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The Bahá’í Faith, bəˈhaɪis a monotheistic religion founded by Bahá’u’lláh in 19th-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind. There are an estimated five to six million Bahá’ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories. Three core principles establish a basis for Bahá’í teachings and doctrine: the unity of God, the unity of religion, and the unity of humankind.From these postulates stems the belief that God periodically reveals his will through divine messengers, whose purpose is to transform the character of humankind and develop, within those who respond, moral and spiritual qualities. Religion is thus seen as orderly, unified, and progressive from age to age.
The Bahá’í writings describe a single, personal, inaccessible, omniscient, omnipresent, imperishable, and almighty God who is the creator of all things in the universe The existence of God and the universe is thought to be eternal, without a beginning or end.Though inaccessible directly, God is nevertheless seen as conscious of creation, with a will and purpose that is expressed through messengers termed Manifestations of God.
Ishqabad Baha’i Temple
Bahá’í notions of progressive religious revelation result in their accepting the validity of most of the world’s religions, whose founders and central figures are seen as Manifestations of God. The Bahá’í writings state that human beings have a “rational soul”, and that this provides the species with a unique capacity to recognize God’s station and humanity’s relationship with its creator. Every human is seen to have a duty to recognize God through His messengers, and to conform to their teachings.

Bahá’í Prophecies and Predictions
Throughout the Bahá’í writings, future events have been prophesied. The most specific prophecies are related to the rise and fall of leaders and organizations. Most of these prophesies can be found in Bahá’u’lláh’s tablets to the kings and rulers of the world and in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
Particularly potent to early Bahá’ís was Bahá’u’lláh’s prediction in 1868–69 of the fall of Sultan Abdülaziz, who was deposed in 1876. Other prophecies, including statements from `Abdu’l-Bahá, are general in nature, relating to the nature of future society, and the rise of the Bahá’í Faith to prominence.
The Prophesied Downfall of Various Leaders
Sultan Abdu’l-Aziz
Bahá’u’lláh in the Súriy-i-Ra’ís and the Lawh-i-Fu’ád predicts that Sultan Abdu’l-Aziz will lose control of the Ottoman Empire.Writing to `Alí Páshá, the Ottoman Prime Minister, Bahá’u’lláh wrote: The day is approaching when the Land of Mystery (Adrianople) and what is beside it shall be changed, and shall pass out of the hands of the King, and commotions shall appear, and the voice of lamentation shall be raised, and the evidences of mischief shall be revealed on all sides, and confusion shall spread by reason of that which hath befallen these captives at the hands of the hosts of oppression. (Bahá’u’lláh, Súriy-i-Ra’ís, August 1868).
Later in 1869, Bahá’u’lláh writing in the Lawh-i-Fu’ád compares the Sultan and his Prime Minister to Nimrod and Pharaoh who rose up against Abraham and Moses and writes that they will lose power: Soon will We dismiss the one who was like unto him [`Alí Páshá], and will lay hold on their Chief who ruleth the land [the Sultan], and I, verily, am the Almighty, the All-Compelling. Be thou steadfast in the Cause of God and extol thy Lord morn and eve.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Lawh-i-Fu’ád, 1869).
Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz was deposed on May 30, 1876 and a fortnight later he was found dead in the palace where he had been confined, and trustworthy medical evidence attributed his death to suicide although many people believed he was murdered by a conspiracy. The prophecies in the Lawh-i-Fu’ád regarding the downfall of the Sultan and the Prime Minister played an important role in Mírzá Abu’l-Fadl, one of the Bahá’í Faith’s foremost scholars, in conversion to the Faith, after the fulfilment of the prophecies.

Alí Pashá
Alí Pashá was the Prime Minister of the Ottoman Empire under Sultan Abdu’l-Aziz; Bahá’u’lláh called him “the Chief.” Bahá’u’lláh in the Súriy-i-Ra’ís and the Lawh-i-Ra’ís predicts that he will lose his power and station. Writing to him in August 1868 Bahá’u’lláh wrote: “Thou hast, O Chief, committed that which hath caused Muhammad, the Apostle of God, to lament in the most sublime Paradise. The world hath made thee proud, so much so that thou hast turned away from the Face through whose brightness the Concourse on high hath been illumined. Soon thou shalt find thyself in manifest loss!” (Bahá’u’lláh, Súriy-i-Ra’ís, 1868).
Writing to him in another tablet Bahá’u’lláh states once again that he will lose his station and glory: “Soon will He seize you in His wrathful anger, sedition will be stirred up in your midst, and your dominions will be disrupted. … Have ye fondly imagined your glory to be imperishable and your dominion to be everlasting? Nay, by Him Who is the All-Merciful! Neither will your glory last, nor will Mine abasement endure. Such abasement, in the estimation of a true man, is the pride of every glory.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Lawh-i-Ra’ís, 1868). `Alí Pashá died in office in 1871 after three months of illness.

Napoleon III
Napoleon III was the Emperor of the French from 1852 to 1870. In 1869 Bahá’u’lláh wrote to him in the one of the five chapters that compose the Súriy-i-Haykal. In the tablet Bahá’u’lláh writes that if Napoleon III does not follow Bahá’u’lláh he will lose his kingdom and that commotion will occur in France:”For what thou hast done, thy kingdom shall be thrown into confusion, and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a punishment for that which thou hast wrought. Then wilt thou know how thou hast plainly erred. Commotions shall seize all the people in that land, unless thou arisest to help this Cause, and followest Him Who is the Spirit of God in this, the Straight Path. Hath thy pomp made thee proud? By My Life! It shall not endure; nay, it shall soon pass away, unless thou holdest fast to this firm Cord. We see abasement hastening after thee, whilst thou art of the heedless.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Súriy-i-Haykal, 1869). Within the year, in battle against Prussia in July 1870, the Emperor was captured at the Battle of Sedan (September 2) and was deposed by the forces of the Third Republic in Paris two days later; he was sent into exile to England where he died.
After Napoleon’s capture by the Prussians, General Louis Jules Trochu and the politician Léon Gambetta overthrew the Second Empire and established the “Government of National Defence” which later became the conservative Third Republic. Its creation was overshadowed by the subsequent revolution in Paris known as the Paris Commune, which maintained a radical regime for two months until its bloody suppression in May 1871.

Bahá’u’lláh prophesized the fall of the Caliphate, the title of the head of state in Sunni Islam. From 1517 onwards, the Ottoman sultan was also the Caliph of Islam, and the Ottoman Empire was, from 1517 until 1922 (or 1924), synonymous with the Caliphate or the Islamic State. Addressing the people of Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Bahá’u’lláh, in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas which was completed in 1873, claims that the leaders of Constantinople, the Caliph, has been a source of tyranny, and that they will lose control:”O people of Constantinople! Lo, from your midst We hear the baleful hooting of the owl.
Hath the drunkenness of passion laid hold upon you, or is it that ye are sunk in heedlessness? O Spot that art situate on the shores of the two seas! The throne of tyranny hath, verily, been established upon thee, and the flame of hatred hath been kindled within thy bosom, in such wise that the Concourse on high and they who circle around the Exalted Throne have wailed and lamented. We behold in thee the foolish ruling over the wise, and darkness vaunting itself against the light. Thou art indeed filled with manifest pride. Hath thine outward splendour made thee vainglorious? By Him Who is the Lord of mankind! It shall soon perish, and thy daughters and thy widows and all the kindreds that dwell within thee shall lament. Thus informeth thee the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1873). On March 3, 1924, the first President of the Turkish Republic, Kemal Atatürk, constitutionally abolished the institution of the Caliphate. Its powers were transferred to the Turkish Grand National Assembly (parliament) of the newly formed Turkish nation-state and the title has since been inactive.

The rise and fall of Communism
The rise and fall of Communism: Absolute equality is just as impossible, for absolute equality in fortunes, honors, commerce, agriculture, industry would end in disorderliness, in chaos, in disorganization of the means of existence, and in universal disappointment: the order of the community would be quite destroyed. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, 1904–6).
Movements, newly-born and world-wide in their range, will exert their utmost effort for the advancement of their designs. The Movement of the Left will acquire great importance. Its influence will spread. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá in January 1920, quoted in World Order of Bahá’u’lláh).
The chief idols in the desecrated temple of mankind are none other than the triple gods of Nationalism, Racialism and Communism, at whose altars governments and peoples, whether democratic or totalitarian, at peace or at war, of the East or of the West, Christian or Islamic, are, in various forms and in different degrees, now worshiping. (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, published in 1941).

The outbreak of World Wars
The fall of kingdoms in Europe by 1917: We are on the eve of the Battle of Armageddon referred to in the sixteenth chapter of Revelation… The time is two years hence, when only a spark will set aflame the whole of Europe… by 1917 kingdoms will fall and cataclysms will rock the earth. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá in October 1912, quoted in Esslemont, Baha’u’llah and the New Era, citing Corinne True in The North Shore Review, September 26, 1914).
The outbreak of World War II, involving the Balkans: The ills from which the world now suffers… will multiply; the gloom which envelops it will deepen. The Balkans will remain discontented. Its restlessness will increase. The vanquished Powers will continue to agitate. They will resort to every measure that may rekindle the flame of war. (‘Abdu’l-Bahá in January 1920, quoted in World Order of Bahá’u’lláh)
The sufferings of Germany in two wars: O banks of the Rhine! We have seen you covered with gore, inasmuch as the swords of retribution were drawn against you; and you shall have another turn. And We hear the lamentations of Berlin, though she be today in conspicuous glory. (Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1873).

Strange and astonishing things
Strange and astonishing things exist in the earth but they are hidden from the minds and the understanding of men. These things are capable of changing the whole atmosphere of the earth and their contamination would prove lethal. (Bahá’u’lláh, Kalímát-i-Firdawsíyyih (Words of Paradise), c.1879–91).

Nuclear Energy and the Use of Nuclear Weapons
Some point to this as a statement about the discovery of nuclear energy and the use of nuclear weapons. Bahá’u’lláh also wrote that planets would be found around other star systems, and that life would be found on those planets:
Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute.” (Bahá’u’lláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, Section LXXXII). A modern understanding of star formation recognizes planets forming around any star. The term ‘creature’ is used elsewhere in Bahá’í scripture by `Abdu’l-Bahá to also include minerals, in addition to plants, animals, and human.

A ruler who will raise up the Bahá’í Faith
In 1873 Bahá’u’lláh wrote in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas: How great the blessedness that awaiteth the king who will arise to aid My Cause in My kingdom, who will detach himself from all else but Me! Such a king is numbered with the companions of the Crimson Ark–the Ark which God hath prepared for the people of Bahá.
All must glorify his name, must reverence his station, and aid him to unlock the cities with the keys of My Name, the omnipotent Protector of all that inhabit the visible and invisible kingdoms. Such a king is the very eye of mankind, the luminous ornament on the brow of creation, the fountainhead of blessings unto the whole world. Offer up, O people of Bahá, your substance, nay your very lives, for his assistance. (Bahá’u’lláh, Kitáb-i-Aqdas, 1873).
This is elaborated specifically: In the Lawh-i-Ra’ís He actually and categorically prophesies the rise of such a king: “Erelong will God raise up from among the kings one who will aid His loved ones. He, verily, encompasseth all things. He will instill in the hearts the love of His loved ones. This, indeed, is irrevocably decreed by One Who is the Almighty, the Beneficent.” In the Ridvánu’l-`Adl, wherein the virtue of justice is exalted, He makes a parallel prediction: “Erelong will God make manifest on earth kings who will recline on the couches of justice, and will rule amongst men even as they rule their own selves. They, indeed, are among the choicest of My creatures in the entire creation. (Bahá’u’lláh, 1868, quoted by Shoghi Effendi in Promised Day is Come).

The establishment of a World Commonwealth
In America the destruction will be great! They must disperse for their own protection. The cities are doomed: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles… America will become the storm center of the future.” “Americans are exposed to great dangers. Today the power of America is in the hands of The masses. There is a terrific power in the press, and the people are swayed by it. The United States, on a national scale, sets the pattern for an international pattern. There will be a World Civil War, followed by the establishment of a world state; all the nations will be a part of it and will have to conform to it.
This war has already started…” Prophecies of Baha’u’llah and ‘Abdu’l-Baha concerning Global Catastrophes and the transmutation of this material world into spiritual paradise through the divine awakening of all mankind. God has warned: “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates [which flows through Iraq].” So the four angels [holding back the four winds of destruction] were released, who had been held ready for the hour, the day, the month and the year, to kill a third of mankind.” (Revelation 9:14-15) As the proliferation of nuclear weapons spreads, and the availability of weapons of mass destruction escalates, and the resentment and dislike against America in the world community of nations rises, this disaster only gets worse and worse and worse.
Why will the people not turn to the solution? In the end they will have no excuses. In the end they will have no one to blame but themselves. All around the world the people pray for peace. But when God sends them the “Prince of Peace” in answer to their prayers, they reject Him. If you are one of these, then in the end, you will have no one to blame but yourself. The most we can do is hoist this flag on the world wide web, put out the battle cry, and open our doors day and night for the faithful to enter in.
As the “Haifans” in Israel continue to parlay the warnings of Baha’u’llah, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi, the war that is about to devastate humanity is readying itself to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world. The Baha’is should be the first to be voicing the concerns to the people, but the majority of them are the last, as they have been veiled and misguided by a bogus and corrupted administration anti-the lineage of King David continuing, that seeks to “hold to the form of the religion, but deny the spirit of it”. This is why the majority of the world will suffer. And this is why there will be a few of the Baha’is who will recognize the validity of the teachings on this subject. For some, it might be too Late.
submitted by RebornInLife to PropheciesOfTheFuture [link] [comments]

"BodyCon" in the Belle Epoque

Warning: pedantry.
This article floated up on my Facebook feed yesterday:
The Belle Epoque Body-con Dress that was too Sexy for Paris
I commented on it on FB briefly at the time, but it's a great candidate for a post here because it has some issues.
In the Spring of 1908, three women walked onto the Longchamp racecourse in Paris and jaws dropped. The elite society event was known for debuting the latest couture creations to the public, but no one had seen fashion quite like this before. Dressed in blue, white and havane brown creations, according to newspapers, spectators called the three women a “monstrosity”, accused them of being semi-naked and showing revolting décolletage. It was these three dresses however, which would forever change fashion that day and launch the twentieth century silhouette. As for the designer? Well, no one really bothered to remember her name…
One of the troubles with primary sources in this area is that there's never a lot of attention paid to being factual. Fashion is business, and publicity is publicity. Here's an account from the French paper Gil Blas on May 16, 1908 (my translation):
There was a scandal at Longchamp, last Sunday. [...] Four superb young ladies walked Sunday at Longchamp. The air was tepid, the season pretty, the décor ravishing. [...] So, four superb young women were walking. They provoked the sharpest stir. They passed, a little haughty, laughing, proud of their success. And they had charming little pouts of contempt at the ends of their pink-painted lips for the persons of their sex they met.
They were followed with curiosity. The men were admiring, the women stupefied and sometime indignant. Some ladies cried: "it's a scandal!" And they roused other women who almost caused a riot.
These sensational girls spread under the Sunday sun gowns of the latest model that Mme Margaine-Lacroix, a dressmaker very in vogue, it seems, wants to offer to us. Empire or Directoire gowns, say some; greek robes, say others. They aren't fixed. Pagan gowns, in any case, I think ... And this original quartet went with tranquility among the masculine homage and feminine denigration. The thin and silky fabrics, uncovering the neck and allowing their admirable shoulders to be admired, wound from the chest to the ankle in a harmonious mixture which was designed to delight their contours, arched the waist, descended in delicate spirals and let one guess at the gracious movement of a fine leg on the open side.
Here's an English account from The Truth, May 27. Just between the two of these, there are discrepancies. For one thing, the naked backs and chests in The Truth don't show up in the photographs of the event. It's understandable that the writer went with the English one - it's a lot more accessible - but it's very sensationalist and plays on the "dangerously sexy Parisian women" stereotype. And the images from the MessyNessyChic article are dated on Gallica to May 10, so the Sunday that Gil Blas refers to as the day of the riot - but they all have sheer or white insets in their gowns that cover their chests - no décolletage, no naked skin. (Although from the photos, one woman did manage to show cleavage through her dress.) The English source is also fairly clear that it was the bright, attention-getting colors and the fact that these were dresses suited for fancier, indoor events that caused part of the stir, rather than just shock at how tight and revealing they were on an absolute scale. Lastly for that first paragraph, everyone remembered the designer's name - both of my primary sources name Margaine-Lacroix. It was a successful stunt.
Long before Lycra or Spanx came along, she soon began making dresses made from stretchy elastic silk jersey, outlining the hips and thighs and slimming the figure.
Silk jersey is nothing like Spanx - a jersey dress does not slim your figure. To the contrary, it's horribly unforgiving.
The gawking crowd at Longchamp could see that the women were not wearing what they considered to be underwear, which in those days of course consisted of bulky under-garments including a full corset, petticoat and chemise.
The thing is, they probably were. By this point, it was A Thing to proclaim, as in The Truth, that a fashion required no corsets or that you never wore one ... but the women in the pictures have figures that are impossible without corsetry. They are wearing underwear. (Corsets of this period were usually made of a single layer of coutil, and petticoats and chemises were very light muslin. Not bulky.)
You could now see their real, natural, soft bodies, rather than stiffly corseted, heavy-bosomed artificial silhouettes.
Er ... those are some pretty heavy bosoms in the photographs.
Their skirts were also oh-so-shockingly split to the knee
Yes, but. The Truth explains how the outfit is actually two parts, a pleated dessous or underdress and a overgown with a slit up the side. The spectators at Longchamps weren't seeing legs, they were seeing underskirts (that clung to the leg).
These “marvellous women” or “fabulous divas” scandalised [Revolutionary] Paris with revealing dresses and tunics modelled after the ancient Greeks and Romans, cut of light or transparent linen and gauze, often too tight to even allow pockets.
At that time, pockets were large, deep bags (essentially) that were tied to the waist under a gown and accessed through slits in the skirt. They could be very bulky, since they filled the function of a handbag - it wasn't that any woman's clothes ca. 1800 were too tight to allow anything underneath, it was just that the slimmer line and sheerer fabrics made wearing pockets under the gown impractical.
And it was Margaine-Lacroix’s dresses that floated across those Lonchamps racetracks in 1908 which sparked the desire for change.
Fashion is always changing - at the end of the 19th century, the vast majority of bodices were made very fitted to the shape. Then around 1900 a looser fit began to predominate, sometimes over a fitted lining and sometimes not. It was natural for the characteristic Edwardian blousy bodice to fall out of favor without any spark. By about 1906, it had become desirable for tailored suits to be smooth down the front rather than showing an echo of the gathered bodice in front; by 1907 there were advertisements for ordinary dresses that were fitted instead of fluffy. This fashion illustration dates to March 1908, a month before the Longchamps event, but the dress it shows looks an awful lot like Margaine-Lacroix's. It's almost never true (I say "almost never" because you're not supposed to say "never", but it's not like I can think of any exceptions) that widespread fashion changes occur because of a single designer's brainchild.
Almost overnight, every impressionable young lady longing for a change from the rigid Victorian dress wanted to be those three women in the sassy slimline dresses.
Argh, not Victorian! Victoria was queen until her death in 1901; her son Edward became king in that year. It's sadly common to erase his reign in pop fashion history because "Victorian" has instant name recognition as a synonym for "uncomfortable and dowdy". Victorian fashion was hardly rigid, but I'm struggling to think of how this stereotypical Edwardian dress could be considered "rigid".
But throughout all the sensation and the press reports, Margaine-Lacroix’s name was left out of the headlines; not even given a footnote, and she was subsequently written out of fashion history.
Margaine-Lacroix did get the publicity for her dresses, as linked above, but I will allow that she's been written out of fashion history. The thing is, though, pretty much everyone was written out of fashion history. You would think that Rose Bertin (Marie Antoinette's marchande des modes) was the first designer, and then there were shabby and unmemorable seamstresses for decades until Charles Frederick Worth invented the fashion industry, followed by Chanel inventing modern clothes in 1920. There are SO MANY dressmakers and couturiers who deserve to be remembered and none of them are. It really sucks. Even among people who are more interested in fashion history, only a few more names are added to the list.
“Margaine-Lacroix has been forgotten, cast into shadow by the splendours of the Russian Ballet, and the exquisite illustrations of Poiret’s gowns. But influential as these were, it was Jeanne Margaine-Lacroix who brought about the general adoption of the lean, modern look. She deserves to be recognised as one of the most influential designers of the late Belle Époque.”
Promoting Margaine-Lacroix as The One Who Did It is just as much of a mistake as leaving her out, see above.
At least one of my former classmates is fighting the good fight in the comments.
submitted by chocolatepot to badhistory [link] [comments]

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France : Classement des prénoms de GARÇONS (1900 à 2019 ...

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