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Ciao a tutti! Hi everyone!

Ciao, sono il nuovo moderatore (dal Sud Sardegna) di questa subreddit e vorrei fare qualche miglioramento per creare più utenza e renderla migliore, avete suggerimenti o idee? Ho appena eseguito un re-design generale del subreddit.
Magari si potrebbero fare degli AMA con domande e risposte?
Ho preparato una wiki, consultabile al seguente link, lascio un estratto qua sotto. Qualora qualcuno volesse contribuire nella scrittura della wiki, mi contatti.
Buona permanenza a tutti! :)
ho aggiunto i flair, per chi volesse. Eventualmente fate richiesta se lo volete personalizzato.
Ciao a tutti e benvenuti nella sub dedicata alla Sardegna!
Questa sub vuole riunire sardi e chiunque sia interessato alla cultura/tradizioni dell'isola. E' consentito postare domande o dubbi o consigli per le mete di un futuro viaggio.
This subreddit wants to bring together Sardinians and anyone interested in the culture/traditions of the island. It is allowed to post questions or doubts or advice for the destinations of a future trip.
For info, contact via modmail.
Per info, contattare via modmail.


La Sardegna é un'isola nel Mar Mediterraneo, regione dello Stato italiano, con capoluogo Cagliari. E' un isola con antiche tradizioni e abitata da parecchio tempo, una delle piú vecchie al mondo.
L'isola é famosa per il mare e per la cucina sarda.
Il linguaggio ufficiale é l'italiano ma si parla anche il sardo
Sardinia is an island in the Mediterranean Sea, a region of the Italian state, with the capital Cagliari. It is an island with ancient traditions and inhabited for a long time
The island is famous for tourism, especially in the seaside areas of the whole island.
The official language is Italian but Sardinian is also spoken.


Ecco alcune delle spiagge piu belle/consigliate/Most beautiful beaches:
Budelli- Spiaggia Rosa
CALA SPINOSA Santa Teresa Gallura – Olbia-Tempio
CALA COTICCIO Caprera Island – Olbia-Tempio
TUERREDDA - Cagliari
CALA GOLORITZÉ Baunei – Ogliastra


Ecco alcuni dei piatti tipici della cucina sarda: - Fregola, un piatto con pasta a base di semola, vongole e gamberi. Ha davvero un buon gusto con molti sapori.
-Fregola, a dish with pasta made with semolina, clams and prawns. It is has a really good taste with many flavors.
-Porceddu, which is a pig around 4kg to 6kg cooked with myrtle on a spit in front of the fire for many hours. It is very crisp.
-Spaghetti with sea urchins, a dish with raw urchins, tasty but sometimes expensive.
-Cannonau, the Sardinian wine
-Culurgiones: a kind of home-made dumpling pasta stuffed with delicious mint-flavoured potatoe cream and cheese. Usually served with fresh tomatoe sauce and basil or with butter and sage
-Lamb with artichokes
-Seadas: a traditional sardinian dessert made of fried pastry filled with delicate lemon-scented cheese and topped either with warm honey or sugar.


Interessante notare che è la lingua viva più prossima al Latino. Vi si ritrovano ancora tracce della lingua precedente l'arrivo dei romani e del Fenicio.
Questo si vede sopratutto nei toponimi Sar-degna, Sar-dare, Sar-roch etc > Sar era probabilmente denominazione di luogo/città.
Kar-alis, nome originale di Cagliari, ci racconta delle sue origini puniche: Car-tagine.
Ulteriori approfondimenti qui
È un casino. C'è poco da fare.
Civiltà Nuragica
Di nuraghi ce ne sono circa 7000 sparsi qua e la per l'isola. Spesso si tratta di singole torri ma qualche volta troviamo strutture organizzate in villaggi e santuari. Tra i villaggi Su Nuraxi è forse il più conosciuto. Interessante è anche il nuraghe di Santu Antine.
Su Romanzesu rappresenta invece un classico esempio di santuario con annesso pozzo sacro.
Un elenco più vasto di tutti i principali siti nuragici lo si trova qui
Monte d'Accoddi (una piramide?) A ulteriore prova dell'origine Extraterrestre e/o Atlantidea del popolo Sardo abbiamo questa "piramide" tronca a base quadra. Interessanti sono i resti di un altare sacrificale , un menhir e una pietra lavorata a sfera (forse in riferimento ad un culto solare). Maggiori info su wikipedia e sul sito Sardegna Cultura
Tharros Tharros, che sorge nei rpessi di Oristano, fu fondata dai Punici un sacco di tempo fa, probabilmente sui resti di un precedente insediamento Nuragico. Dopo i Punici arrivarono gli immancabili Romani che l'abitarono finoa l suo abbandono. Ai giorni nostri costituisce un museo a cielo aperto dove sono visibili la pavimentazione romana con relativo scolo fognario. Si distinguono isolati e abitazioni, edifici monumentalie templi. Maggiori info storiche qui e qui Maggiori info sulle visite qui
Sant'Andrea Priu (sì, quasi come la Toyota) E una delle cosiddette Domus de Janas. Letteralmente il termine "Domus de Janas" si traduce con "casa delle fate". Infatti si pensava che dentro queste celle scavate nella roccia ci abitassero tali creature. Di fatto si tratta di necropoli ipogee atte a ospitare le spoglie di una comunità. Particolarmente interessante é quella di Sant'Andrea Priu. Presenta infatti tre camere e numerose celle: La prima camera presenta ancora tracce della pintura delle pareti risalenti al neolitico (~5000 anni fa) La seconda è stata riutilizzata come tomba romana ed ancora sono visibili gli affreschi rappresentanti decorazioni varie e la matrona La terza è stata convertita a chiesa Bizantina. Ancora una volta sono conservati gli affreschi e le decorazioni. Al di fuori, sulla sommità, è scolpito nella roccia un toro. La cui testa è stata rimossa probabilmente ad opera dei cristiani.
Maggiori info su wikipedia
Vicino si trovano il castello di Burgos e il Nuraghe di Santu Antine. I tre monumenti possono essere visitati tutti lo stesso giorno.
submitted by Fra00 to Sardegna [link] [comments]

Underground Poker in the south

I like seeing all of these stories about 2000's underground poker. I wrote about my time in the 2000's running an underground poker ring in Charleston South Carolina.
Here is what was going on in South Carolina during that time. This was a real cat and mouse game with the police that turned into a poker game all on its own.
Chapter 1
Every other morning as I iron my shirt for work I am reminded of the secret life that I had lived for nearly two years. See, an eight foot by four foot felt poker table with a four inch raised padded rail, automatic card shuffler, and chip drop-slot makes for a great ironing board. In a pinch it also serves many other, equally as important purposes. I name them off in my head as I flatten the collar of my favorite blue shirt; a large desk for history homework, a hard table for an impromptu interrogation, a soft platform for sweaty sex, and of course a poker table for making money. I put on my shirt, still hot from the iron and I roll up my sleeves as I walk down the stairs from the third story of my townhouse. The October air in Charleston is cool and feels good against the heat on the back of my neck. I slide into my shiny red BMW, nearly two years old now, but paid for. The smell of raw leather still lingers in the interior, and seems stronger on mornings like these. I instinctively push the button on the center console to lock the doors before I grab the gear shift and put the car into reverse. I don’t know why BMW doesn’t make them lock automatically. I pull out onto the highway and spin the tires, listening to the 330 horsepower wake up the car. I’m not in a hurry or anything, in fact I haven’t been in a hurry for quite some time. It’s just that it is sometimes important to make it look like you are in a rush, and sometimes it is just because it feels damn good to go fast.
“Folks don’t get wealthy by being in a hurry.” I remember lecturing to Kevin in one of the first months of our two year, million dollar endeavor. He was always in a hurry. I still stand by my saying, though I should have replaced “wealthy” with “anything they want.” Folks don’t get anything they want by being in a hurry. Oprah Winfrey did not get rich by rushing into having a talk show with a book club, and presidents don’t get into the White House by throwing their name on the ticket the minute the idea pops into their head. No. Oprah started by landing a co-anchor position on the local nightly news. And Ronald Reagan started as a B-list actor before becoming president of the Screen Actors Guild, Governor of California, and finally President of the United States. People don’t get married by flying to Vegas minutes after meeting each other, or after a one night stand. Well, maybe they do, but this is why it doesn’t work. They slow down and date for years, are engaged for another and then they get married, in a church, surrounded by their families and are then taken off in a horse drawn carriage to their honeymoon. That’s how you fucking do it.
It is an uneventful two hour drive on highway 17 going north. Myrtle Beach isn’t really busy this time of year, but the traffic is still just as bad. It’s a good thing that I am not in a hurry. I pull into my VIP spot with almost an hour to spare, the parking lot is empty except for a few cars spattered in the first two rows. An old minivan with curtains on the windows, a Ford Escort with a spare tire rusting on the rear axle, and an old Chevy truck with a child’s car seat in the passenger side, just to name a few. The owners of which are probably already claiming their lucky seats. Fucking suckers. They all probably rushed to get here too and onto the boat. I stay in my car for another 15 minutes and wait, listening to the ‘pumped’ playlist on my iPod, my car’s premium speakers matching perfectly to the acoustics of the interior space. I think just for a second about pulling out of my space and driving further up the coast to Atlantic City. I would probably be too exhausted from the drive by the time I got there and would sleep in the hotel until late at night. That is when the real whales come out. Here on the 11 am Myrtle Beach casino boat the closest thing to a whale is the 350 pound mother of five glued to a stool in front of the “Wheel of Fortune” slot machine. I don’t leave, instead I open my glove box and stuff six 100 dollar bills into my pants pocket, any more or any less would be unnecessary, at least on a Wednesday. I walk slowly up to the path and say hi to Dave as I pass up onto the ramp. I don’t need to show any ID to board.
“Good Morning, Ryan.” Dave says as he straightens his back and pulls the daily newspaper from his stand, handing it to me. They all know me by name; I know most of theirs too, but not them. Which is alright, that makes us even. I pass through the halls and by the sad looking, unlit slot machines. Some people have already claimed their seat with a jacket and their lucky bucket. I go up to the tallest portion of the ship, the poker room, and head out onto the deck. No one else is out here, probably due to the two flights of stairs and the fact that there is a free buffet on the floor below. I sit down in one of the cushioned white chairs and pull the first cigar of the day out of my shirt pocket. I light it with my silver Zippo that is etched with a royal flush and blow out the puff of smoke as I put my feet up on the metal rail. It’s going to be another half hour before we undock and another half hour after that while we float out into international waters. I know from experience that this cigar will last exactly one hour, paired with two Grey Goose and Red Bulls it is truly the breakfast of champions. At this time most people in the eastern half of the United States are sipping on their second cup of coffee while sitting on their uncomfortable office chairs in their grey or brown cubicles. I think about this just as land disappears from sight over my polished black Italian shoes. That could be me, making 40k a year in an unhappy office; only looking forward to the weekends for freedom. My college degree is somewhere in a box already. I graduated in May, majoring in business management with a 4.0 GPA. My parents were thrilled; their little boy had accomplished something great. They didn’t know. Their little boy hadn’t been a little boy in a long time, and he had already accomplished something so great that he couldn’t even tell them. Fuck a degree, fuck a 4.0. The only reason I had even stayed in school for my last year was because I had nothing better to do, not because I wanted a fucking job. My parents think that I have submitted my application to nearly every business in Charleston. “Sorry mom, this economy just isn’t a good one for a freshly graduated 23 year old. They want someone with more experience.” I’m not sure how true this is, because I haven’t even made my resume, let alone actually gave it to a company. I was too scared of getting hired. So I don’t travel back to Ohio to visit them that often. I couldn’t lie to my mother right to her face. I could lie to nine strangers around a piece of felt, and they would believe me, but to my mom, no. I sometimes think that if she knew the basics of poker, she could beat me.
My coworkers are all already around the table when the signal is called for the first hand to be dealt. I take the last good drag off of my cigar and tossed it over the two decks below into the water and grab my Vodka Red Bull and headed inside. The scene has changed dramatically from an hour ago. I slowly walk to the open chair on the right end of the table in seat three and pull 400 dollars out as I sit down. I surveyed the table while walking up. Most people have 200 dollars; one guy has about 350 dollars with his wallet next to his stack on the table. Sometimes it’s good to be the last to sit. I know exactly how much to put down to top everyone yet not be too robust and scare everyone off when I am in a hand. Mr. Wallet is not afraid to lose every bit of that 350, and I have to have that covered. The locals know me – and my play. They know exactly what I am doing – they think they know exactly what I am doing, I’m not worried about them. The good thing about casinos is the vacationers; rotating money. None of them know me or how I play, but I know all of them and exactly how they play. Well, at least the 90 percent of them that play the same damn way. This is especially true of the ones with dark sunglasses, or earphones, or their lucky card covers. They watch too much T.V. The dealer knows me by name and after taking my frequent player card he slides over my stacks of chips. Mostly white-one dollar and red-five dollar chips, but a few are green-twenty five dollar chips. “There you go, Ryan. Good luck” He says, tapping the top of the largest stack. Luck? I don’t know what it is about tapping and poker. I look around the table and catch a glimpse of a sunglassed teenager tapping the rail with a green chip, a fat man with an iPod tapping his knee along with the beat of his music and then the dealer tapping my white chips. And of course the tapping that every player does when they say “check”. I swear if I could block everything else out but the tapping it would sound like some sort of long lonely song. I grabbed my chips and pulled them close to the rail. The sound of chips clanking together is a sound that every poker player knows. It is especially prevalent during the first ten minutes of any game. Most people have been waiting, impatiently, to get those chips, and now they want to feel them in their hands. They want to show off their talent of chip-shuffling, and chip-bouncing, or other hand tricks. I have seen them all. Chip tricks are cheap tricks, who do these fuckers think they are? I can’t resist. I take a stack of three red chips and three white chips and put them side by side. I shuffle them once with perfect form, and then I cut the stack of six into two stacks of three again and shuffle once more. I again put them in two stacks of three and shuffle one last time. When I split them again they are in two perfect stacks of three reds and three whites. I amuse myself by doing this a few more times. No one is watching. They are all busy doing the exact same thing; killing the two minutes while the dealer shuffles the brand new deck of cards. Before I know it I have two cards in front of me and I take a quick peak. 4d9c. Rags, I have a 32 percent chance of catching a pair, and that wouldn’t even help. I probably have less than a 5 percent chance of winning this hand.. “Fold.” I say, tossing my cards into the middle of the table as I slump back into my chair. I’m in no rush.
submitted by 12Paces to poker [link] [comments]

Things to Do in Surfside and Myrtle Beach

Things to Do in Surfside and Myrtle Beach
If you need to understand where to go and what to do at the same time as you’re on vacation this yr., we’ve got you covered! Our group has compiled the maximum comprehensive list of things to do in Myrtle Vacation Properties using recommendations and recommendations from site visitors, Facebook fans, and neighborhood experts. What we’ve come up with is a one-of-a-kind guide to Surfside Beach House Rentals sights, shows, eating places and much higher! Whether you’re seeking out an outside adventure, an exciting ride, or want to shop ’til you drop, we have masses of a laugh in keep for you. See the manual under for facts on all the first-class attractions in Myrtle Beach and make the maximum out of your next excursion!
The Beach
The Grand Strand. So named by using a newspaperman of the 1940s, the call has stuck, and it describes a few 60 miles of wide, secure, lovely, sandy beaches. With all there is to do along the Grand Strand, site visitors regularly file that the #1 reason they go to Myrtle Beach is for the seashore itself. With greater than 14 million visitors coming annually, it’s a good factor Myrtle Beach beaches stay pleasant and secure, clean and inviting. Early-morning seaside walkers experience yr.-spherical quiet times as the sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean, and late-night strollers, flashlights in hand, marvel at the brilliant moon rises and the haunting impact of a nighttime go-to. Mid-day, especially in the summer months, the seaside takes on new strength at the same time as families and singles, young and old, relish in America’s favorite pastime.
“Fly through the air with the greatest of ease!” Myrtle Beach parasailing captains have made it smooth to bounce like a bird. And on a beautiful Grand Strand day, the perspectives are out of this world! Let area boat captains and crews release you slowly, and correctly upward, tethered behind a boat as you pass parasailing in Myrtle Beach. Out at the open ocean, however still near shore, you’ll fly like a seabird, adequately attached in your harness seat. The perspectives are unmatched, and the thrills are suitable for all ages.
Fishing Charters
The vast blue Atlantic Ocean is more than only a play land for hundreds of thousands of traffic every 12 months looking to splash around for an afternoon. It is likewise a superb region for anglers seeking out a large seize via one of the many Myrtle Beach fishing charters. The waters off the Grand Strand are responsibly fished for dozens of species of recreation fish by using industrial fishers and fishing charter customers who find the thrill in reeling in dinner (or trophy fish) and returning home with bragging rights and a freezer complete of fish. All-day (or even overnight) charters go to the Gulf Stream 3 hours offshore for Tuna, Wahoo, Mahi-Mahi and other tremendous fish of the sea. In-shore half and all-day letters can bring domestic Flounder, Mackerel, and Grouper. Leave the frozen crab legs on the buffet for the amateurs; our fishing charters know a way to find and capture fish. They’ll even easy them for you!
Escape Rooms
Escape Rooms are the most recent sensation in Myrtle Beach, and numerous of them have popped up in the beyond a couple of years. Escape Rooms also acknowledged as “Break Out Rooms,” are interactive attractions in which visitors are given a scenario and should resolve a sequence of puzzles, within a set time limit, to get away from the room they are in. While each enchantment hosts exclusive experiences, some popular Escape Rooms scenarios include cracking a financial institution vault, avoiding a serial killer, locating hidden treasure, and much more. And, while some may additionally sound scary, the escape rooms in Myrtle Beach are family-friendly, focusing at the duties of trouble solving and teamwork in a pleasant atmosphere.
Jet Ski Rentals
Since the first Jet Skis rolled off the meeting lines within the late Nineteen Sixties and into America’s lakes, rivers, and oceans, water sports got a whole lot extra amusing. Like motorcycles at the water, jet skis, also referred to as PWC (Personal Water Craft), is fast, funny, and secure when operated responsibly and adequately. Small sufficient for one rider or massive enough for up to 4 passengers, present-day jet skis are responsive, maneuverable and abundant alongside the Grand Strand. Using jet boat technology (no exposed propellers) jet skis pressure water through a rocket-styled nozzle that pushes the craft through the water with outstanding manipulate and efficiency. Whether at the Intracoastal Waterway, Place Rivers, or the Atlantic Ocean, they are plenty of locations to revel in and lots of Myrtle Beach Jet Ski rental groups to provide the ride. Jet Ski lovers may be seen nearly year-spherical, however especially within the hotter months skipping alongside over the floor of the water, all with one factor in frequent: huge smiles on their faces.
Boat Cruises
With the Atlantic Ocean to the east and the Intracranial Waterway to the west, several boat tours in Myrtle Beach provide a selection of entertainment and sightseeing alternatives. From quiet Waterway dinner cruises to thrilling online casino boat experiences, there may be something for every vacationer. The Big M Casino Boat in Little River travels three miles out to allow for legal, Vegas-style gaming, even as nature-friendly dolphin excursions just off the coast join you with nature. Professional crews and breathtaking views can make Myrtle Beach boat tours a particular part of your holiday, with many site visitors returning year after year, taking new generations on trips they formerly enjoyed. Live track and dinner programs on the bigger boats upload to the experience. All excursions are subject to restrained capacity, and it's far recommended to make advanced reservations.
submitted by surfsidescrentals to u/surfsidescrentals [link] [comments]

This little town on the border of Ohio...

It looked completely abandoned, or populated by bums. My fiancé and I found it on our way back from Myrtle beach, because I REALLY had to go.
It was aptly named “point pleasant” and was a mile away from us just between West Virginia, and Ohio. Pulling into it was this disheveled man trying to hitch a ride but we know better than to pick up strangers.
Especially one who looked strung out on some kind of drug.
We found a place that marketed itself as a café, so we figured it must have a restroom. It had an open sign on in the window and blacked out doors, so we figured it’s a 50/50 shot on being open or abandoned. We pulled on the door, and it doesn’t budge. So as I’m walking back to the car, this woman comes out of the door and talks to my fiancé, and agrees to let me use the bathroom.
We get inside, and it looks like some miniature bacasino. It had four slot machines against the wall and some other machines I didn’t pay attention to because I RUSHED to the bathroom. On my way out I don’t see my fiancé anywhere, so I figure he’s out in the car. The woman who let me in kept asking where I was headed, which might have been her attempt at polite small talk but I was simply ready to leave.
On my way out to the car, hobo joe who was hitchhiking earlier spotted me walking to the car. I go and peer inside and my future husband was nowhere to be found. I started checking all the doors, which proved to be no good. Hobo joe was starting to get close when my fiancé comes out of the creepy casino after using the bathroom himself.
He sees what’s going on and speed walks over to me, and hobo joe is walking towards me in a threatening stance and asking me something. At this point I’m wigged out of my gourd and do not register what his words were at all, or maybe he was just making guttural noises since my fiancé didn’t get what he said either. We both manage to safely haul our asses in the car and lock the doors. We go around the building, and hobo joe isn’t following.
As we are headed over to the bridge, we see mr.joe at a stoplight still trying to hitchhike. The light was turning red and he positioned himself to start running in front of the car to make us stop. We gunned it and managed to get out of point pleasant intact and got home soon after.
TLDR: has to pee and pulled up into creepville usa, went into a possibly illegal casino and got stalked by a threatening hitchhiker.
Edit:point pleasant
submitted by epicrandomcandy to creepyencounters [link] [comments]

Gentlemen of Reddit, what are some different ideas for a bachelor party?

My friend and I are setting up our buddy's last weekend before tying the knot and looking for some ideas that maybe you guys would have. The weekend we're shooting for is June 16-18. We're all around 24-26yo from VA and are looking to stay in the Mid-Atlantic area and maybe a little west if we find something good enough. We're also not trying to spend a lot, like maybe 500 per person at most for everything. Things off the table: strippers, casinos, and Myrtle Beach.
We're open to any and all ideas that are on the table.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by antman36 to AskMen [link] [comments]

Cape Feare's Bravest: A pictoral guide to the Fire/Rescue service

The region known is Cape Feare is home to 50,000 residents living in almost a dozen communities and protected by 23 fire stations who are staffed by a mix of paid and volunteer firefighters.
The first community in the area was the Village of Cape Feare. Cape Feare was initially protected by three separate volunteer fire companies operating from their own single bay stations:
Cape Feare Fire Company No. 1 operating a 100' Quint (combination engine and aerial device) and protecting the original downtown and an adjacent small productive forest. It is located on the original Main Street of the village, and is adjacent to the Cape Feare Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
Cape Feare Fire Company No. 2, operating a class 'A' pumper and protects mostly single family dwellings.
Cape Feare Excelsior Fire Company, a formerly quiet station operating a single class 'A' pumper from what for a long time was the extreme fringe of the village.
Recent explosive growth in the Village of Cape Feare and the construction of high value and high density properties, like the local sports franchise, saw the construction of Cape Feare Fire-Rescue Company #4, which is staffed by both full-time firefighters and volunteers and operates two class 'A' engines and a hydraulic aerial platform.
Here, Companies 1. and 2. work to extinguish a housefire
The next community was Brooke Point, built on one of the islands in the estuary, home to the regional cruise ship terminal and, inexplicably, the German battleship Bismarck(a leading tourist attraction). Brooke Point, a community of dense multi-story commercial and residential development is protected by two volunteer fire companies:
Brooke Point Hook and Ladder Company operates a pair of 100' quints from a historic station wedged along a busy street filled with highrise development.
Brooke Point Hose Company operates a single class 'A' pumper and protects the far side of the island. It responds from a single bay station nestled beneath an overpass of the interstate highway that cuts across the region, and protects a highly developed area.
The Town of Belmont, adjacent to the Village of Cape Feare, was originally a few blocks of single family houses adjacent to a busy industrial area. The Belmont Fire Department was originally an all-volunteer department that operated from a two-bay station on the town's main thoroughfare.
Station #1 is still in existence staffed fully by volunteers ,and from here the department operates two pumper-tankers to protect a mixed industrial/residential area, with frequent mutual aid responses to the nearby Coleridge Industrial Park.
The Town's growth continued towards the coast and with that a second station, Station #2 was built on the coastal highway that passes through Belmont. The station has combination staffing and operates two short-wheelbase class 'A' pumpers and a short-wheelbase aerial device.
Further growth across the Narrows saw the founding of four communities occupying the four remaining islands of the Narrows: Myrtle Island, Hewitt Island, Kent Island, and Anchor Island.
Myrtle Island, known for its high property values and luxury highrises is served by the all-career Myrtle Island Fire/Rescue, which operates short-wheelbase class 'A' pumpers and a short-wheelbase aerial device from it's Main Station on Myrtle Island. Myrtle Island also provides fire protection to the nearby Kent Island and Hewitt Island, small communities of largely single family vacation homes. Myrtle Island Fire/Rescue operates a substation housing a 100' Quint which protects the adjacent shore community of Port Chester, and the Laurel Head resort and tourist destination.
The fourth island, Anchor Island, is largely composed of luxury homes and tourist attractions. It is protected by the Anchor Island Fire Department, which uses a small career staff supplemented by volunteers to man its two class 'A' pumpers.
Past Port Chester, nestled in the far corner of the Cape Feare region, is the Town of Pearl Point, a growing community of mixed residential and commercial development that sprang up around a casino. It is protected by the all-volunteer Pearl Point Fire Department, which operates two class 'A' pumpers, a pumper-tanker for an outlying rural residential development (responding here), and a hydraulic aerial platform.
The Village of Sunset Beach was settled early in Cape Feare's development, on the opposite side of Coleridge Mountain from the Village and the Town of Belmont. Adjacent to the sprawling Cape Feare Industrial Park, it is protected by a combination department:
Station #1, originally a single-bay station in the old center of the village and since rebuilt and relocated, is operated by volunteers. The current station used to lie on the outskirts of the Village before being overtaken by development. It houses two class 'A' pumpers, and is frequently called to nearby Elk Farms.
Station #2, located adjacent to the local Cape Feare Sheriff Department station has career staffing supplemented by volunteers, houses two class 'A' pumpers and a 100' Quint, and protects a dense residential and commercial area. It also makes frequent responses to the neighboring industrial park.
The last and largest community in the region is the City of Highland Cove. Home to numerous attractions, landmarks, train stations, and the region's international airport, it is protected by a combination department with three stations:
It's Headquarters Station also serves as the Crash-Fire-Rescue station for the airport and is located adjacent to the main runway. It houses both Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) apparatus, as well as structural response apparatus. It houses full-time staffing to staff the ten apparatus that operate from this station.
Station #2 is a small station that operates a single engine company and protects the sprawling residential suburbs that make up a large portion of the city. It is staffed by volunteers.
The recently constructed Station #3, located on the northern fringe, protects a mixed residential/commercial district, including the new Amphitheater, and its single class 'A' engine is operated by volunteers.
Industrial Fire Brigades
The region of Cape Feare is home to numerous industrial developments whose unique hazards and challenges warrant their own fire brigades, typically staffed by industrial employees and frequently responding to the neighboring towns and cities. Today the Industrial Park runs along the coast bordering the Village of Sunset Beach and extending almost to the Village of Cape Feare.
First created was the Cape Feare Industrial Park Fire Brigade. Station #1 is a small station located in the original industrial park, and today operates a hydraulic aerial platform, and a class 'A' engine.
Station #2 is a recently constructed three bay concrete fire station that serves as headquarters. It protects two large sea/freight cargo terminals and, unlike Station #1, has full-time staffing. Station #2 operates a specialized foam-firefighting apparatus (formerly an ARFF truck) to protect the many refining plants, in addition to a class 'A' engine and a pumper-tanker which both boast foam systems.
Coleridge Mountain was named for Coalridge Mines, a sprawling mining operation occupying a large part of the hillside. Known for its poor air and frequent truck gridlock, it is protected by the Coleridge Industrial Fire Brigade, staffed with full-time firefighters supplemented by employee reserves.
Their Main Station is a two bay station located on the main highway that runs up the mountain from Belmont and passes the Coleridge Rail Terminal before going down the mountain, through Elk Farms, and into Sunset Beach. It operates two class 'A' engines with integral foam systems.
As the mining operation expanded across the busy rail line that services the park, a small second station was constructed on the other side of the tracks to house a single, aged, foam pumper.
Elk Farms is a productive agricultural development occupying the lower slopes of coal ridge mountain. The employees volunteer their time to operate and staff the Elk Farms Fire Brigade. Originally operating from two small barns on opposite sides of the area, today it operates from a small station on the main highway and which houses two small class 'A' pumpers. The Brigade is also frequently called to the nearby Moore Cargo Rail Depot.
The discovery of oil in the region saw the construction of Kamp Krusty, a pumping and refinery development located off the interstate highway which serves the region. It is home to the small Kamp Krusty Fire Brigade, which operates a single elderly engine from a barn.
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If you’re looking for something unique to do around the Grand Strand, check out the Big “M” Casino boat cruise based out of Little River. Big “M” Casino is the only casino boat in South Carolina that has two luxury yachts that offer day and evening cruises. Vacationers ages 21 and up can take a break from the sun and set sail on an entertaining gambling cruise that features many ... I would use that term "loosely" but yes. We have 2 casino boats (actually to me they look more like rust buckets) but they are docked in Little River, right down the road from me.They go out 2 times a day for about 5-6 hours, you have to go 3 miles out into International Water and are only allowed to gamble about 1-1/2 hrs, the rest of the time on board is getting to and from International Waters. Answer 1 of 7: The wife was thinking we might go to Myrtle Beach. She knows I'm a tripadvisor fan, mostly Vegas Forum. She wanted me to ask a few questions. How many casinos in Myrtle beach? Are they close together? Is there any other casino's close by... Answer 1 of 21: Just wondering if there are any casino's in myrtle beach Little River is just minutes from Myrtle Beach. A quick day trip from Columbia or Charleston, SC or Charlotte, NC. Both of our casino boats sail year round. Once on board, you'll get to test your skills and luck with table games like Blackjack, Let It Ride and 3 Card Poker. Craps and Roulette will be available at a later date. Check prices on North Myrtle Beach Casinos ... (MYR), 17.2 mi (27.7 km) from the city center. If you’d like to explore around the area, consider renting a car to take in more sights. Recent reviews of North Myrtle Beach hotels. Expedia Verified Review … Expedia Verified Review W W … 5 / 5 Excellent. Beautifully decorated, staff was extremely pleasant! A verified traveler stayed at Club ... Myrtle beach is located in the state of South Carolina (United States). It is definitely a medium town, with a total figure 29000 locals. There's no casino in Myrtle beach and that is unlucky! But do not stress, there are some amazing gambling venues close by, like Little River The Big M Casino Ship I, Little River The Big M Casino Ship Ii and ... Looking to hit the casinos in Myrtle Beach? Lucky for you, you'll find Big M Casino Gaming Yacht, situated 19.7 mi (31.6 km) away, and SunCruz Casino, 19.7 mi (31.7 km) away, plus lots more to see and do. Tourists speak highly of the pristine beaches, breathtaking sunrises, and golf courses. You might want to visit top attractions like Broadway at the Beach. You can stay at your choice of 4258 ... Find 4 listings related to Harrahs Cherokee Casino in Myrtle Beach on See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Harrahs Cherokee Casino locations in Myrtle Beach, SC.

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