my rescheduled skip level chat - my VP confirmed I’ll go up for promotion in the next round and said I’m all around #killingit, which is always nice to hear. I also had a session with my mentee who is a college student interning at my company; we did a LinkedIn workshop and got her profile to the All Star level! Being a mentor is new for me and it’s harder than I thought, but she was more engaged than usual so I’m happy with today’s meeting. I check my email to see I sold something on Poshmark, so I send the label to Fedex to print, which costs $0.15. I’ll make a whopping $11 on my sale. Drop the package in a USPS drop box on my way back.
5:30 pm: Wrapping up early for once this week! I had a presentation this afternoon that went awesome; my boss said it’s a huge win and wants to make sure I get it in front of our SVPs. After work I go for a 4 mile run by the lake. Arrive home to another random package, which ends up being my company’s 2020 ugly Christmas sweater and a mask. Sweet!
9 pm: Since it’s been a hectic week, I decide to treat T and I to a fancy take out meal for tomorrow night from our favorite sushi spot in the city. They require advanced ordering and scheduled pick up so I place the order $95 platter for 2 + a fuji apple crisp dessert for 7 pm pick up tomorrow evening. With fees and tip it comes to $138.40. This is actually a very good deal; anytime we’ve eaten in the actual restaurant it’s at least $200+.
Daily total: $138.55
Day 6 (Friday)
8 am: TGIF! T and I usually do a neighborhood coffee date on Fridays, barring any crappy weather. We bundle up and take the dog with us to Coffee & Tea Exchange - they have the best seasonal lattes. I get a gingerbread cheesecake latte and T gets a fancy hot chocolate (he’s not a coffee drinker, which is CRAZY to me!). With tip it's $10.10; I pay.
9 am: T makes us pancakes for breakfast bc #Friday, but then 30 mins later I get a surprise donut delivery from work! Regretting all those pancakes now. I text our neighbors to see if they want any and they do, so I leave them on their back porch.
10:30 am: Dial into a department all hands and chat with our Chicago hub slack channel on the side. I work on a distributed team, meaning we’re spread across the country. I’m the only person in Chicago, so it’s nice to have a connection to local coworkers since I can’t go into the office.
12:30 pm: Virtual holiday party time! We play ‘Never Have I Ever’ which is fun; I learn a lot of silly facts about my team and especially my boss.
6:30 pm: Drowning in preparation for my global project kicking off on Monday, but break to go pick up my bougie sushi order. We get home, I eat, then I get back online for a couple hours to get to a better stopping point.
9:30 pm: Call it quits for the day and join T on the couch for our alma mater’s basketball game. This one isn’t as much as a blowout as the other night, keeping the faith though!
10:30 pm: We lose the game. :( Put on “Meet Me in St. Louis” to lift our spirits with some jolly showtunes. T insists I let him help me with my audit project, so I tell him to go for it. He stays up til midnight working on it. I fall asleep watching the movie.
Daily total: $10.10
Day 7 (Saturday)
10:15 am: Saturday, best day! I slept for 10+ hours so I’m feeling great. Put on coffee and join T on the couch to read my book. T makes us spinach pepper jack omelettes, and helps me with my work project again. He’s a gem. At 1:30 pm we put on T’s cousin’s Zoom wedding.
2:30 pm: After the wedding, I order T’s final Christmas present, which are a pair of boots from Thursdays he hinted at. With tax it comes to $211. After that I do a Nicki Minaj full body strength workout on Peloton, which kicks my butt but is so fun.
4 pm: We go on a Target run for some household items; I’m also looking for things to spend my FSA balance on. T buys an Instant Pot air fryer attachment and snacks. I get a pair of 5 lb dumbbells (my Peloton workout earlier made me realize I need more variety lol), 3 Christmas cards (for my mom, for T and T’s parents), hand soap, trash bags for $60. I also buy condoms, 2 face cleansers and body lotion using my FSA card.
5:30 pm: I head downtown to a friend’s apartment to hang out. She lives in Streeterville, land of the expensive parking - I pay $15 for the evening. She makes us dinner, and we watch Elf and Gossip Girl. Random combo. She sends me home with a bunch of leftovers.
9:30 pm: Back home, dick around on my phone while T plays Assassin’s Creed. At 10:30 we turn on SNL, bc Timothee Chalamet is hosting and I love him (much to T’s dismay lol). After that we head to bed, watch an episode of Broad City, and fall asleep.
Daily total: $286
Food + Drink: $210.30
Home + Health: $60
Clothes + Beauty + Gifts: $280.43
Transport: $15
Other: $50.15
This was a fairly normal week for me, other than the Christmas gifts. T and I do takeout once per week and I typically pay since he tends to cover groceries; this takeout meal was a tad more expensive than usual but that expense itself is standard. I hope you all enjoyed reading!
submitted by moneybagzemoji to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

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Get to know about the free games without wifi and start playing these no wifi games without wifi. Because these are the games that don’t need a wifi connection. The app store is now filled with thousands of mobile games, some of which are phenomenal. Unfortunately, most mobile games require a WiFi connection, which means you’ll be locked Get free games, no WiFi needed! Looking for apps that don’t need WiFi? We’ve put together a list of best apps without WiFi. Get free games, no WiFi needed! PLANS; COVERAGE; SHOP; 10 30 Game Apps You can Play Without WiFi. Search for: Skip to content. Home Toggle Submenu; Money & Savings Toggle Submenu; Inside Republic Toggle Submenu; Tips & Tricks Toggle Submenu; WiFi & Tech Toggle Submenu If you’re a fan of tower defense games and don’t mind the cutesy graphics offered by Plants vs. Zombies (which might turn off some potential players), Plants vs. Zombies 2 is an excellent addition to a growing genre. The biggest flaw with the game comes from its controversial freemium plan on both iOS and Android. While more players might be able to play thanks to the low cost of entry Free games without WiFi also known as “No WiFi games” that are free is hard to believe. Most of the Android or iOS games are developed in such a way that you need an internet connection to upgrade levels if not to play them on your device. You don’t need to set aside special time for solving puzzles, just open our happy pixel app whenever you want to kill the time and wherever you are instead. There is no need to worry about the situation of no WIFI either because Happy pixel is an offline game and your daily game progress will be automatically saved. It’s really an entertaining and addictive brain game that can help you Today I’m excited to be sharing a huge list of the best apps for kids that don’t need wifi or data! Last month we spent Christmas in Hawaii. I knew that three little boys on a six hour plane flight both to Hawaii and back was going to be a little tough, so I needed to be prepared. When we took our trip to Miami last year, I brought all of our electronics, but much to my chagrin, without Casual Games For Android and iOS (No Wifi Needed ) Sometimes you don’t want to play action games, or games that require your brain to focus on things. In a situation like that, the best way out is by playing games that are casual. There is no shortage of casual games in the market, as a matter fact, they have been around for a long time. Are there some games that don't need wifi? More Less. iPod touch Posted on Jan 13, 2013 10:07 PM Reply I have this question too (41 Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided; every potential issue may involve several factors not detailed in the conversations captured in an electronic forum and Apple can therefore provide no guarantee If you're looking for games that don't need Wi-Fi, there's something for everyone here: puzzles, number games, even multiplayer party games. So if you want to be sure to stay out of a potentially sticky situation, check out this list of apps that don't need connectivity to work. For more great picks that won't ruin your data plan, check out the So, keeping one or 5 great Android games that don’t need WiFi on your smartphone all the time is a great investment. For one, you’ll be able to enjoy quality time whenever you want but also won’t have to worry about connecting to the Internet and data charges. These games are especially recommended when you are traveling, particularly by air because there is not a lot of entertainment in

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No WiFi? No Problem! Top 10 New OFFLINE Android/iOS Games ...

Here's list of Top 17 Best HD Offline Games for iOS/Android Under 50 mb . Let us know about your favorite Android & iOS game in the comment section below. H... Unboxing The Biggest Bluetooth Speaker - https://youtu.be/JdkZguO-QsM?list=PL7u4lWXQ3wfI_7PgX0C-VTiwLeu0S4v34EarHoox 2.0 (USA Link) - http://amzn.to/2upgMgKE... If you like playing games like this, so here is the Video of 25 best offline RPG games for iOS & android that can be played without wifi and internet connection on your iOS & Android. Games List ... Here's list of top 18 Best HD Offline Games for iOS/Android 2018. Let us know about your favorite Android & iOS game in the comment section below. Help Us To Reach 100k SUBS ★Subscribe for more ... Presenting the 10 Offline Games for your Android and iOS device. You should have some Offline Games install on your phone, so you can play those games when y... I hope you guys enjoyed watching the video!!Comment down below your favorite games to play!!!Cousin Tag https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoYhR5MmYwYWhat to do... SAY HELLO ON INSTAGRAM! @gemmalouisecareyGIRLS! I promise you'll love all of these apps - from games, to inspiring reads, you need to check these out :) hope... No WiFi? No Problem,Top 10 New OFFLINE Android/iOS Games of 2017![AndroGaming] Join Our AndroTeam! - https://goo.gl/LPdDPSHope you enjoy the video...Please g... Register now at whatoplay.com: https://bit.ly/2yZFomFhttps://whatoplay.com/ios/free/ - Complete list of all free-to-play iOS games.Our updated ranking of the... Ranking of the best free-to-play iOS mobile games that you can play even without an internet connection; the top-rated free offline iPhone, iPad & iPod games...

apple app games that don't need wifi

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